Boo hoo. You suck at EVE, either get better or go back to WoW. CCP does not owe you more safety just because you’re too incompetent to succeed.
No. They won’t. Not in or out of game. They will all get away with it.
It will help you avoiding this next time , if you would simply consult some suicide ganking guides , that way you’ll understand how they operate , what are the mechanics and conditions needed. Once you will understand that you’ll get better at staying alive.
It’s certainly better than posting here to ask for a “911 button”… you’re just providing more content for griefers.
Nonsense. They already paid for it in-game with the loss of their ships.
I would be more careful with words here , unless you want a ban.
Hmmm mining for 100’s of millions in ISK in a few weeks? Sounds like I’m doing it correctly and the gankers are predatory fringe guests of EVE that incorrectly assume as do you it would seem that all other players are just fodder upon which the criminal element can prey upon at will even in high-spec space. Miners are tougher than you give us credit for.
Look, not all Renly Rohans are murderers and it’s completely inappropriate of you to imply that this one would commit murder over something as trivial as a video game.
They have enough money to afford infinite catalysts I can assure you. Furthermore they make enough on their profitable ganks to afford to gank for fun too.
It’s common practice in ganking communities to always use your timer. Meaning gank as often as possible regardless of profitability.
Even with ganks like this I guarantee you these ganking operations are incredibly profitable overall.
Hmmm being dumb enough to lose 100s of millions of ISK in a few weeks?
Miners are tougher than you give us credit for.
And yet here you are whining about how you lost a ship and demanding more safety from CCP instead of using the existing tools (which successful miners use) to defend yourself and not get ganked. I give some miners credit for being smart and tough but you are clearly not one of them.
Idk you can make “100’s of millions in ISK” in like 5 hrs starting on a new char so you don’t sound nearly as impressive as you think here. The whole reason behind why eve exists is this predator eats prey mechanic. In this case, you are the prey. Even if they lost money on the gank, you are paying way more in the form of your salty tears.
If you are so tough, why haven’t you killed the gankers? You have a killright, instead of crying your eyes out on the forums, why not fight them? Why not gather intel on their locations if you are so “tough?” Even if you aren’t as strong as you say, you could still be mining enough right now to afford a mercenary if you are really as intent for these filthy gankers to pay for their misdeeds.
in the good times i lost 3 bil in pvp on a month
for fun
i was lucky enough them to earn close to 5 bil with my pvp
enough to buy ships and my plex
the professional victims never think that in the other side there is people to
im not a ganker but i bet that there is rich gankers and dirt poor gankers and they have to manage their isk and business like everybody else
As an Omega player I am providing facts surrounding my case to a higher authority and you griefers are just spectating the case before the high court of appeals. Judgement over the high-spec space gankers is given by the CCP not you.
As a broken element of the game emerges I will point out the ineffectiveness of the current deterrents, the first thing that should be done is an investigation into how often this is happening, and provide empirical evidence to determine a course of action.
There is nothing broken here at all, you just suck at EVE. Plenty of highsec miners don’t suck at EVE and don’t get ganked. This is a you problem, not a game problem.
CCP was literally formed by the “griefers” of an older game. They literally made a song telling people that they don’t care about your feelings, I suggest you watch it and amend your ways.
This element has been in the game for 17 years please stfu.
LOL tears of gold.
CCP supports ganking as an intended playstyle.
I’d say these tears are well worth the catalysts lost getting them.
Returning player here wondering why new player complain about pvp, its the game’s soul quite literraly
Most definitely. Damn I gotta find this guy in game and ransom him. The tears would be epic LOL
As I mentioned before 100’s of millions of ISK in weeks is not “sucking at EVE” I think all players should be at least able to do that. If you don’t then… well, you know.
Man why can’t I ever get people like this guy when I kill ventures in high-sec.