CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

I understand you are upset that you failed your Jedi training. Not everyone is cut out to be a hero like us. However, it is important that you calm down, mine. Try a cup of Chamomile Tea™. It helps to calm the nerves.


Location, location, location.


I might agree with that in a general sense, but I feel confident in asserting that this has never once happened on the Eve Online forums.


Flying Hulks in hisec?
That’s a paddlin.
Procurers or Skiffs only my dude.

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There is only 1 tea. Yorkshire Tea! The Spiffing brit may have conditioned me to say that. The dude says it 10’s of times in his exploit vids lol.

Funny thing is I don’t even think he is sponsored by them. He just likes the tea that much.


Simply not true. If you insist on mining in Isanamo then that’s pretty much ganker heartland, but there are literally hundreds of systems you can mine in Eve and only see a ganker once in a blue moon.


This. The Caldari State close to Jita is naturally rife with gankers but other border regions can be essentially dead at some hours of the day. If you want to hide then hide in a niche, not 2 jumps from the biggest trade hub in the game.


Did you know that paragraphs exist?

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Not to put too much of a finer point on it, but the OP’s not wrong in that there are a handful of high-sec gangs that operate solely for the “lols” and to exact as much salt/grief as possible from the victim (profit be damned).


And said groups almost exclusively operate within a few jumps of Jita.

Move your mining op more than 10-15j from Jita and you’ll rarely, if ever, see said gankers.


Rather a silly comment. I’d imagine Safety has made a huge amount of profit off 48 Trillion ISK worth of kills. I mean they’d make 1 Trillion if only 2% of the value of the ship is dropped…and its likely way more than that.

feel free to contract your stuff to me, congrats on winning EVE!


There are more than a few ganking killmails which at face value would appear to have no more purpose than sending a message or to extract as much grief as possible from the victim (in these instances, the target ship was effectively worthless and there was zero prospects of even breaking even - let alone turning a profit).


High Sec gankers are not real PvPer’s as their targets usually comprise unarmed freighters, mining barges and other ships that don’t have the ability to put up a fight and actually win.

The true goal of the High Sec gankers is to force High Sec miners into a Null Sec alliance.



Will the loot fairy be kind? Half the morbid fun of zkillboard reads is to see just how cruel the loot fairy can be. The morbid lols of 20 mil in crap dropped but not the 750 mil module.

And are the items actually that value. A bit back some 0.0 crew needed to fix up their kb stats. Why I do not know, I am not a slave to the zkillboard. UBU applies to those who are.

They took the some of the trig skillbooks that used to have a high value before more available and cheaper options and shot up shuttles carrying them. Look! we killed hundreds of billions! Not really though.

Or the recent geri lol killmail in abhazon. Is it wortht that much? Not to the game technically, that is a zbillboard admin derived number. The same for all AT ships.

And who…gets the loot. My few kills I have…no loot. A dread KM’s I ho’d not 1 module came my way. Hell the drama came after the kill.

One dude stripped another player’s wreck…as the person who lost their ship reshipped to get their gear. That chat got…lively.

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CCP failed hi-sec when they desided to ■■■■ up wardec system. I mean, it was in state of decay already, but then all those pirates found themselves without a proper range of targets, so, many straight up left. Other started ganking. That’s why systems like Uedama became overcrowded.

And yes, those loses are 101% your fault. If I had a char left in your corp i’d roast you for that for the next 5 years straight.


A kill is a kill…whether its in nullsec, lowsec, or highsec.

The golden rule is always true…don’t undock what you can’t afford to lose.


Insofar as PvP means ‘player vs player’…all player vs player interaction is ‘real PvP’.

I kinda like his definition: Gankers are just Null Bloc recruiters with extra steps. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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“Real pvpers” is an odd concept and one that is purely subjective.

I’d be interested to know how many fail ganks occur for every successful one.

Case in point: a few months ago, i was lazily hauling in my dst and didn’t realise my route took me through Uedama. I jumped in and saw tornadoes landing. Cloak mwd trick and got out as the exeq navy was coming in for the decloak.
Thinking back, I probably got cargo scanned a few systems prior (i had a few billion in polymer reactions i needed to get to market).

Like i said, i was being lazy. no scout, didn’t check the route, didn’t cloak/mwd for every warp. You know, all the things you should do to avoid a gank. And i still got away.

That was the closest I’d come to getting ganked since I was a newbro.

So, it makes me wonder what the actual percentage of success and fail is.