Cloaky Camping Recommended Changes

Into the already overstuffed economy.

There is an argument for putting some fear into Mr Krabbs.

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Itā€™s not about the state of the bucket, itā€™s about adding more to the bucket. Miners do, afk cloakers donā€™t. Unless of course the bucket holds tears, then itā€™s the other way around.

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Or make anomalies spawn where there are no NPC kills and at the same time where its more dangerous to krab.

Stopping station botting would probably have greater results.

There have been instances in the past of players developing bots that scan local and use that information to perform a number of functions, like activating an alarm when certain criteria are met (ex: when a certain pilotā€™s name or their affiliation enters local). You could basically leave that alt AFK until the alarm sounds. I would be utterly shocked if such tools werenā€™t still in use.

Of course, one could sit in a station and do the same thing. But cloaky camping allows you to do it in systems where there are no neutral/friendly dockable structures.

Cloaky camping is like inability to ban and block anyone on those forums, you cant do anything about cloaky camper too. So in a way, people posting about cloaky camping are like cloaky campers themselves. :joy:

Its their sweet revenge.


Oh agreed though I still say that the harder it gets to prevent enemy mining the worse the market will get.

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I think we have a winner!

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So you want to punish every cloak-user because some of them may or may not be botting? How about people who rely on similar bots to keep themselves safe while ratting? Intel-channels donā€™t update on their own you know.

If you want to attack botters and bottind, go do that, but donā€™t use it as an excuse to nerf cloaks.

I am #8

I suggested a cloaky-user need press a button every hour or two. No penalites or timers or any of that other crap people suggest. Just a single button press every couple hours in return for risk-free intimidation or scouting. Do you seriously consider that to be a punishment?

Awww, I donā€™t care what this thread is about anymoreā€¦


That IS a penalty.

Welpā€¦if weā€™ve gotten to the point where the idea of pressing a button every few hours to maintain risk-free gameplay is anathema to campers, Iā€™m gonna have to say that Iā€™ve lost all sympathy. Thatā€™s pretty weak.

Ah well. Itā€™s not a gameplay style that I indulge in and itā€™s never really affected me, so thatā€™s all Iā€™ll say on the matter. I donā€™t have enough skin in the game to have a strong opinion against or in favor of maintaining the current mechanics.

Iā€™m actually kind of shocked that this thread hasnā€™t been locked yet for redundancy.

I need a fox one, stat! :slight_smile:

ā€“:fox_face: Gadget :fox_face:




Punishment or not, anything like that could be easily botted. Or heck, tape the return key down may circumvent this if not done right.

It would really have to be a random key press, with a popup that shifts location, and a warning timer with either a snooze or early entry to prevent botting and not interupt at a bad time.

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Thatā€™s a very good point. This espresso apparently hasnā€™t hit my bloodstream yet.

Please keep all comments and suggestions on AFK cloaking to the main AFK cloaking thread:

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