Christmas 2017

This year, I hear that CCP will give us new themed bedsheets for use in the Captain’s Quarters.

–Gadget Sees All



Across 8 characters, I’ve made at least 6 billion isk on this event so far.

Probably the gift most of you neckbeards need the most is a few pairs of new, clean underwear. :smile:

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Every year the same stuff, well i think it’s time CCP as a Christmas present to your paying members give us the ability to fly supers again in High-sec just for one day. Make it interesting may even get some new subs we all know the High-sec core will fain’t at the sight of a Nyx sitting on the local 1.0-0.5 gate. All those new Alpha’s zinging around etc etc.

P.S. Delete Concord


I agree with OP. Christmas in Eve used to be something of note… Now I’d rather not get anything than a bunch of garbage that I’m just gonna sell off for a few 100k ISK the day I redeem it.

Ships, Re-maps… Make Eve Great Again FFS.


How about a lowsec gate to Stain? (Wrong forum… I know) :christmasparrot:

There is a 15% Discount on PLEX untill 18th Dec, should we consider it as the Christmas Sale?
Or will there be a special sale especially for Christmas ?

I want a freaking Christmas gift from CCP… I don’t care what these haters say… I think its goes beyond shadow of doubt that ccp values its paying customers.

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i want pirate bcs and i dont even care if theyre gifts
even if ccp just say cool were gonna make a new line of pirate bcs
and you gotta buy them off the market then that is fine
its not even a chritmas gift its just ccp doing what they should do and make cool ships
because this game is about spaceships
i dont play this game for moons and planets you know
or ice
i play for spaceships


I’ll try to find some Smoked meat, and lube up the doors in my house as well if that helps any?

You’ll get your skin soon…

Yeah, but that will be only available for a limited time in the New Eden Store. So be sure to get some PLEX as soon as you can!

I prefer to fly barley naked vs.spending money for crap

But please don’t forget to put a post-it note over your webcam while doing that. You never know who’s watching you :wink:

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I’ll put a :santa: beard and hat and gonna be fine

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Hehe, me too ^^

I wrote this in praise of the famous “Yule Lads” Christmas in 2013:

Three thumbs up out of two - Yule Lads are a happening thang. Play-acting CCP minions re-invented as goofy hapless scafes really worked for me. Beyond hilarious! I found myself looking forward to revealing what nightly trinkets were to be had at zero hour - that added to the seasonal entertainment value for the entire week and a half. The trinkets were great - varied, creative, interesting, and something for everybody. Who wasn’t wondering what the denouement would bring, and what’s there about the Leopard not to like? The movie was play-it-more-than-once genuinely clever, fun, and even memorable.

The whole schtick got me interested enough to find out that the whole Yule Lads thing is very much an actual, very real Icelandic holiday ritual. Fantasy firmly rooted in actual age-old tradition - a decided plus which added even more to the enjoyment factor.

Bravo. Well done. Do it again in 2014.

Well, it didn’t happen again in 2014. Wishing for the good old days. And one more observation - the famous 2013 Yule Lads Christmas wasn’t all about the bling for me. Reading back what I wrote back then, I praised CCP’s warm, clever, and hilarious video as much or more than the fantastic gift shuttle. I’d feel a little less like I’ve been given a lump of coal in my stocking with just a simple heartfelt community outreach like that again.


As if by Christmas magic - and I’ve got to hand it to CCP; they done good:

"God bless us, everyone!" - Charles Dickens

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Just roll that sweet CONCORD shirt up into the EVE Store.

That and maybe bring the Yule Lads back.