The rules of engagement literally allow suicide ganking on purpose. It is actually PART of the rules of engagement BY DESIGN.
Incorrect assumption by you Merin.
Is… is this a troll? This is probably one of the more elaborate self-entitled carebear trolls I’ve seen in a while. Really doubling down on the whole “CCP needs to change the game because I refuse to get better” act.
You are misinterpreting the layer of high-spec space, otherwise kill order rights wouldn’t be granted. There are consequences for killing other players in high-spec space.
Worthless as probably all of them are outlaws . Anyone can shoot them without Concord interference .
The fact that they can organize a suicide gank and avoid getting killed by players and faction police before going with a criminal timer is another story . This does not mean they don’t lose ships to players and not to the hand of Concord .
What you need to do is chill for a bit and learn from these experiences , learn the game’s mechanics , find a group of players that don’t suck at it also, it’s very helpful. There are tons of guides for this game on the net.
Yes and those consequences are set up that way to ALLOW SUICIDE GANKING TO HAPPEN. It has been a part of the game for as long as I’ve played (10+ years). It is an intended mechanic that is a very valid part of the rules of engagement. A part that you should learn as much about as you can if you intend to mine.
There are, and all of them have been properly followed. You’re just whining that the consequences don’t grant you perfect safety no matter how stupid you are.
Players mining in high-spec space shouldn’t have to worry about ganker squads if the bullies have been reported correctly. There isn’t a 911 button in EVE yet, but there should be. In protected space, space piracy is dealt with swiftly, and those involved are marked and tracked. If you want to gank without consequence, 0.4 and below is your home.
Why not? Because you don’t like losing stuff?
If you want to gank without consequence
There are consequences. The people who attacked you lost their ships as a consequence. Perhaps next time you should try not being terrible at EVE?
If gankers weren’t allowed to function that Ice you mine would be worth literally nothing. You have to have destruction for construction to be needed/profitable.
You’re just being entitled man. Not everyone plays this game to afk mine for hours. Some of us actually want to PLAY the game. Eve isn’t going to die because we don’t have enough miners. We have enough bots that we could lose every player that mines and be fine.
What Eve cannot withstand is another mass exodus of PvPers.
Exactly. Smart industry players understand that destruction creates demand. Smart industry players will sell a new barge to OP and sell more Catalysts to the players who will gank OP’s new barge. And then OP will come back and whine about losing a ship because OP sucks at EVE and refuses to be on the winning side.
Kill order rights are for people who are smart and good enough to use them to kill the ganker. You aren’t smart or good at the game so you will never be able to capitalize on the product of your incompetence.
that said concord 911 would be hilarious
it was a girl in a pony tail , with … uhhhhh i think it was a catalyst
The replies to you are not totally wrong, but nor are they totally right.
But most of the repliers are not interested in helping you. Most are griefing you the same as you were griefed in game. They will use both the truth and lies to grief you.
Be careful who you listen to here. There are people who seriously enjoy your pain.
And BTW that includes some CCP officials. You are correct that “hi sec” is completely misnamed. It may not have been intentional at first, but its been pointed out for a long long time and no changes.
And also BTW don’t talk to people who say things like “you suck at EVE”. That’s clear griefing and no, the moderators won’t do anything about it.
Whats wrong did someone forum grief you again?
High population areas are not your friend
First it wasn’t a cheap catalyst it was 2 fully loaded Procurers, I mined for, I lost 3 in a week to gankers, the third was my fault for the single gate jump into 0.4 space to get mining items purchased on the market, I get now that the low-spec spiders set those lower priced traps so they can hunt, but in high-spec space it shouldn’t be happening. If the CCP has the ability to intervene then they should respond to a call as easily as they could respond after the fact. I lost 100’s of millions in ISK in days… ISK I mined for.
No, you just don’t like that help comes in the form of honest evaluation of OP’s poor skills and not in the form of coddling OP and trying to make them feel better.
It may not have been intentional at first, but its been pointed out for a long long time and no changes.
It has been this way since literally the day EVE was first created. In fact, highsec is much safer than it was in EVE’s early days.
They will use both the truth and lies to grief you.
Your existence is griefing me, please fix it.
In time, these criminals will pay for their crimes.
I will also be griefed here in 3, 2, 1…
Edit: well I hit enter before I could see it.