Constantly Disconnects "The Socket is closed"

Whatever. If you are not willing to read everything here then there is no point of talking.

I read that you didn’t try using a VPN.

I’ve been having problems for a couple weeks now. I just submitted a ticket. I was really hoping that it would have resolved by itself.

Can you recommend a free VPN that might help the continuously random disconnects I’m getting?

So who was it said they thought it might be somehow connected to the alliance competition?

I don’t want to jinx it or anything but I gotta ask… any of you had the problem so far this week?

Because (touch wood) I haven’t.

No connection is stable during the week. This was the case alst week too. Upcoming weekend will be the test.

Well I’m not 100% sure about yesterday, wasn’t logged in much or paying attention for it & I can’t remember if I had one or not.

But today I’ve been logged in for a bit over 2 hours now & no socket closed so far.

While it was happening just about every hour every day the past 2 weeks or more.

Been able to log in once during the last 8 days , 2 days ago they obviously changed something as log in has worked every time since .
Strange thing was i couldn’t log into the forums either , wasn’t that bothered went and played something else and even got as far as opening the front door to see if the world is still outside…

Poor show CCP , you’ve gone backwards by miles over the last 2 years…don’t forget your running a business somewhere in that computer game…

Yeah is still stable, but the weekend will show if its fixed.

I think we can confirm the guess that the connection problems were related to the AT. First Weekend without any disconnects, first weekend were there is no AT …

Ok today i had two disconnects again once per hour…

I’ve not had any yet (that I’ve noticed & remembered… bit hard to miss them though) since the end of the AT myself… accept for daily downtime (if I’m on then) of course :slight_smile:

Idk its the first time since the end of AT. The Errormessage “socket closed error” is literally spamming my window when i disconnect. Before the disconnects occured i had an ingame notification of an EVE stream and a calendar notification of said stream. I am not saying this things correlate but since AT was also announced like this and the DCs began, i am confused.

Did you play today? Because from end of AT till yesterday it was also fine with me

Actually no… woke up around 14:00 and haven’t logged into the game yet… got sidetracked having a glance around the forums :slight_smile:

Ok pls keep track of disconnects and post it here when you have them. It also can be solved by now when its rly the problem with the event and the calendar notification, since the event ended by now. I should haven an disconnect any minute, if not it might be gone. I am trying to find a good VPN though, cause i dont want to deal with this problem any longer.

Give this a shot.

“I recently replaced my home wifi router after my old one died with a Linksys AC2200. Immediately after installing the new router I started getting socket closed errors on all of my eve clients at the same time(Even getting some disconnect errors on other games). So I did some exploring in the settings and linksys has this feature called express forwarding, basically it bypasses the standard port inspection to improve performance. I disabled this feature and have not had a single socket close error since. Just thought I would share incase anyone else was having the same issue.

It’s gotta be something on your end, we just need to figure out what. Try the VPN solution, post what router you’re using.

I still highly doubt that it is on my end. I am stable when all others are stable with the same problem and I am not when the others are not.

I am pretty sure it has something to do with the events popping up and calendar notifications. It’s definitely a server request every hour which fails.

I post my router when I am home. But vpn and stuff is a temporary solution. It has to be fixed.

I am still curious how you think it’s on my side when my setup worked for months and it disconnects at the same time when a lot others disconnect. How do you explain the exact time one hour in game? For everyone else too?. Shouldn’t it be randomly and randomly for all others? It’s odd that there are so much others with the exact same timing. I am pretty sure there would be others yesterday when it happened later the day.

Oh and it will be stable for a longer time now as long as no event is popping up in game. So finding out what’s the problem will be hard then.

i got the same issues aswell but its completly random and on 1 char only but at my side its completly random not every 60mins. checked my router and got no express forwarding. Maybe trying the vpn later and see if it helps.

Stable again since this event. I am now 99% sure it has nothing to do with me or my ISP. It only occurs when something is popping up ingame … you can say what you want.