Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

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You can’t expect “civilized community behavior” until you stop develop trash-features and start to make obvious improvements. For example, swap (censored) text (censored) in (censored) WH Info (censored) popup to (censored) Large icons.

Make current experience more comfortable! It is year 2020 outside, and far-far-future inside!



Yes, we know about your end game to totally ruin the game. I kinda hopped you got fired and will never ever do something bad to the game again. I WAS WRONG.

P.S. Who cares of NS, it’s the safest place there is. (And the one that has no population at all except few npc core groups and the goon scourge)

The day you stop twisting the game towards arena-style PVP and grinding time-taking PVE will be a GREAT DAY FOR THE WHOLE COMMUNITY.


Goon are already doing that


What if it became a general thing in the cluster; it fits with the description of the Dead Storms of Detorid? Severe storms in null ranging through to more minor ones even affecting high sec.




This should be fun!

This is an obvious improvement for me. Guess you just suck.

You have to wonder what ccp is thinking. People are going to act the way they do now when an invasion/incursion shows up in their system. Basically just turtle up and wait until its over. At least with invasions/incursions you can get in comms and gripe about how slow the incursion runners are being. Here, its just a waiting game until your game play is no longer disrupted.


you do realize that there are currently 150k ish toons attacking Imperium right? who have 54k toons? how does that equate to no pop except some people living in npc null and goons?


Add a possibility for spawn to depsawn and appear in a new place and it’ll be amazing

Well, that is an improvement. That makes Nullsec more interesting and gives players more choices on whether to take a fight or not.

You know what I want, now, red or black dress?


Will storms affect npc too?


I like it. At least it’s a fresh-ish idea. Can we also get storms that wander through systems that just look cool, for vanity’s sake? Maybe the occasional rare space lightning strike that smites a ■■■■■■■■■■■■ for no reason?


this is a nice for a start. u need to be balder in the future.
for example- make storms strong enough to deal dmg to ships and structures. this is what huricanes do. space storms are even more dangerous. and have serious consequences for all affected!
keep up the good work! cheers


Good game design should make you want to play the game. This will be like nullsec incursions, but far far worse, where people just avoid the entire area and/or do not undock until it goes away. Ideas like nerfing RR or no cloaking are literal anathema to the player base. People will either not login or go to different areas of space to have fun. This is insanely bad game design and I do not understand how you guys learned nothing from blackout. This is not content that most people will be interested in or desire to have come to them. Certainly people will not login for them. Did you guys just not even bother to ask the CSM about this? I cannot imagine that they would have ever let you out of the house with this look…

  1. CCP… Could you not concentrate on ironing out the already many many bugs in this game instead of trying to implement something else that will almost certainly bring more bugs and DT???
  2. You spent ages pushing people to play in Null Sec and now you are nerfing the hell out of it to push people out?
  3. How do you explain that “random” storms know the difference between a null, Low and High sec gate? Surely a “Random” storm could actually go through High and Low sec too?
    Love the concept but needs a serious rethink…

We’ll talk again in few months when hype finishes and you wont find a single player in 15 jumps around you. But what do i know, i never left Fountain for all these years.

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Since, you somehow think that a stellar storm would use the jump gate network as a roadmap to move about the universe, can you make them get stuck in warp tunnels too? kthnxbye.


Like how? If entire nullsec survived 66 days of no local chat then they surely can survive 2-5 days without RR/cloaking. I would love to fight someone who usually brings friends with RR and see how they will deal with it. I would love to watch pro_elite_pvpers aka cloacky campers showing their pvp skill without cloak module.