CCP Hilmar, CCP Falcon, and CCP Goodfella reveal their plans for an Eve Era of CHAOS in this new interview!

Ahh speciality - Take it out of context and add nothing of value - Well done

Making isk is only as easy as you made it - That change when the game is designed to inhibit playing it.
I could go join Goons and still make isk as i always have OR my choice, Hope CCP don’t keep changing things in an attempt to fix something that actually encourages players not to log in.

So far nothing CCP has done is affecting the highest isk making regions in the game but is devastating smaller groups.


Haha rage more

I have no such agenda, and you have no evidence that i do.

Not really, you can more social interaction out of wow, and tbh, its social interaction is also… kinda garbage.

I know, I am one of those that have been playing since the start. The super power spam was not an issue until people realized how to make large amounts of isk. You really wanna destroy the null blocks? Nerf the alliances income as an entity, i promise you after that they will die or be checked in power. It might be interesting to make stations physically hold isk, and if they die it can be looted this could combat that pretty substantially. (maybe even make hackers be able to hack stations for isk once a day or something).

the issue is that they are immortal because of things like moon mining spam, and rental agreements (though i am not really against them, i support them existing, and advocate strongly for mechanically ingame related forms of dealing with them (like actual treaties standings that lock them and their rates and access)).

Yes, IT absolutely is, but you know whats worse? The “suicide the noob” nonsense.

LOL again you presume based on your experiences and are wrong.

No rage here at all, except against those who presume the game is the same for everyone.


You say I am taking you out of context when you are the post above me, and I am NEVER going to have anything of value (to you) because I don’t agree with you. But here you are unsubbing for a month straight, it gets old, stale and comes off as whiny.

I have played literally every phase and stage of the game since 2010. I have seen basically all of it from CFC to a small Alliance in bumble, to high, low and WHs.

Get over it.

The first bit of that sentence would have sufficed if you truly didn’t have one. The second bit of that sentence is the evidence that you do.

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I might not have made myself clear. WOW might be able to provide more (or better) social interaction, but eve is more heavily relied on this social interaction to simply survive. Or, in other words, without this social aspect and player generated content, there is not much left to play. Most of the PVE content is so bad that it only serves as a mean of making ISK, nothing else. I might be wrong but I think WOW is better than EVE if you are really going to play alone, without that social aspect.

Actually, I still think null blocks are kind of interesting. It is amazing how the leaders managed to get all those people together, dealing with spy and find balance between big alliance. This is not a commonly seen play style in other games. And I personally don’t think “making lots of ISK” is a problem. Just like the real world, big economies are making lots of money. To me the problems is the lack of counter play for “+1 for the win”. There is too less drawback for having more people and more asset. If they are good and well organized, they are entitled to earn great amount of ISK, however by having more population, the daily operation cost should also go up hugely.

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Unsubbing? Interesting, the only time my accounts have ever unsubbed in 15 years is when I wasn’t able to be near a coomputer. I don’t know why you presume the way you do.

As for nothing of value to me - Yes you do. Simply spending 30 seconds looking at your killboard tells me just how bad these changes are for those not in a Bloc group…

You somehow think you are special, I’ve been in Goons, PL and a few other shitty Bloc groups and would never willingly play that way again.
There isn’t much I haven’t tried in the game, I don’t have the time or energy (health wise) to commit more time than i do now which is reason enough for MY personal take on this whole thing.

I don’t expect others to agree with me but do object to others telling me i am wrong when it comes to how i do or don’t play the game.,.

its a pitty you did not play before 2007, it was very different in those days.

my agenda is to make this game better. The truth is anyone advocating for changes, purely for the sake of self benefit has tunnel vision, and its doomed to cause the game to degrade into nothing. That is why eve is suffering so badly, because the game has been developed based on bad positions and opinions that cater to a very small crowd, one that cannot financially sustain eve for the future to come.

Coming here and advocating for changes when i am not playing eve should be a testament to how much i really do care for the game ( as i do for all in the industry especially ones that really are the only game holding that genre together, like eve).

This is very very true. Im not really sure if this is a good thing though. I’d like to shift this pyshological state of fear to a positive state of accomplishment by finding ways to validate corporate objectives and purposes. I feel the greatest of them is building a station, however, this has huge implications for eve if its done as i think it should be.

I believe it was a mistake and a bad sense of design to allow players to build stations based on sizes. They should start with one, and upgrade it to the last (small > medium>large> extra large). Maybe the faction relation should be shifted to modules. I also think corporations and alliances should be limited to the number of stations they can build, potentially gated behind a skill.

The reason i say this is because i do not think its good that people can get war dec’d for having a station, as stations are the single greatest since of corporation identity and accomplishment. I’d move to this upgrade system and probably shift the war eligibility system to level 2, or 3 required (or a collection of smaller stations totaling up to that equal number (ie if its 2, then two level 1 stations will make a corp eligible).

This form of social interaction is far better for retention and the over all health of the game.

Some things out there are still worth it solo. Like exploration. not really much group related activities there tbh, room for ccp to improve upon it.

