CCP Rattati on a stream talking about economy

SP grinding in future patch confirmed


source ?

Donā€™t we already have skillpoint grinding? The daily login rewards where you shoot an NPC for 2500 SP.


Thanks for the (biased) summary!

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Dissenting voices are valuable but they do not have to be condescending.


ha ha ha ha ha
I see what you did there bud.
Just smarter than here.

I made it a haiku to try to divert some of the negativity.

No, itā€™s not an admission of guilt, itā€™s a statement of fact. An admission of guilt would follow the fact with some sort of corrective action.

To quote some important phrases:

  • The effort on player retention has been doubled ;
  • Soon there will be a drastical change in the game ;
  • The reserved banks for ESS are a fountain of ISK for those who want to take it. The keys will be provided by content ;
  • Improved mining ;
  • Healthier subcap fleet meta ;
  • At CCP they donā€™t try to project what prices will go up or down for items ;
  • Scarcity isnā€™t the future ;
  • They will make all areas of space lucrative and incentivize players to be everywhere and create demand for everything ;
  • PLEX price has gone down mostly due to less illegal ISK in the system ;
  • New players need instant gratification to stick to the game , Expert Systems were introducedā€¦ .

I am not going to comment on any of the above , each of those are an entirely different thread . I will give it time and give CCP a change to make this universe a better one. Time will tell , I hope that by the end of this year , weā€™ll have a much better game.
This does not mean that Iā€™m not worried ā€¦



I agree with this. What made EVE special and unique was that you had to figure it out, had to have a working brain, and some courage to take losses. Sure the documentation sucks and needs major attention. But so what? If you have a clue and some guts, go get some experience. Instead, EVE is walking away from what made it the best MMO, and towards a hand-holding instant gratification model, supplemented with P2W, and people flying ships they have no idea how to fly. Whatā€™s more frustrating? Losing a ship you have no clue how to fly, or having to plan and skill up into it and OH MY GOD - having to wait a whole few weeks - while you learned the game a little? Itā€™s a sad state of affairs that the game designers seem to purposefully walking away from the DNA of the original design, in the name of player retention.


Lack of documentation is not what made EVE the best MMO
Confusing archaic UI and systems are not what made EVE the best MMO
A persistent world where everyone shares the same space is.
CCP are not walking away from that, and CCP are not walking towards P2W with any of these changes. Skill points are not gold ammo, even if they start selling injectors directly in store.

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It seemed to me, watching his face when he spoke, that he either had little room to fully comment or that he didnā€™t know where to start commenting or that he didnā€™t know what to say.
He looked more bothered by the questions. Maybe because EVE isnā€™t as simple to encompass in one interview or he didnā€™t want to dig himself in a whole heā€™d have to crawl out of later on.
And maybe Iā€™m completely wrong here but thatā€™s what I saw.
What I heard is a different story. I think the devs have good intentions but they also have one hand tied behind their back as they now have to comply with stuff they didnā€™t have to before EVE got bought out.


You do know CCP has been owned by investors for a long time right.

Yes. When did P.A buy them out though?

The point is that they wonā€™t be under any restrictions they werenā€™t under before. Because someone owned them before PA as well.
All this tinfoiling about PA is just that, tinfoiling.


I stand corrected then o7

Eve needs more cowbell.
And Zombies.


Something that came to my mind again: What other games exist that allow you to experience every aspect of the game at full or high potential 3 hour into playing it. CCP keeps saying that EVEā€™s retention problem is based on people expecting to play what they want from the start, players say that people should be able to do that. I cannot wrap my head around where this expectation comes from. Can someone enlighten me why people expect to be able to fly big ships, big guns right of the bat in EVE?


Maybe tic-tac-toe. Or rock-paper-scissors.

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I donā€™t think CCP really gets whatā€™s wrong with the NPE. I think this expectation is not the problem. Iā€™ve flown with a lot of new pilots though I havenā€™t been new myself for quite a while. The real issue with Eve is that so many things are not intuitive. The game is too complex to explain them all and therefore the only way to learn is to do it wrong, sometimes multiple times.

Most games today are more limited in the number of ways you can goof up and most games have a more clearly defined objective so progress is more tangible. So, in effect, I think the best thing Eve could do for the NPE is to help new players understand their progress against some absolute standard. The activity tracker is a version of that but itā€™s not about outcomes but only activity. People like to understand progress and most people who are new in Eve have no basis for understanding whether they are progressing.

There are a lot of paths in Eve where you can progress really quicklyā€¦exploration is a good example. Others are much, much harder (manufacturing drugs might be an example). But that too is unclear from the beginning.

TLDR; The NPE diagnosis is wrong and thus the solution (microtransactions) is also going to be wrong.