CCP: what plans do you have for tags? Aren't prices going to skyrocket?

I’ve heard plenty of people who use an alpha account to rotate alts who train the skills, gank to -5, biomass, move to the next alt. Besides, CCP can literally look up the data and see for themselves how the change would affect the numbers. Anyone denying that it’s happening are either ignorant or idiots.

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Back in the old days, someone accepting what they hear as absolute fact would have been regarded as the idiot.

But that was the Olden Days.

Its different now.


So you guys don’t, not every ganker is going to know you though. There are thousands of players. I’m not saying you guys are doing anything against the TOS. I am in favor of ganking being in the game…I think it’s just stupid to think that Alpha accounts aren’t ganking.

People are this angry at this change because IS IT affecting them, not that’s it’s not affecting them.

Nobody is mad about the alpha ganker change lol. Seriously NOBODY is doing it. It doesn’t even make since, you can’t even have a second account on to loot. Yall are literally just derailing the topic bringing it up. The tag issue has yet to be discussed to any real extent here or on reddit because you guys keep bringing up this BS.

Please. Let the PvPers talk about the PvP patch. Yall are the most entitled lot I’ve ever seen lol. You 3itch until CCP nerfs something stupid that neither you or they understand and then bury our feedback in 3ullshit.

The gradeschool level of drama going on here is wild.

Back on topic, yeah tags will likely get more expensive and they’ll hopefully be a fantastic cash crop for PvE players in high, low and nullsec. I dont think CCP really prioritizes security status grinding when making decisions like this. On the plus side though, moderately lucrative ratting could become very lucrative ratting and it might pull pilots out of highsec with the siren call of isk.

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The whole point of tags being introduced was to make being low sec status less of a problem, not more of a problem.


Give players a reason to be out in space. In particular, to be out in low-sec space

Provide an alternative way to get back in to high-sec for ‘reformed’ outlaw players. We have had players that would rather stop playing altogether than grind their way back up by killing NPCs

I don’t think there is anything about tags that needs adjusting and the whole thread is a bit chicken little.


Then just stop talking about it? Many people like it and nobody is mad. Because nobody has done it anyway. So it affects nobody. So its actually a GREAT change? If you disagree, please explain in detail!


Back in the Olden Days, if you ran your mouth in High Sec, you then got your whole corporation wardec’d.

That had the effect of shutting up a lot of loudmouths, forcing people to get PVP educated, engaged with the social aspects of the game, or figure out this game’s gameplay was not for them.

Now instead they run their mouths and screencaps are put into Aiko’s blog. It must mean things are less toxic now than before.


I think they’re going to be expensive to the point of it inhibiting content. They’ve already doubled in price and the patch hasn’t even dropped.

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Sure, because people are hording them right now.

There are 2209 asteroid belts in the game that can spawn tag rats.

More people will start farming them and there will be a correction as more tags begin flowing into the market and players release what they are currently hording to make the short term profit.

Alphas aren’t ganking in serious numbers. Never have been.

The anger comes from a lie being told that is then used as justification to nerf a gameplay style.

Yep. The game has become more toxic because people know they are mostly safe from repercussions.

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I don’t think it can keep up with how much the demand is going to increase. (and already isn’t keeping up with everyone buying them up). CCP needs to address it. It’s going to be a big barrier to the content they’re about to release.

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I used to think like you, until Scipio provided me the data. Now I have an even more cynical view based on my personal experience: the higher prices will indeed entice some people from High Sec into their first Low Sec belt ratting foray, as the spawning rates do support the market. But they’ll get blown up for their first time instead of High Sec, and first learn about D-Scan in Low Sec. They will complain to CCP about how dangerous Low Sec is and send nasty Eve Mails to their killers.

CCP, ever in their quest to ease the burden on the complaint department, will make Low Sec safer.


I’m debating trying to farm more tags to sell or trying to farm the people farming the tags :smiley:

What’s funny is HACs may be the route to go since most people farm the tags using an AF.