I think they are good in general, but the size of them is not. I also do not like the concept of “no-sov checking frienimies”. I’d like to introduce mechanics that would change that.

There is so many annoying mechanics that can change this. Like limiting the amount of people that can be docked in a station, for example (probably through a soft/hard cap system that did something like (if x amount of people are docked here at once, the redock time increases by x%, tax go’s up by x%, etc). you could even shift this value into a 24 hour period. to help distribute population. This would in ways impact coalitions significantly forcing them to spread, and making more trade hubs in null (which imo, is not a bad thing)

The problem is most of it comes from the alliances. CCP should nerf alliance income badly, and try to find a way to provide some benefit, like a special station module that augments the insurance rates of ships. This way alliances can in some way SRP Ships but not itself need large amounts of isk to do so. This removes a lot of the isk from the economy with out significantly impacting the over all current game play, while at the same time bringing up other entities to a competitive level. It has to be done perfectly though, or it will be a disaster.

I am fine if the big blocks crash under their own weight.

It will always work out that way, im not so much against the better being the less better. I am against the better rofl rolling those slightly less better players, and them the next and so on.

Eve… No… Games need cooperation, and competition.

Matters little.

All of this is the direct result of pheonix and rubicon, CCP made it so null was so safe, structures are everywhere, and sub-caps can’t exist on grid with caps/supers. This wasn’t always the case.

That it took them FIVE FRIGGING YEARS to figure this out isn’t my problem. I play the game I am handed, the PR mess is their problem because they didn’t reign Fozzie in 5 years ago.

The game will survive or it won’t, but as it stands they are still just slapping bandaids.

No actually it matters a lot. The life death cycles are a must for the political scene. ITs from them new alliances rise, create new atmospheres and new sets of requirements to join, and generate purpose and a sense of belonging.

This is my primary attack on the existence of null donuts. Because these things exist, and immortal empires are here, we shift that creative, purpose filled form of game play into an industrialized copy machine where players are forced to conform to a specific, singular play style, of be excluded from that form of content (in this case, null access).

The creator of fozzie leaving ccp was a disater. When i look at the system, it had genius moments, but like almost everything in eve, is touched by some idiot i could only imagine being the lead designer, or hellmar. Why do i say that? Because while these genius moments exist, you have stupid crap in them that are clearly out of place. Its like two cooks working on the same dish with their own opinions on how it should come out (conflicting) One of them right, the other… clueless.

Im trying to correct that position in them. I agree, This moth ridden shirt needs some full design passes, and if anything, the rest of us designers can learn that if we need to change something a lot, its time for a complete design pass (overhaul).

See that is just it.

Talk about slapping the little guy? The jump range nerf coupled with space aids. So as the little guy in a nomadic alliance, that made null impossible to me in 2014. I quit for a couple years over it.

  1. Cap changes

HAW TITANS should have never been a thing. I am sort of the same opinion on dreads…but whatever.

DDs. Holy crap what were they thinking with the bosun and GTFO, lance is …doable…but I was playing back when titans got both their turret tracking nerfed to hell, their scan res killed AND their targets restricted to three. Why? Because they were too good at hitting battle cruisers. He undid all of that.

Carriers? FFS. who knew that making a carrier lock as fast as a SEBO’d HAC, with drones that move 4-6k and apply 600dps to a FRIGATE would be an issue. Carriers used to be kept in check by the fact that you could outrun fighters with most nano- BATTLECRUISERs. Nah lets let them turbo lock and turbo move in space.

…all that was needed to fix carriers was making a SEPARATE drone and fighter bay so you couldn’t fill you archon with 3000 (not kidding at all) drones and go drop a wrekking ball with 250 of your closest friends.

But no, the dude had to go re-invent the wheel.

Has anyone EVER been happy with FAXs? Ever? I mean in every phase of the game they are a simple annoyance.
…and I had to give up my Thanny that I had for like 6 years for this? Because of all of that crap above COMBAT REFITTING yeah that was the issue.


So CCP hit some metric and now they are flailing. Goons have basically admitted that their “glassing” expedition that they were doing up north involved a good deal of burnout. The drifters shooting everything that moved was just an excuse.

They were burnt out because killing even a medium structure is straight ■■■■■■■■, and magic wand sov is worse.

Like I said bandaids. Or just aids. Hence why I stepped way out of the SOV game in 2014 and only dabbled for a couple months since. Its boring, and its not worth it.

Because of terrible design desisions. Timezone tanking and a week to knock down some basic low power ■■■■■■■■ rait? yeah. no.


i live over in a pocket of empire, since the changes of blackout a null alliance has come into the pocket alone with several Chinese multiboxers. 1 runs a 80 man proc fleet mining everything from dt to dt. they have already stated they are going to erect a refinery on eve moon though out the pocket. that 1 80 man proc fleet can strip a moon belt in very little time

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12 bombers can make that quite amusing…

its in empire so bombs cant be used. now smartbombs would, but the corp there backed out of the war because they were afraid the nullsec alliance they are from would come to empire and pop the citadels. soooo…yeah

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Bombs are not allowed in highsec.

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So smartboming T1 BSs

Or just wardec