Covid Making Exploring Hell

Anything else than mining and lvl 1-4 missions should be removed from high and high should be made pvp free…would help much to keep away complains like that…in low you are expecting ganks…

That means, you PLEX your acc in 4 hours.
■■■■■■■■ :poop:
Stop lying

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No…that’s possible if you know what to pick up and what to open…:slight_smile:

And certainly how to pick up the right sides :slight_smile:

This is just a matter of experience(and a little luck),but 90% experience…

Yeah, sure. Especially in hisec…

So…everybody that knows better than you is a troll because you are not willing to face it? Well…your decison…

No, not everybody. In this case, it‘s only you.
The reason is, because you‘re lying.
Nobody makes 350M in hisec explo.
You‘re crazy man. Get a doctor if you don‘t feel well.

This just goes to show how much Eve Online is better than many other games out there.

It offers nothing like anything I had seen before and that is why I am here.

I’ve heard others complaining about the competition. CCP could increase the number of sites, but that would just drive loot prices down further. Perhaps you can try hunting explorers?

Perhaps I should try hunting explorers?

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English please.

Darlo / Balos doesn’t like me much (something I consider a compliment) and I confess to not being overly fond of his views…at all…however, his English is not too bad, imo.

English is not his first language, so please give all who use the English as a tool some leniency, Sold. :slight_smile:

Balos your views continue to suck.


I literally posted in this thread BEFORE you. But yeah, I guess I’m stalking you so much that I knew that you were gonna post here even before you did it, right?

Well yes, of course, for someone like you who is unable to concentrate for more than one single sentence of reading, the posts of someone actually capable of conversation and debate must need a lot of efforts to read.

Sorry, I’m not gonna downgrade my brain capacities to yours nonetheless.

So who is my alt this time?

Some pretend it’s CODE, some other Anderson, some other a “Very old player that fake being new”.

Which person of this forum should I add to my supposed list of alts today?

Why bother hacking cans when you can loot explorers wrecks.


It’s just as much of a load of bollocks whatever language it’s stated in…

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None native speakers are always wrong genius…

Fact is critic like this always comes from people who at best saw a dictionary lying on a shelf of a public libary last time…if ever…

But you are a native speaker so you are right,hm?


Anything you don’t want nor understand is bollocks,bs or whatever you may call it to devalue it…

You are so easy to see through in your tactic it really hurts,but I am the problem here…

Get adult and see the reality as it is and as a matter of fact eve is losing players and a change into the RIGHT direction is needed and the RIGHT direction is opposite to the course that was driven for 15 years…

@Darlo_Kubika got what you need buddy.

Because pvp is a primitive and selfish playstyle and should be banned from high.

You would have low and null as playground for your caveman game left aka 2/3 of the server…more than enough…

I remember very well. You’re a lying through your teeth, as usual.

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Yep I’M lying…not you people who always alter any post i do and quote it wrong so it fits into your funny and annoying accuses you make to devalue me…

And i BET you will only quote the first 3 words of this post in your next one…

Pay up. ISK will be accepted.