Could we change the rules of engagement in the eve forum?

if you want to see it this way.
the forum should be an extension of the actual game itself.
and therefore we should have as less restrictions as possible and as much as possible player regulated.

and in fact the forum is the extension of the game.
you can trade
hire people
do all the meta gaming

you have to assume Schrödinger’s grandmother is a sailor

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Much kek.

No, consider the forums to be highsec. you can suicide gank, but you’ll get a timer. You can’t drop bombs, or get respect for capitals. No jamming.

It’s not what you think it is. It’s a forum for discussion. The fight needs to take place inside the game and only there, or too much of the energy gets lost in useless rant. You then act as if you actually care for what’s being said in local and as if you didn’t know any other place than the official EVE forum.

Isn’t there some famous website for it already? Or has this closed down? Kokosumen or what is it’s name?!

Edit: found it … … but I don’t know why it says there “All posts now require moderator approval” :rofl:

Is there a list of words that are deemed offensive so that I know what I can and cannot post?

Not only does it implement well in to the EvE universe, the mentioned rules are exactly the same ingame.

Stop being such a snowflake and harden up. How some of you get through a day outside your mom’s basement amazes me.

“get brain” is offensive because …?
ok got it

meat tulip is

I prefer honest discussions without delving into unnecessary vulgarities. Use of clever language and veiled insults are so much more satisfying.

As for what a reasonable person would find offensive, I’ve found that often those who go on about easily offended special snowflakes have their own ‘triggers’. It’s really quite amusing.

because it encourages someone to put effort in his actions.
or it implies he didn’t put effort in his action.

some could argue what words should be banned.
but the big issue you cant assemble words in a specific way.
for example

a list of all things Hitler did wrong

some people might think this is a offensive statement without using any swear words.
and because of the prohibition of some combination of words
this leads to unhonest conversations.

and for this we don’t have universal uniform definition.

in some country’s denying the holocaust is considered to be polite.
in others you will face real life consequences

this is absolutely true I cant argue that
but there is no way for banning stupidity without getting stuck in a dilemma.
therefore I think we should rather have to much freedom then even slightly o less of it

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Nice discourse and discussion of ideas, you guys. Kind of like a real, public “The Forum.”


In that case, the term “offensive” for a word has a different meaning than “offensive” for a sentence.
So some words are considered offensive (which I did not know ) because the culture of the people who define what is offensive says so.
To me that is fascism : to define what people can say or not, based on the taste of some people.


At least the fat guy got some exercise.


This thread is ridiculous. Suck it up respective buttercups.

I agree, but it can’t be done for a number of reasons:

  • EVE is PG-12 and this means CCP needs to filter out certain content, especially sexually explicit things, otherwise they’ll most certainly be sued by someone.
  • Posts that deliberately and over-to-top are suitable to break the peace, from the viewpoint of a regular, average person, are bad for a group discussion in general. Examples are threats of violence, hate speech of any kind, harassment, over the top personalized insults. In real life certain words would viably justify an actually violent response in the court of law. People who want to anger others, without having to face the consequences wish to use the internet to escape punishment. Since there is no way that CCP can be the judge of that or even ensure real life punishment where permissable, their best course of action is trying to make people stick to ground rules.
  • You don’t really need to read the worst thing someone could throw at you to get a good idea who they are. People find a way to circumvent the rules to let others know what they are actually meaning to say. One example is when people argue about “others feeling offended”, you’d often find at least one person who uses this purely as a strategic argument. The best reply is: “Oh, I am sorry you feel offended for breaking your nose.”
  • While I agree that it is better to know who someone really is, the problem with certain forms of hate speech is that there isn’t anything that is purely “opinion”, as soon as it is expressed in words. Hate speech isn’t specifically forbidden for the reason it overly harms people - general laws against libel already do that. Hate speech is illegalized specifically because it is the attempt to rallye haters with the ultimate goal to turn words into actions, such as violent attacks, murder and more. This is something that no civilized country can accept, as all our standard of living, working of our socities, functioning of our institutions depend on the general publics agreement to abide the law.
  • If you ask to get rid of normal human respect, you are asking for the end consequence of your neighbors coming over and burning your cat, robbing your house and eating your wife for breakfast.

We can’t have that, because there are too many people from the USA around here.

Just wait.

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You’re reading him wrong. What he is saying is he thinks a rude discussion is an honest discussion.

While rude talk can reveal people’s true feelings, is it not more than pointless rant and only ever pointed at people and not at topics.

In short, he doesn’t want to talk about things in EVE, instead he wants to start a therapy session.


You’ve never had a discussion with a Fin in all your life, have you?