Ccp's Vampire mmo World of Darkness killed eve

WOD probably would have had some unnaturally perfect and provocative breasts graphics. Those have sadly gone on to the the ineffable, the unvisualizable, the sublime unknown ether of vaporware. Lost forever. And EVE ships have… nothing. Therein lies the rub my friends… yes, therein lies the rub.


All I was saying is the White Wolf IPs are very solid, well thought out, partially integrated into each other and engaging.

That’s not true, some ships looks like giant dongs.

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Well, that’s very truly true. But the thing is, male vampires are just about fashion and good hair. Not even a chum shrimp for them for a vampire male. I don’t know why, but those are the rules for those guys, no getting around it. It is what it is, I guess.

What is the gist of the story? What is captains quarters?


–Helpful Gadget


Long ago, CCP acquired the Intellectual Property (IP) rights to White Wolf publishing. White Wolf was know for the Vampire Masquerade games (thing dungeons and dragons but you play as a vampire.

CCP wanted to expand beyond EVE and have other games to broaden their portfolio. They wanted to make a World of Darkness MMO based on this IP. Players would take the role of vampires and such, and given CCP’s fairly unique stance on MMOs, people were intrigued.

CCP used EVE as a bit of a test bed for part of the WoD MMO. They created captain’s quarters allowing the capsuliers a place to walk around.

Unfortunatly, the idea was not extended beyond the captain’s quarters and even that was recently pulled. As for the MMO, it never made it out of vaporware. The IP was sold off and many people complained the whole time, viewing it as CCP not staying focused.

Did I miss anything?


Short and to the point. Yet, people differ on the definition of “staying focused”. One side was arguing for never having started with CQ at all, since it pulled resources from developing on core gameplay, and vanity items were vastly overpriced (they were), the others were/are moaning about CCP having stopped with the CQ and not developing anything further beyond that.

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