I think he meant me. I did what he describes during the firework events. I used 2 or 3 alpha gankers, undocked warped to event site, ganked some exploration ship, warped to nearest station, docked, pulled concord, warped and docked at my staging and boarded ship prepared beforehand. Then logged off and logged in another alt.

That was one time thing as you can’t just easily gank with alpha anywhere else. That event provided plethora of targets to choose from, after it ended, highsec got empty and it takes even hour to find anything an alpha could kill at anomalies or signatures (which are annoying to scan and keep scanned new ones with just 1 account).

I do something similar right now, but I know of noone else who is using alphas beside new players trying and learning the ganking. I wouldn’t be so certain that just because one guy though of this it is done en masse. Majority of the gankers are using multiple accounts at the same time hence they have them omega. The rumors about alpha gankers multibox fleets are just rumors. (I remember when one ganker shared a screenshot using his multibox setup with catalyst gankers and several guys pointed out that he is clearly using alpha toons as none of his account has skill training turned ON, not noticing that his UI was colored meaning those accounts are clearly omega. LOL)

Since you have just 1 toon to your disposal as alpha that heavily limits what you can do - I am using alphas at various places to pull CONCORD but the way it works it really is useless for anyone but those ganking with 1 accounts, ie. me.

I was also using single acount to gank Leopards at Jita undock in my first 3 months in EVE after I came back before CPP made the 300 plex deal.

Hence why I was joking the changes were caused by me. But maybe they really were lol.

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Well you know, the big bad gankers couldn’t rise up to the challenge… some pirates :roll_eyes:

you are chilling in low sec , minding your own business
nice weather eh
nice star eh
them Theodore parks his ship on your side

should i greet him?
howdy neighbor?

yeah that would be fine , but…
he may shot me…
i mean , normally he don’t , but he may …
what to do
I’m so confused

maybe i should shot him first …
the battle will be fast i will have a big advantage
yeah i will shot him first

them that voice "your security state has been lowered”
Theodore calling you rude
the kids wake up , your wife gives you the eye …

its a mess :frowning:

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Okay the logic is good, but while this doesn’t really affect them (it does affect me), it causes new players to be unable to try this and learn this, not without going omega which from my experiences new players are hesitant to. Or it might be even some guy who has omega, but he uses all 3 slots for mining/industry and just want to try it out non-consensually on another account before perhaps changing his career.

That all will be gone plus ganking made much harsher and harder for these new players with the tether and docking changes. So the stream of new gankers, which was already extremely low, is going to run dry with this change.

Time will tell.

No they don’t. Definitely not at this stage anyway.

If it turns into a problem, then they’ll make adjustments, but at the moment, there’s a lot of market speculation going on and there’s now also an increased demand that will be met by increased farming.

How it all plays out only the future will tell, but there’s no problem currently.


If someone wants to play in lowsec, then operating at outlaw status doesn’t really make much difference; and if someone wants to gank in highsec, nothing about the changes stops them.

It’s always been possible to operate effectively in highsec at -10. That is still the case after these changes.


My respect for confiming it. I personally couldn’t care less if anyone believes me or not, but I had the feeling youre speaking the truth when we talked/mailed because it even sounded logical. Also I was impressed about the insane amount of success from your strat (800 shuttles, huge amounts of Leopards among them, billions of ISK destroyed mostly solo), so it sounded reasonable to try to even max out the efficiency. I don’t even judge it, as long as CCP is so “dumb” not to prevent it, its free game.

But now they have and thats - in my eyes - a change for the better in the larger picture as it prevents some frustration for paying customers caused by non-paying players. Which really any company would be best advised to prevent if possible.

I can’t tell if others did it, but I can really imagine that some gankers just did what you did as a group: using one alpha each, do a gank, log off, log the next chars each in and do the next gank (or at least begin moving to get new targets) while the other accounts were on timer. Only CCP can but I am pretty sure they have another reason for their decision than “complaints at the boards” - because I can remember in the “nerf ganking megathread” around 99.9% of the gankers were pretty convinced that “CCP doesn’t even read the boards” and “they don’t care for any complaints”.