CCP MasterPlan in 2010, Ladies and Gentlemen. Outlaws of EVE

But this is what I don’t get.

You, and the rest of the highsec carebears on this thread, often repeat the meme that a majority of EVE plays in highsec and that only a minority of players play in nullsec. Yet due to how voting works for the CSM, how is it that Nullsec candidates consistently keep getting the votes?

Why can’t you highseccers all just band together for literally a single election and show us that you actually do out-number nullsec players? It can’t be too hard, you are all representing the same issues, right?

Nullsec groups are astonishingly more organised than hi-sec players. They also have more invested players that are more inclined to vote.

A comparison to real life democracy might be something like main political parties vs independents.

How realistic is it to ask all the independent parties of a county to put aside their differences and ‘band together’ to compete against the main parties. It’s just not going to happen.

And no, hi-sec players most certainly do not share the same views on game design.

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I mean, then clearly the issue is not important enough for enough highseccers. If they can’t be bothered to organize and group together to make their issues known to CCP, then why should CCP waste their time listening to them?

I would make much more sense for everyone to consolidate their issues and elect a CSM candidate to give feedback than to have a hundred random people all trying to rambo their own game and individually whine about it.

Like I said, it should really be people who matter. And those who (1) refuse to organize, (2) adamantly hold onto their "I’m gonna live in highsec solo and never socialize, (3) can’t even agree on singular issues, and etc., their opinions just don’t matter. :man_shrugging:

Probably not.

I wouldn’t go as far as saying their opinions don’t matter. But agree their inability to give a ■■■■ makes them little more than static.

I know i ranted a lot, but all I was really arguing is that null does in fact have a good deal of influence with ccp.

And all I’m saying, is for all the crying that highseccers do, they could also have a good deal of influence on CCP, if they stopped whining and managed to organize.

I can agree that people who don’t get involved in their community, don’t really get a say in what happens. However, EVE is not a government where if you don’t get involved you may end up with a government you may or may not deserve, and is not really optional once voting is over. EVE is a game, and it is optional. If people don’t like what’s happening in a game, they leave. Most people do not organize to influence their cell providers or their cable company as examples, they expect the companies to try to figure out their needs and to earn their dollar. CCP cannot really be an exception, it is really their first responsibility to found out the needs and wants of their customers if they want to continue earning their loyalty, and if they want to stay in business for the long haul.

With that said, unfortunately high sec is likely filled with casual players, it is difficult to determine what the needs and wants of such a transient and fickle population. Could they organize? Possibly, but it would require both CCP and a dedicated group within the community to start a campaign to at least make high sec dwellers aware that CSM even exists for starters. But in the end, if high sec dwellers are a significant revenue stream, then I think it’s still on CCP to reach out to that part of the community.

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I don’t think it’s really up to CCP. If the players can’t be bothered to look for this on their own, then they clearly don’t really have much of a vested interest. Also, CCP does plenty already to make players aware.

1 - Twitter

2 - Official Webpage

3 - Community Webpage

4 - EVE Online mails that reference CSM feedback

5 - Official Forums

6 - Official Facebook Pages

On top of this, there are plenty more areas where players can find out and learn about the CSM that are not official CCP avenues.

r/eve - Reddit - Dive into anything

Third party news sites -

And a whole host of other places online that I can’t be assed to find because there are just too many.

My point is this. If you’re a highsec carebear who plays in a style that is SO far isolated from the rest of the game, to the extent that you don’t even know what the CSM is, let alone decide to organize and group together. Then your gameplay doesn’t matter.

Again, I can agree that they don’t really deserve a say. But also again, being a capitalistic endeavor, in the end it still comes down to the bottom line. Does high sec generate significant revenue? If yes, then it’s not really that their opinions matter or not, it’s what CCP is going to do to retain that uninvolved apathetic high sec revenue. Unless CCP is making so much money right now, only their vision matters, but given somewhat recent events, that doesn’t seem likely.

Don’t get me wrong, I hope CCP’s vision does win out, and I do believe a high sec that is not 100% safe, which is sometimes counter to what many high sec’ers may believe, can be part of a winning vision. It’s just it seems there’s been a lot of neglect in high sec for a long time, and there is such potential for high sec to be like a colorful lawful/lawless Wild West type society, much like Firefly or such.

Everyone has a say in EVE, whether they know what CSM is, or whether they read the facebook, or twitter, or anything else. A plethora of gamers have told us and CCP that the game is not worth playing; they said it by quitting the game. That’s something worth listening to.


No, they’re not the same person.

No, it doesn’t.

“You high sec carebears hiding in your safe space sure is dumb and lonely hur hur dur” said the null sec guy, from behind the safety of his Blue Donut Shield, NullSec warning system, and several thousand sycophantic buddies blindly feeding their corporate masters.

“Yep those high-seccers they sure can’t accomplish nuttin’ hur hur dur!” said the high sec player, obsequiously backing down from the challenge offered by the null farmer.

Just a little reality check here, folks:

  • Where’s all the money, contracts, trade? High Sec.
  • Which region dominates imports/exports? High Sec.
  • Where’s all the population? High Sec.
  • Where’s all the PvP and destruction? High Sec, despite all the limitations.
  • Who rivals NullSec ‘Farmville’ in production? High Sec.
  • Who does all this with the worst rewards, without the ludicrously lucrative mining bots and ratting bots and payouts of Null sec? High Sec.
  • Who doesn’t need the safest sector of space, with the most layers of protection (Null Sec) to accomplish this? High Sec.

You know why High Sec doesn’t organize? Because they don’t need to.
You know why High Sec has all the noobs and unmotivated players? Because that’s where CCP puts all the players by default.
You know why High Sec doesn’t need to band together with a herd of cronies to step outside their station? Because they don’t need NullSec safety umbrellas holding their hand before they can take a leak.
You know why High Sec has been asking for Social corps for years? Because they are very social, but they don’t really want to hang out with the geeks of Null Sec.

Seriously guys, you talk about CCP catering and caving to the needs/cries of High Sec again and again, and then try to state that high sec wields no power because they’re all confused, weak, anti-social noobs.

Sorry kids, but high sec doesn’t work to elect a CSM because they don’t need to. They already have everything they need. It’s only all the weirdos, misfits and outcasts that band together in Null Sec so they won’t feel so afraid that constantly need to beg CCP for yet another bonus to their super safe, super profitable region. And even with all their begging, they can’t match the power, wealth and numbers of those ‘disorganized anti-social noobs’ of high sec.

(PS: For those who get their exercise jumping to conclusions: I don’t ask for safer high sec, I don’t have any problem with Nullsec players or nullsec groups, I don’t think ‘high sec needs a vote’, and I post the above merely as devil’s advocate to point out a contrasting view to those who are sneeringly dismissive of other players choices. The only thing I have an actual problem with in EVE is poor overall game design, badly implemented mechanics, and sloppy programming.)


Excuse me, but what are you guys actually arguing about?

Sadly, just another Scoots Choco thread derail for the sake of derailing.

Anyways, back on topic to the OP!

Which was Intentionally Left Blank.

Hence all the crying on the forums. :slight_smile:

I appreciate this, btw. :slight_smile:

I even made sure to report the initial post,
sharing the intention of the blankness.

Also, if you’d just stop responding to this wannabe-Salvos, it’d help a lot. :slight_smile:

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There was this one day when a launcher glitch prevented multiboxing and for one hour after downtime instead of the usual 12k people logged in it was only 6k…

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