CCP screws everyone but big nullsec cartels

Nope its great it allows me to look down on you people.
You can still do what you want the game mechanics allow you to mine in highsec or wh space or whatever you like to do just accept you’re a hippie

It kind of doesn’t make sense why wormhole relic sites are less valuable then Nullsec. Especially when in wormholes there is more risk involved with no local. A cloaked player who was not seen coming in a entrance wormhole is virtually invisible in a wormhole, while the same cant be said for Null.


Because you people over farmed wh space then CCP decided to nerf t3s so we abandoned full t3 fleets for nullsec.Without such big customers to feed you drove your prices down

I prefer to think of myself as more of a vagabond…Nonetheless, it does give me a laugh to watch a super jump out of a site when my heron pops out in local…


Yes we worry alot about the next potential cyno drop.

And now imagine how much more fun that would be with no local…

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Don’t worry they’ll make it a sov upgrade so we can have it and you wont

I mean the null blocks get out and vote, end of the day the Imperium ballot had 1000s of votes for their candidates. there were some decent unaffiliated candidates this year but there wasn’t much vote support for any of them. If the non-imperium population got together they could outvote the goons, but there’s no organization to do that.

Also look about there’s a lot of ways to make isk out there. I’ve heard very good numbers for WH farming, a few 100m per site plus a few more 100m for killing the drifter spawn. NPC null has pirate missions, I’ve heard some very good isk numbers for those. Lowsec has FW and lv5 missions again I’ve heard of very good numbers. And FWIW I’m a little skeptical about 100m for every relic sites. It’s probably intact armor plates or enhanced ward consoles which are both about 6mil each

Sounds like you are trying to play hardmode and are wondering why someone on easy is having an easier time. As far as eve goes playing with other people and learning from them is the easiest way to play.

I’m fine with no local, you get used to using the scanner very quickly. I often find myself using it in kspace…Old habits I suppose…

Surprised Dinsdale hasn’t made an appearance in this thread yet… :joy:


Yes this thread could become entertaining.Especialy since I’m on night shift and need something to keep me busy

You seem to be butthurt that some sort of organization works. Well, the thing is, it does.

  1. Any sufficiently big organization will be naturally good at acquiring resources and mitigating risks for its members. States, nations, corporations, multicellular organisms, you name it.
  2. It is technically impossible to prevent any group of players from cooperating.

So go figure. This is just economy of scale.

that has nothing to do with the fact he is in a huge null alliance, exploration is random, he is just lucky. you on the other hand are very unlucky. I am not a part of any alliance of any sort and here I am making more than you.
all this post is about is you getting ganked while flying around in a small pocket of null and being unlucky with exploration and you are blaming it on ccp.


or in other words: nullsec is for masses of cowards.

Ok, so you try to play a multiplayer game solo and it doesn’t work out compared to people who play together. What I don’t get is where CCP favors someone? Because they created a multiplayer game?

Yes, this seems to be 100% correct. You have boiled my page or whatever down to two sentences - nicely done.

Yes, that is exactly correct. If this is supposed to be based on risk/reward, then hardmode should = more reward, and easymode should = less reward.

I made no statements criticizing organization, so go troll somewhere else. I said CCP gives all rewards to a certain play-style or group of players REGARDLESS of organization. You can organize all you want in NPC null or a wormhole but that isn’t going to (just one example) create 100mil ISK relic cans spawned out of nothing.

No, go figure, it’s CCP force-feeding the goodies hand-over-fist to the big-name comfy ultra-safe zero-risk sov null entities, while screwing everybody else. Reread title of OP, then reread the OP and try again.

No, this post is about you lacking reading comprehension, or being a troll, or both. I said I don’t mind getting ganked. If I minded it, I wouldn’t have played in wormhole space, low sec, or nullsec for years. What I mind is being trolled by CCP with all the bullsh!t about there being some reasonable interpretation of ‘risk reward,’ and I mind being trolled that there is essentially only one way to play the game - join [INSERT ONE OF: goons, test, pl/horde, etc].

Not empty quoting.

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I do a combination of ‘solo’ play, and play with a single friend if and when he is available. Since he isn’t always available (and even when he is, he’s not always available to just help me out as his sole calling in Eve) frequently my play is ‘solo.’

I don’t know why there’s such big disdain for ‘solo’ play. Often people have little choice but to play solo, and either way solo does not mean ‘no interaction with other players.’ Every time I undock, there is interaction with other players. Hell, even if I don’t undock but merely trade, there is interaction with other players. If there is to be shame, disdain, or punishment meted out, it should be against non-interacting players, although I strive to think of what that might be, and in the case of a guy who does nothing but spin his ship in station, it seems that is punishment enough as he isn’t going anywhere in Eve.

I don’t use scouts because I don’t believe in using alts (I really don’t - I consider it easy mode, cheating, etc), and it isn’t as if people are lining up to be my personal scout. Actually, when my friend plays with me, I’m HIS scout because he doesn’t have access to cloak.

That isn’t to say I don’t use intel. For instance I’ll pull up the map and try to figure out number of kills in system last hour, number of jumps, number of pilots docked, etc.

I don’t want the discussion to get de-railed. I stated several times that I wasn’t complaining about getting killed, podded, ganked, whatever. The point of mentioning that was to contrast my experience with another friend living it up in the lap of luxury in one of the big-name nullsec alliances. In fact he was just trolling me in in-game chat messages, telling me my problem is that I ‘hate ISK.’ He’s raking it in by the billions you see, and not having to do much to achieve it, and certainly taking no risk.


I have no issues with solo play. I’ve been a solo player most of my time, though i stretch the definition because i usually play with everyone in the system, or at least everyone’s who’s willing to be part of my audience.

I used to think like you did and to a degree still do. I used to hate scouts scanning for targets for isk or whatever, i just ganked whatever i came across, bouncing around as -10 all the time, because why would i not. The alternative bores the shits out of me.

While using things like the map and killboards can help, in the end is it fully up to your player skill to manage to get anywhere/anything in pretty much all of nullsec.

I am not trying to derail the discussion. I am trying to figure out what’s going on in your mind. I wonder what makes you think that you deserve any rewards at all, and i’m trying to figure out if you’re not just simply doing it wrong without it being actively a fault of yours.

Another problem is, assuming that CCP would really try to help “the little guys” you’d literally ■■■■ over every single of the big groups who deserve to have their space because they can defend it. It’d be seriously unfair, because there are people who put a lot of effort into things, yet some princess (not you, but in general) comes along declaring it unfair and getting what it wants. That’s ■■■■■■ up.

From my perspective there is nothing wrong. You (in general) either are not good enough, or they are much better than you by nature, due to grouping up. It’s natural balance. Any mechanics supporting little guys against bigger groups are doing nothing but ■■■■■■■ up the way things have worked for millenia.

Of course, though, there are always “little guys” who actually make it. They manage to pull things off most others don’t. They’re proof that everything works fine, and that it is most likely that the real issue are those who believe that they are entitled to something.

Again … not trying to target you. If you can’t manage to make money there and get killed too often, then you’re simply not deserving it. No one’s entitled to anything but getting his ass kicked. Myself included. : - )