Exactly my understanding of game mechanics, but lets say drifters laugh at you for that. Imagine them smiling with contempt when you try to make something logical.
I managed it with a ratting gila and a pair of augmented hammerheads. It is a tough ship to break but it is doable with 500 applied dps. You’ll also need 200-ish dps sustained tank to deal with the rest of the field, if you’re farming that’s doable with a twinrep myrmidon.
(I ran a site last night for an hour and a half, only stopped because I ran out of ammo! Reshipped out of my myrmidon and into the Gila to kill the cruiser, spent next 45 minutes salvaging. Total haul: 320mill in drugs, skin (drake), salvage and 30,000 fireworks & 300 launchers.)
The CCP advertisement for this event clearly states:
With various challenges for pilots of all levels of experience, and a number of different encounters that are tailored toward rookies, solo play, group play and PvP, there’s something in this event for everyone…
Obviously that’s a bunch of crock.
For too long NPC’s in this game have had unlimited Cap and endless amounts of ammo with Ewar effects that are excessively strong doing ranges out to 250km. The only saving grace was that those NPC’s were dumb which allowed Capsuleers a chance to be victorious.
So now we’re suppose to fight NPC’s that have a new AI game mechanic that makes them behave like players. However those NPC’s still have god mode ships and weapons. I don’t mind it if NPC’s act like players, as long as their ships perform like our ships. And that my friends just isn’t happening.
Sure, I can buy a Marauder, fit it up with Faction / Deadspace mods, warp into a site and go to Bastion mode for the win but everybody in this game has different skills and different equipment. I’m seriously tired of hearing the constant ‘Gila this and Gila that’ crap. And don’t bother saying ‘Fleet up with other players to do the sites’ cuz that is just a pipe dream.
I’m sorry for the rant but I’m pissed at the constant push to have players like myself do stuff that just doesn’t interest them. If I wanted to do PvE Fleet Ops I’d be doing Incursions. If I wanted to do PvP Fleet Ops I’d join a big Alliance in Null Sec. CCP needs to pull their heads out and take a look, I mean really take a look at the numbers and just accept the fact that the majority of players in this game like to play solo.
Why? Cuz the number one rule in this game is trust no one. That doesn’t mean being anti-social. Hell, I’m always busy talking to other players in a variety of chat channels while I’m doing stuff solo.
Bottom line is CCP once again proves they Can’t Code Properly and have no clue about this game or the players in it.
/end rant
Are you salty because you don’t know how to farm solo? Scroll up, you can do it with an active tanked battlecruiser.
Dude, that’s not the point of my statement. I have farmed solo in this game for 10 years. I have both the skills and the equipment to do it.,
The cruiser sites honestly have a pretty low barrier of entry, especially DPS-wise, but the more difficult sites are fun to try & actually dominate - the Battleships are a real challenge to take down
This event is easy in highsec, once you know how to deal with it, took me an hour to “solve” it yesterday. I can clear the site killing the Cruiser in a few minutes (2-3) solo. But the accelerator drops are rare this time, so you need to run a lot of sites to get your supply of improved (basics are crap …).
Not sure about the standing … should I be concerned?
Nothing in the game is currently affected by Drifter standings - I’d assume that if something comes along that is, we’d get a chance to fix things
I’ve only been playing for two years, in all that time I’ve used the same ship, same fit to farm rats. You don’t need a billion isk battleship to run this event, you can do it in a 80mill cruiser.
Haven’t tried the BS site yet but Cruiser site is perfectly soloable in a cruiser. Preferably Vigilant or Deimos but there are many other viable fits there already. When webbed cruiser drifter dies fast so you barely need any tank for those sites.
Yeah, and that’s why Drifters are currently in the standings list of Factions. Their standings will probably be activated when the Trig Faction is implemented and with the new AI mechanic and the fact that Drifters are roaming freely all over New Eden, might as well say good bye to having high lv implants installed.
What cruiser? Share a fitting maybe? I am curious of what can do it better than Gila and cheaper. I thought about ashimmu, but my laser skills are very shoddy.
I used my Kronos to take out the Drifter cruiser. I had to get a little creative with the fit - but it worked. The problem is that the loot drops are nonexistent, so you might as well farm the drones.
However, I can make 3-4x as much running L4s as farming the drons (and the loot value on those is rapidly diminishing). And since I can get 150 points every hour just wracking up 15m in bounties that’s a heck of a lot quicker than shooting Sleeper frigates.
The other bone I have to pick is that they added an insane lock time to the wrecks so you pretty much have to use a MTU (even with a sensor booster it takes upwards of 12 seconds).
Myrmidon with medium drones and medium gauss guns, dual EANAM and dual medium armor repper, afterburner, then cap rechargers’ to stabilise everything
Ah, but its battlecruiser actually. What is EANAM?
The only thing funnier than the use of drones is watching them from a bird’s eye view. The Drifter and Sleepers all run around in a circle with all these blue dots furiously chasing them.
Energised adaptive nano membrane
I only think that if CCP would do event when drones are useless only one time, there would so much complaining that their usually good ships are trash for it.
Yes, that was concerning the first site I ran since I was using heavies… Medium drones are just the ticket unless you have free slots for drone navigation units.
Yes, but see, you actually tried. Most people who are complaining did not. The beacon site with the cruiser is doable in a freaking Gnosis. The Signature site takes a bit more, I’ve beat it with a Rapid Heavy Typhoon (of course my Machariel is better, my fit is similar to this guy’s on reddit)
IMO it’s CCP’s fault people are complaining, not because this event is too hard (it isn’t), but because the last few were too easy and too rewarding. CCP conditions people to “press button, Receive Accelerator shaped bacon” with these events, then when they make one where you have to think they get this angry backlash.