
AFK player does not press button…Concord response does not start…
a.) AFK player dies.
b.) Mechanic preventing warp would have to be removed.
c.) Hyperdunking is reintroduced into game.

ATK player presses button…Concord response is started…
a.) Player still dies
b.) Mechanic preventing warp would have to be removed.
c.) Hyperdunking reintroduced into game.

BOT instantly presses button…Concord response time is same as now.
A.) Bot dies or does not die
b.) Mechanic preventing warp would have to be removed.
c.) Hyperdunking reintroduced into game.
d.) CCP permabans bot.

Im on the fence with this one, not sure if its a good idea or bad idea…but it is intriguing.

Since new players in starting systems are effectively off limits for old players how does this put new players at risk? If anything a new player paying attention to the tutorials and seeing the panic button explained is, in my opinion, more likely to be less afk and at less risk than an older player who is used to pressing f1 to mine and going to do other stuff while afk sucking ore.

Do you have a source for this claim? If you’re talking about the “no griefing in rookie systems” rule, that only applies to rookie systems and does not extend to all of high security space.

I think your option d. makes it very worthwhile.

If I recall correctly, and it may have been mentioned before, I could be wrong, CONCORD responds to the criminal act itself, the attacking pilot going flashy red. I think the in game modification would be to add a cutoff for the response like “reported” (the panic button pressed by the attacked player) or “unreported” (no response/ignore).

I just don’t see the point in a panic button when the tiered concord response according to sec already exists.

What if; by the end of a warp session, I need a quick bio break, and get aggroed at gate (while I’m afk)?

If we go by the OP, then CONCORD would appear as normal.

Next to gates or stations they would still automatically respond.

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Outside of this thread there was a discussion where a complaint about non-corpmates being able to mine moon rocks enabled by corps who setup moon mining operations when it was originally thought others would go suspect for trespassing and mining “their rocks” etc.

Gave me a thought:
If a panic button is installed the button itself could be disabled by devs by adding settings like:

Mining point on grid = disabled (feel free to fight over moon rocks)

Incursion in system = disabled (concord is busy defending planets you’re on your own)

Special event in system = disabled

Players corp = social corp = disabled

Or whatever else fits their needs for enhancing player experiences.

Sometimes gankers just snipe you so you die instantly so panic button wont save the day. What we need is Concord to go crazy on gankers with lower response times and huge penalties for those who suicide gank…

Have you seen these CONCORD guys? You can’t get any crazier than what they do.

If they aren’t already spawned, they sit there with a stop watch and wait out a required time, then insta spawn out of the aether. That’s crazy right there.

We certainly don’t need them to be any more crazy.

But on a serious note, guaranteed loss of ship, sec status loss, killrights, outlaw mechanics. What more penalty do you want (which they’ll adjust to and manage as they do for the existing penalties)?

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They already lose their ship, what more penalties are you asking for?

Empire should be safe I mean total safety (excepty wars,kill rights,suspect status) so people living there especially the new players should not get ganked at all. Losing ships is not enough since they use cheap fits or they are soo rich so they just dont care and keep ruining peoples day.

Most you like ganking people and killing them (thats why you are aganist me) but do you know how many new players quit their game because you gank them lawlessly in HighSec space.

Note: My toon is from 2007 I lived in both Null and Low if anyone wants to fight they should go these regions so leave Empire players alone…

Why should it be safe?

Do you?

As always.
The slower the concord response the more likely you will be able to do something to survive gankers.
The faster you force gankers to be the more they will instant kill you with large numbers of ships.
So if you want to survive gankers you actually want a slower concord response. It seems silly but it’s actually how it works.

Also Concord ships shouldn’t spawn, it should just be a remote self destruct. It will avoid sillyness in game when Concord sits there ignoring pirates on grid, and it will fix issues surrounding spawn lag when doing things like smart bombs in highsec in a crowded place.

Yeah my best friend quit the game 2 days ago because of the gankers I mean if you want a fight go fight in null or Low sec those places are lawless why spend time and isk ganking innocent haulers anyway.

Looks like your friend couldn’t handle EVE. Tough beans, but the game demands you have some thick skin and your friend doesn’t have it.

Okay, so you have 1. Anymore? Because I don’t think a single thin skinned player is worth changing all these mechanics over.

Also, you conveniently dodged my original question. Gankers already lose their ships to Concord, what more punishment do they need?

Its not about having a thick skin its about protecting new players and protecting the playerbase are you aware that total player count going lower and lower in the last 5 years. If we had some sort of a security system which protects new players hanging out in Empire surely those players will eventually go low or null and become PVP’ers too. But hey you insta pop them and made them lose their weeks of work in a matter of seconds. If they enter low or null yeah sure go pop them its lawless anyway but in Empire thats not piracy thats far much worse than that.

Eve Online is just a game its not a social experiement to determine who has balls. People who dont seek fights should be completly safe in Empire. Many online games has their Non-PVP zones which forbids everykind of PVP (its just not allowed you cant click it wont work) so why dont we have one. I mean we do have it its called Empire but hey we also gankers who kills haulers or other stuff.

Losing ships is not a punishment at especially if you have billions to spend on ships and security status can also easly repaired by tags again. So a rich player can crate another toon and keep on ganking he can replace his ships cause he earned billions in null and buy tags to deal with security status. I mean if I want to go for this route right now (just an example) I can easly suicde gank people with Tornados etc for months. I can afford to lose 50+ or more ships and can repair my security status easly cause I have the isk which I earned from null. I earned it from mostly wrecks by the way I call them PVP payouts.

Note: I live in null and low and I dont have any station or anything to do in Empire other than buying some ships and going back to my stating systems and I have never been ganked in normal ships I mean crusers battleships etc.

To take their stuff?

How else should piracy work?

As to OP, while I am all for some iteration or change to give player some agency, I’m not sure messing around with how CONCORD spawns is a good idea. There needs to be a base, unavoidable cost on aggression to provide some baseline of security in highsec.

-1 then.

Boy you are playing a completely different game if you think high sec should be a safe space like this. Looks like you don’t have the thick skin to cut it in EVE either.

Look kid, there have been hundreds of crybabies like you whining and demanding safe spaces where no combat can take place. Each and every one of them eventually learns that Eve isn’t a theme park and moves on and the rest of the game continues with one less whining carebear.

If you don’t like eve, then go play something else you enjoy more. The core idea behind eve is that the universe is harsh and cruel. It seems like it’s not for you. So rather than changing the whole game for one crying carebear how about you just grow some thick skin?


Dude you call me kid but how old are you anyway so have some respect for other people’s opinions and try to behave mature cause we are in eve online forums right now.

Also not all eve players are suicadal manicans and not everyone likes killing new players in their cheap haulers. Its not about having a thick skin beign afraid wishing to be in a theme park etc.

Its about having diffrent type of gamers in one universe. For those who want safety well they can hang out in Empire do missions mine crappy ore and have fun surely they will earn very little but hey they have security so its their setback.For those who wants to be a pirate lowsec is over there and for those who wants more Null and WH space is also avalible.

As I stated before I am not living in Empire nor have any wish to do so cause activities are boring and I am not a PVE player. I just tried this new Triglavian stuff and even that felt like a boring thing to me. But hey some people just enjoy it and CCP knows it thats why invasion is happening at Empire space guess what grandpa even developers knew how important new players are cause they released a huge content based on Empire space.

Its about balance its about giving diffrent experiences and providing diffrent playstyles to diffrent people and letting them play as they wish.