
No real life pirate in the entire history of piracy was an immortal capsuleer. I bet anything that if they were, then many rl pirates would happily sacrifice their ship and “die” for the right bounty.

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the flip side of the same coin

But they do adapt. They even go a bit further than not undocking. They stop playing.

I dont think EVE is realistic at all, from graphics to gameplay. Graphics are pretty, you can do a bit more than in other games in game mechanics, but its still a game with most things completely broken when you consider real life as comparison.

Its a game, and why so many people play it, considering what it is, is beyond me. They may be fooling themselves, pretending its something more, a lifestyle, sport or something.


You made an account on eve just to talk about your husband? What?

Why should it be forbidden?

Then he has no excuse. He should know how the game is played.

He should know better.

The fact that he didnt, shows just how poor of a leader he was. A leader should lead by example, and he set a poor one by completely misunderstanding how the game works.

Ganking is a fundamental part of the game, and with every activity that requires interaction in this game, comes with it some semblance of risk. He knows this, or should. And the best way to prepare new players, is to tell and teach them about this fact. And in the end…

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It was a mix of different people from different corps of the same alliance. Chances are they are a group of people, and not one or two people.

What makes him think it was one person?

Cheers to the crew who mercifully erased this monstruosity.

The gankers won’t last very long in High Sec.

Absolutely not true. In 1669 Captain Morgan attacked and sank a Spanish flagship by filling his own ship with gunpowder. When the Spanish shot it, it blew up, destroying both ships. I don’t think anyone was aboard Morgan’s ship. MInd you, he had others.

Calico Jack sacrificed his own ship to escape in a separate, stolen ship.

Numbers 2 and 7 from this list: The Ten Best Pirate Attacks in History

I am sure countless Somali speedboats have been lost expectedly when they attack and commandere tankers. And I am sure there are several cases of pirates who sacrificed their own ship to attack and commandere opponents’ vessels.

As for a suicide attack, that’s been explained. There is no real death for capsuleers. Suicide does not really exist.

Gankers operate exactly as pirates would with these mechanics. In my opinion, it is the mechanics that are the issue. And my main complaint is that high security space is simply not high security at all. The so-called security will sit with their thumb up the their rears while known pirates fly through gates and into “high security” space. They do nothing as massive armed gangs set up structures and repeately waylay travelers, only taking action AFTER the attack begins and is usually already over. This is completely ridiculous and too frustrating to be a “game” for many victims.

If it were up to me high security space would be expanded and all ships set to green safety. Known pirates would not be allowed in. Medium security zones would be made utilizing current low sec space and operate as current high sec does, . Low sec mechanics would be unchanged except that both ends of a gate would be policed as the highest security zone of the two ends…thus allowing more free steps into lower security areas. Low sec zones would be created by using swaths of null sec. What is left of null sec would remain as is.

People who seriously do not want to engage in PVP as perpetual victims should not be forced. Let them bore themselves in a true high sec until they decide to take more risks.


They can always play non-PvP games. Also they are not victims, they are just players losing at a game.

Suicide ganking is not an “issue”, but a deliberately designed game mechanic that is important for the economy of the game to work the way it does.

EVE is a competitive PvP sandbox, in all facets of the game. This may not be something for everyone, but there are enough other games out there that this people may play instead. A lot of those games on the other hand don’t appeal to me and other EVE players because they cripple their game by completely shielding parts from non-consensual PvP.


Notorious criminals throughout history have always be caught in law abiding locations. Unless the criminal gets a face change, there is no possible way that the Notorious Criminal would ever make it in High Sec.

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An excellent argument for the abolishment of CONCORD.

Can you say “non sequitur”?

Ganking has been going on since before Eve’s time, it’s not going to kill it, it will also continue on past Eve’s lifetime.

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It’s the one thing that gankers cant and dont want to kill heh.

I like that party about continuing on after …

Well yeah, the gankee would actually die or get captured by the pirates for further ransoming his life. And there wouldn’t be a magical omniscient and all-knowing police, that can detect piracy everywhere in a solar system and jump right on top of your face within seconds. You know, in the real world, criminals actually get a away with crime some times and don’t get figured out.

Do you really want “realistic”?

Are you making veiled threats Karak?

Did I scare you Dryson?

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Completely realistic would be when you can only register once per lifetime, have one character, and if it commits a crime and caught, the game could be just a picture of barred window for the rest of time. But thats not game.


Congratulations, you basically just spelled out what I pointed out.


On the other side, a game can be made out of the jail situation also, also not realistic, as the whole game. Comitting crimes would make you play a game the other way. You would have to adapt.

While all of you cry about how ganking is killing Eve, take a look at this art work my friends and I completed this morning.

We call it “to be ignorant and die”.