Warp disruption is a necessary mechanic. without it there would be no such thing as solo pvp, and people would just blob targets to kill them quick and even then most people would get away.
I can make an effective passive regen/buffer tanked Ratting Rattlesnake with 150k effective hit points that warps in 7.5 seconds with nomad implants. With no warp disruption/scrambling you’d have to do 20,001 DPS to kill it before it warps, and that’s assuming you can start that DPS before I can initiate warp. That Rattlesnake would be effectively immortal in an EVE without warp disruption, if you didn’t change other mechanics.
Even if you did adjust other mechanics (like say, warp time increase if you are aggressed, or warp disruptors exist but only delay warp instead of prevent it) you’d still have people adapt in ways that hurt pvp (destruction) game play and that buff the hell out of ‘harvesting’ gameplay.
In other words, if you think plex prices are high now (and many do), take away warp scrambling and let me put 4-6 unkillable FoF ratting rattlesnake into space (and watch just about everyone else do it too), wait a month then see what happens to bounty generation lol.
I think the general assumption in a thread like this is the thing that is faulty, rather than the situation in game. The assumption made by the original poster is that there is some kind of problem that needs fixing.
There is no consideration that it might just be that the current situation is actually the best compromise that can be had, and that every other alternative (like getting rid of local, or getting rid of warp disruption, or any of the dozens of ‘bright ideas’ put forward here) would simply end up making a situation that is at least workable into some kind of unworkable mess that no one really bothers with.
Local chat in EVE is a compromise. It makes easily accessible space (K space which has gates and cynos/jump portals) and wormhole connections allowing for instantaneous travel) survivable. You can’t easily stop someone from entering space you are in in K space, but you can see them coming and run if you need to.
Wormhole space ONLY works because in developing them from scratch, CCP took away the need to compromise in the ways K space has to. Wormholes limit blobbing in various ways (no cynos), allows for defensive control of access to space (crit-ing holes) and in doing so creates defensive advantages wormholers take for granted, but that aren’t available in k space . Because they take them for granted, because they don’t understand the value of being able to limit access to their space, they almost always think that ‘no local’ is a good idea.
I tell my wormholing friends who spout the no local nonsense that I will trade them. You can have my local when I can light a cyno in your wormhole and drop 100 bombers on you within 4 seconds o lighting. So far, there have been no takers lol.