CCP please fix hi-sec

Uh, who in this thread is talking about anything that is going to impact on ganking mission runners? Like seriously, try and stay remotely on topic.

Read the op next time?

Quote from the original Post:
“CCP please… why did you code it that way ? It’s not even logical and it’s clearly biased towards ganking. Plus it’s destructive for the gameplay. Please let us shoot gankers (all toons from gank setup including looters, sensor boosters etc.) without concord intervention by making them perma-suspect.”

How would you know which character the looter is so that you could perma-flag them?

you can go and shoot every HS ganker if you want :slight_smile: cause they are perma shootable cause -10 sec Status. If you win this pls let me know and i will reward you

Are you guys even capable of reading? This is a Quote from the op, not my Suggestion. I don´t even live in highsec.

Rly ? if you dont live in HS why you lost this much stuff in HS ? ^^
btw… if you cant kill gankers then dont cry that CCP should allow to shoot everyone in HS who has a freighter near a ganked target. just Play smarter not harder and you never get ganked :wink:

Sometimes I wonder how some people even manage to login…

What do you think I lost in highsec?

A Golem.

I dont know why this is about me now, but be my guest :smiley:

Yes, when I started playing I lived in high sec. The Golem was lost due to the ddos issues, same with the nighthawk and both were replaced by CCP.

None of this has anything to do with ganking.

I just answered a question… Didn’t say it was ganked.

I am glad that this space ship game attracts so many smart players, like you

I’m smart, too!

I too am der smart

Why? It hardly can be any safer than it already is.

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I agree that risk/reward seems to be okay right now in high. My point is rather, if you want to decrease risk, you will have to decrease the reward too.

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If you don’t want to get ganked, don’t be a target.

It really is that simple.

Shuttling a hauler full of BPOs through highsec is stupid. Autopiloting doubly so. Gank avoidance 101: don’t be a target.

You can fit 1,000 prints in a frigate hold. Align tank a frigate with a covert cloak (Astero with 1.66s align and hyperspatials) gives you plenty of room and the fact that bubbles can’t be deployed in Highsec makes you nigh on uncatchable.

I’ve done this myself through Gank Central and laughed as all the gankers saw was my tail end disappearing through a gate.

Gank avoidance 102: if you must move stuff, do it in such a way as sure you might be a shiny target but they don’t know that, all they see is an instawarping frigate and 99.9% of them won’t even bother chasing you.

Gank avoidance 103: BE SMART IN YOUR TIMING. Certain gankers (especially multiboxers) run to a regular activity schedule. ZKillboard will give you that schedule, all you have to do is look. Do your hauling when they’re not active on your route. Which brings us nicely to:

Gank avoidance 104: Scout your route. Have alts or corp members sit off gates, just watching Local and DScan for ganker-like activity. Spotted, just dock up. Don’t take stupid risks.

Gank Avoidance 101:
Buy a permit kid


Pretty sure that would fall under the bannable offense category of exploits. CCP lets you gank to your hearts content, but if you gank you must die for it. Thems the rules.

Mining doesn’t harm the economy because mining is not a faucet, all it does is move wealth from someone else to the miner selling his ore.

It ‘can’ because it’s a resource faucet, and if too many resources are produced and not enough destroyed (or leaving the game on inactive accounts, remember the MER graphs don’t account for that method of ‘destruction’), then it devalues assets till we reach the point where loss is irrelevant for some people.