Close topic please

Long time Eve player and I’m not all that good at this game, haha, but lately I’ve been getting slightly more successful at hunting down easy-to-kill ships in low sec. ( I don’t want fair fights, trying to hunt, not fight ). Finding targets can be challenging, especially in null sec, and I know this because I spent most of my time on this game avoiding pvp as an Indy/Exploration character. With things like dscan, real-time map info, etc, it’s VERY EASY to avoid other players.

Anyways, as we all know, the easiest way to avoid fights is to pay attention to local. It seems like every time I enter a system, especially in null sec, everyone docks up and sits. I’ve been chased (and caught) before, but it’s not common. I entered a system last night, in an Astero, and literally, a mining fleet of over 50 immediately docked up. It’s likely I couldn’t have killed any of them. It would have been better if they came back out in combat ships, but no, they just sat there until I got bored and left. As an Indy player, this sucked, and as a pvp player, it sucks more.

Anyways, I noticed the delayed local topic a few days back and had an idea for this, so let me know what you think. If my idea sucks, whatever, I’m not an expert on all of this game’s mechanics, but I know I’m not the only player who thinks the game is getting too easy for farmers.

-High/Low Sec — no change, keep local as-is – it makes sense as Concord still has visibility here.

-WH’s — no change, keep no local – WH’s are weird.

-Null Sec – structure/deployable that generates local chat within the system. – so, null sec would have no local chat, but corps/alliances could put something in the system to add it. I really don’t know how this could work, never messed with structures or any of that, but it would have to be set up, fueled, and protected. – an “Intel Generator Array” or something of that sort, that if left undefended or unfueled could be put/could go offline. Less important systems might not have local as they’re not worth the cost, and some systems might be deliberately left offline, etc.

Basically, put something in the game that allows the existence of local to fluctuate within null sec, based on the corps holding those systems and what they’re trying to do. I get it, we all need to do things to make isk, but the status quo is making null sec very boring for non-bot players who aren’t AFK.


Interesting idea. It could be like a hub that has to be deployed and brought online. Something that could be destroyed by other players and of course can be defended as well.

IDK if its good or not or what but Id say its creative to say the least. It would make sense null sec is a delayed or no local unless the corporation or alliance holding sov, has the equipment to provide coms in the area, possible by constellation or region, rather than system wide…


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But to add, if miners and ratters have sov and have a local it would beat the purpose. unless it was a 15 min delay local… which would only give you 15 min to plan an attack before you are revealed in local coms.

It would have advantages and disadvantages

---- local allows them to see you entering, but it also allows you to see them. Whenever I find null sec systems with big mining fleets, I bookmark them as places to find possible AFK stragglers who don’t dock up in time.

----no local — a weaker corp could go no local in a dead-end system, put a scout at the gate/any wormholes, check dcan, and mine all day. If somebody pops in, they might see the ships on dscan but won’t be able to tell who’s flying them, their killboards, etc. That lone procurer might be bait, but you can’t tell because you don’t know who’s there.

Timers could also be used so that when local is knocked out, it’s not immediately put back up. I agree though, there needs to be a way for pvp’ers to exploit no/knocked out local as well for it to work.

You have to be kidding me. They literally just closed a thread on this. Go read it, we don’t need ANOTHER one! They’re doing something already, it’s called the Observatory Array.


EDIT- sorry if this hurt your feelings. I know we have to baby people here at times.


talking about doing something like that in the future watch FanFest Keynotes



Smart guy…you’re right, you don’t have to read this. You can always just roll your eyes, decide not to read the topic, and keep scrolling.

Literally, thousands of people play this game without keeping themselves entirely up-to-date with all it’s developments, so these posts are going to happen more than once. Grow up and learn to ignore it.

Anyways, I obviously didn’t know they’re adding something already, or I wouldn’t have created this topic. That’s great news though, anything change things up would be great.

It’s literally still on the first page. Scroll down ever so slightly.
You know what, you’re right, that’s too much to expect of someone. I’ll get you a link: Delay Local

Dude, get off your high horse.

That topic is about delaying local and the vast majority of comments are related to that, not to observation arrays.

Anyways, what’s your problem?

I get it, you don’t like that I created this topic, you made your point, now contribute to the discussion or ■■■■ off.

Thanks Jennifer, I’ll check them out.


I had fun last night during last night’s lagfest, when local stopped working. Blapped an explorer whom I didn’t even expect to see since local wasn’t working. It was fun!

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Maybe you had a cyno on that Astero? Did you think about that, nope, dumb comment… And you have the cheek to tell people to get off their high horse!

Go read the Delay local mega thread where this was already flogged to death. If you have no idea about the Empire game in 0.0 and are a poor hunter, that is your issue.

Nope, I am very happy seeing people come into my space so I can go get in a PvP ship to kill them with, my Vaga with 13 killmarks says otherwise.

And I rat and I am not AFK nor a bot, if bots are the issue then CCP needs to remove them, if people are AFK then they do not even notice you enter local, so go kill them!

PS Bring that Astero to Catch and see how long it lasts…
PPS Just now we had a gang come into our space, I waited them out, why was that, well 2 x Dramiel and 2 x Orthrus is just not worth bothering with, would you honestly tell me that I am the reason for the lack of content or perhaps they are?

Quoted for truth. You want no local - go WH. You have an option. Leave other players THEIR option. We really do not need to turn eve into one big WH style game. It is awesome in a divercity of different playgrounds. You are struggling looking for easy targets? Go join CODE. They are good in blaping unprepared people in defenseless ships. You struggling to find any target at all - go into FW zone. Do not use PWN mobile like worm and you will find fight in 10 minutes, 5, if you are in maulus navy or other hard to win ship.

BTW, the right section of the forum is called player suggestions, it is not for general discussion.


Ha, I did think of that…a cyno would have been a bad day for them.

As for the rest, this isn’t a pvp ■■■■ waving contest. Nobody cares. If this isn’t happening where you live, great, keep it up, but it does happen. If it didn’t, then I wouldn’t be beating a dead horse by reopening this topic.

As to that…yeah, I know, I get it. Didn’t mean to reopen a topic that’s already been hammered into the ground. Sorry about that. MY BAD.

PS - my Astero would last years
PPS - waiting is a valid tactic but when it turns into the only tactic, it’s no longer a pvp game.

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You didn’t even read my post and you write like you’re twelve.

Wow, yeah, now I can see why everyone is mad I reopened this. Sorry again.

Flagging my posts without good reason will just get you banned.

Considering your seriously bad behaviour, this thread will get locked anyway.

Btw, I am all for delayed local everywhere, but I am against people who apparently have absolutely no manners whatsoever. The irony of you calling someone a “twelve year old” is probably quite lost on you.


What are you talking about? I didn’t flag your posts and could care less what you think of my behavior.

and yes, he didn’t read my posts and I did say he writes like a child. Go read the paragraph. It’s awful.

Well, that is a part of your apparent problem.

I did read your posts and you are actually worse.


Your posts were flagged by the community for good reason.

As to allowing this thread, thats not your decision.

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Whatever you say, I don’t care. You’re not even making sense, so I’m going to ignore you.