Could we change the rules of engagement in the eve forum?

You mean you only ever talked to one Fin in all your life?

I talk to a few quite regularly and let me assure you, people can absolutely rant about topics without pointing the rant at people.

So now you think all Fins are rude?

I didn’t say one couldn’t rant. I’m saying rude talk is rant.

I didn’t claim that. Merely provided the counter example needed to disprove your

argument. You claim that it’s always aimed at people instead of topics, which is clearly not the case. I don’t need an entire nation as example, I just need a single case.

Give an example and I’ll tell you at whom it’s targeted.

Right at the point !!! :+1:

Christ people. This is just sh*t. The conflict I get is due to stupid new gcc header file crap. But what makes me upset is that the crap is for completely bogus reasons.

The above code is sh*t, and it generates ■■■■ code. It looks bad, and there’s no reason for it.

Really. Give me one reason why it was written in that idiotic way with two different conditionals, and a shiny new nonstandard function that wants particular compiler support to generate even half-way sane code, and even then generates worse code? A shiny function that we have never ever needed anywhere else, and that is just compiler-masturbation.

Tell me why. Because I’m not pulling this kind of completely insane stuff that generates conflicts at rc7 time, and that seems to have absolutely no reason for being anm idiotic unreadable mess.

That’s the best I can come up with right now. It’s a quote from our most beloved Fin, Linus Torvalds.
You could spin it like he’s ranting at the developer that wrote the code, but he’s ranting about the code (a specific topic) itself.

I myself do the same thing as well. All the time. Most particularly I rant about Windows’ brain-damaged design and how you need GUI ■■■■ for everything and can’t get anything done with that pile of ■■■■.

Those are rants about man-made things, but we can rant about natural things all the same. A chemist could easily rant about various natural elements I guess and then there wouldn’t even be a human in the equation that his rant could be aimed at. It would be a purely topic-focused rant.

It’s a classic example of attributing objects with human and/or animal features. Most common example is the f-word. Suddenly objects have sex organs and are “doing it”, like the “effin’ car” in front of you, which is of course nonsense and has a completely different meaning.

It’s targeted at those reading it as well as oneself. In your example it’s the words sh*t, idiotic and insane. It’s targeted in parts at oneself for lacking the understanding, and at those who created the code for not providing it. It’s needy and whiny. In case of Linus have people learned to ignore it, because everyone knows he’s just a big baby and only good for one thing.

I think OP might like r/Eve.

Your parents had sex before you were even born.

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The rules that OP posted are not against this. Also I think ISDs and DEVs have a high treshold for intervention when it comes to ranting a bit, which is good. They normally don’t interrupt or close topics just because people start to get a bit angry, even throwing a few insults at each other. It’s accepted and Forum users can regulate themselves and each other.

What OP posted/linked are not rules against ranting.

The quoted rules are:

Be civil. Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech.

This is a good rule in the specific way it is phrased. Reasonable person means that people who get offended over really everything, will need to suck it up, while people who absolutely know no basic respect for others, will be shut down. The vast majority of people are neither of the extremes and the rule is meant to keep discussions fluid and open, while making sure the extremes don’t sabotage it.

Keep it clean. Don’t post anything obscene or sexually explicit.

EVE is PG-12. Nothing more to say to that.

Respect each other. Don’t harass or grief anyone, impersonate people, or expose their private information.

Correct rule. Doxxing is rightly forbidden and also illegal. CCP cannot and should not allow it. Impersonation is a similar case and is also forbidden in-game. Harassing and griefing probably depend on the definition, but I think the first linked rule makes it clear where about the border lies.

Respect our forum. Don’t post spam or otherwise vandalize the forum.

Also correct rule. I don’t want to read spam here as it counters the ability for everyone to read and write according to their interests.

So, none of these rules go against a somewhat harsher tone, a bit of ranting or use of strong words. They are all pretty much common sense.

Most Western countries even have specific laws about these issues, to guarantee the maximum possible freedom of expression while also keeping the countries inner peace.

It’s just normal.

No one is obliged to write here, no one is obliged to be a resident of any western country. If you don’t like societies rules, you can go and find a place where violence rules. Maybe you’ll find what you are looking for.

You thinking about certain women as feminazis is inherently malious and proves you can not say such a thing without the intent do insult, harm or cause distress. This is never just a joke.

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On the contrary, there’s a huge difference between feminists and feminazis. A feminist is generally a good thing. A feminazi takes it two a whole new level, going beyond womens rights and straight into hatred of men. They are a very real thing, and if you desire proof, go search youtube for some utterly cringe-worthy examples.

I myself support equality. Straight up equality. Equal pay, equal responsibilities in both the household and workplace, equal social expectation. In many ways, that makes me a feminist, save for the fact that I don’t care enough to actually advocate for it. Not my fight.

As for making a joke about something that’s intended to hit a sore spot, yes, that can be made in jest. It’s the difference between asserting something and jesting about something. Like I said, it’s not tasteful, but it can still be joked about. You don’t have to laugh for me to be joking.


I think you is the joke.

Only by PEGI standards, it’s rated Teen by ESRB.

Neither organisation rates online interactions, they merely go by the content as packaged in the software.

Furthermore a 12 year old with their own Eve account is technically breaking the EULA as CCP state no player under the age of 13 may hold one.

Certainly seems I managed to trigger someone!


I do make these jokes, but only self-ironically to infer that my mind is flat and lazy enough to make such a joke. Usually earns a few laughs, but actually I know that even the joke about the joke isn’t very funny. For jest you need something that surprises your audience, is witty or let them see or feel a contradiction within what we perceive as normal. I mean, fair enough, if you didn’t learn any other form of humor than pointing at something, laughing as loud as you can and expect others to join in, it may not be your fault.

But… being all sad and bitter about people not laughing about uninspired, uncomical things you say and then calling them

is just weak.

Own up to your jokes not being funny for major parts of the adult population. You can laugh about things that are just the most lame-ass stereotypes, laugh about the idea that americans are stupid, women can’t drive, whatever. It’s your choice. Don’t act all bitchy when others don’t laugh with you. Most people have grown up and developed a much finer taste in jokes, maybe because they have seen more in life than you have or they are generally more perceptive and thereby find your “joke” boring.

Now if you call them the above mentioned word, you just look to others as if you can’t laugh about yourself and take things too serious or that you didn’t feel any jest in the first place and really just sadly pretend to joke when you actually have some kind of issue with women. Again, that’s okay. Everyone has issues. Maybe you have yet to find a way to impress women in a way different than trying hard to be funny or pulling their hair. Just chillax man.

You’re inferring that I’m mislabeling them. I was being quite literal in my example (since it was my example, I’m in complete control of the circumstances), in that they literally do turn out to be feminazis. I chose this demographic because they are likely to take the most offense to such a statement. It’s a cherry-picked worst-case example.

Amazingly, I seem to have already done that:

See first response.

Ah okay, I remembered that incorrectly then. Anyhow, I think for US American audiences everything below a higher age can’t contain any form of sexual explicit stuff. As a parent I appreciate that CCP has clear rules about that.

There is no such thing as “feminazis”. It’s a word women-haters constructed and use in order to generally discredit women who are unhappy about that a minor part of men is full of ■■■■. I mean, you can still write here, so I assume she didn’t expropriate you, publically humiliate you, kill you and your family in the gas chamber and burn your bodies in the oven. Calling someone a “feminazi” is literally the most self-victimizing thing ever heard of in the history of mankind. Because she finds you unfunny and blurts back, your little ego is so incredibly hurt that a woman dares to do that, that you declare yourself such a huge victim, just like a victim of nazis.

You’re pathetic.