notice how i said “sustainability” not what’s normal way of doing things, you can kill players all you want, but just like in a bar fight, you take it outside in WHs or low sec
Your proposal has many flaws. Some obvious ones are:
- Failure of mentioning mission runners and their roles.
- Much of mission running rewards is in LP, which is used to manufacture items for both personal and market use.
- Removal of citadels to 0.0 guts industrial corps.
- Removal of PI criples low intensity PI in HS; effecting the weakest of players.
You appear to be limiting what roles you can have, almost like some sort of Chinese academic path. You should allow HS to be the incubator of new ideas,roles, and experiences for the newer players while leaving enough engaging high end activities to satisfy the veteran HS dweller. HS has a greatly reduced influence in overall game economic power, why reduce it even more for some players? Your proposal removes more from HS than it offers and please, let’s not keep bringing up the “non consenual” PvP angle, either. You offer more options for HS and I’ll listen to your ideas.
then, you’re not understanding the limitations i have placed, nowhere did i say you couldn’t manufacture things from missions
IF I run missions, then I fit into what category SINCE COMBAT MISSIONS AREN’T EVEN MENTIONED!?.
Industry? Not if I want to declare war on another corp or combat mission.
Militia? Not if I don’t want a huge influx of hostiles in the areas I frequent.
Criminal? Not if I don’twant to fully embrace a game style I’m not looking for.
Perhaps you have a good idea in your proposal, but it’s obscured by the lack of details and it still removes more than it gives. The idea that one must specialize their character smacks of min/max ideals that I reject.
Finally, this non consensual PvP idea has to be dropped.
sigh like i said, you’re not comprehending correctly
…aand, the minutes for the second and last CSM meeting are out, and there is no mention of PvE other than putting top missions behind the Omega paywall.
Not a bad result after 585 messages.
Sorry, Yiole.
When the wardec discussion started I guessed they would divert Team Whatever to fix wardecs instead of whatever they were considering to plan about holding a meeting to talk about the possibility of doing anything for PvE specifically or highsec in general.
Are wardecs not something for highsec in general?
Like air. Breathable air is also something useful for highsec in general. CCP is NOT polluting breathable air thus CCP is doing something for highsec in general.
I think they also have a hand in the whole sunlight thing for growing food. Nobody could play highsec without food…
It’s “nice” to see that apart plex and injectores issues that are transversal issues in all New Eden there is nothing aimmed for the majority of high sec residents. As for wardecs they are important but are you sure that are the main reason of life for HS ?
This is a major thing that folks in high sec have been demanding for years - I seem to recall you specifically saying that nothing would happen to fix this issue when I first started running. I’m not at all surprised to see you poo-pooing that we actually got this fixed.
I promised you and others that I’d bring up PvE in highsec, and I did. Last summit.
Agree with the sentiment, but perhaps the analogy I prefer is complaining about the rancid food and water on your sinking sailing ship while you are being boarded by pirates…priorities first. The lack of comprehensive HS evolultion/growth is a valid (as well as a long standing one) complaint, but I think that the rampant inflation/NS isk faucet and botting issues outweigh it. Perhaps the increase in CCP staff will mean more assets are diverted toward improving HS in terms of injecting new content in the areas and ideas proposed by many different people.
If CCP can create Abyssal Space with randomly generated opponents and rewards, it shouldn’t be that tough to do the same for missions and exploration sites. While I prefer a generalized revitalization of the game feature, you could opt for having the mechanism where LP use buys “mission chips”, one use mission creating tokens similar to filaments that could also be sold or traded. Have higher standings combined with LP spending generate a higher class level missions in HS. The sandbox choices are endless.
By the way,Brisc, if CCP has hired many new people, could we have one dev assigned as a liaison to HS? Not so he would be solely focused on HS, but at least be more aware and in tune with the mindset/gameplay of HS players. Many of us are tired of hearing that “we don’t see the need for that” or “we want you to try this form of group or PvP activity” as CCP’s fallback position in regards to HS. I appreciate that at least you listen and present many of our positions to those in power, I just wish we could get those people to understand and accept some of our concerns. It took well over 6 years before CCP accepted that we were correct about wardeccing in HS and it’s effects on player retention; just imagine where else they have failed to see that many of our complaints have validity?
I think the bulk of Devs that play the game are probably in high sec.
As for the mission thing, as the last minutes noted, the mission system is one of the oldest systems in EVE and changing it - even just adding new missions - would be a major headache, which is why they haven’t done much to it in years.
They created Abyssal space as all new PvE content, and Yiole and others complained that nobody would use it because of the suspect timer in High Sec. So I passed all of those concerns on, and CCP dropped the suspect timer for highsec. Now that’s a valid PvE opportunity that’s less than a year old and we’re still hearing complaints about no new PvE.
That, coupled with fixing war decs - I just don’t know what else to tell folks.
You greatly reduce the DCs or change the ability of the server to recognize a valid non player caused interruption from the old “Logoffski Manuever” , then I and many others will be glad to delve in. The no reimbursement policy is understandable, but only if the ship is lost through pilot error or normal gameplay. Losing a very expensive ship due to outside influences would sour any person’s opinion of Abyssal space.
Wardecs still are broken, just now they’re broken in a different way and in the long term it’s gonna be worse than what was in place.
Same warmongers, less wardeccable corps means that more corporations will be evicted at an older age, leaving the next generation of noobs without middle aged corporations to join and learn. The gap between “too young to be target” and “too dangerous to be a target” just became wider and more lethal.
The optimal way out of a wardec is to quit the game, and CCP just put a lot more pressure on the post-structure demographic. Why would those players stick? Because of the 10 years old pre-upwell content?
Months ago I told you that in the eyes of a highsec PvEr, running abyssal sites in highsec is more dangerous than in nullsec. You told me that this is wrong.
Here and now I bet you 1 ISK that there’s more abyssal filaments per player (filaments/player) being used in nullsec than they are in highsec. Ask CCP and fetch an answer.
And then tell me AGAIN that I am wrong and the problem is us highsec PvErs not liking what CCP does not do for us.
Do you know the saying? “All for the People, without the People?” That’s CCP and highsec for the last 8 years.
Because, you know, we’re so fukking wrong about why we do the things we do and don’t like what we don’t like.
Your only solution has been to remove them from the game completely.
The optimal way out of a war dec is to blow up the other guy’s structure.
I’m pretty sure this isn’t true, after the suspect timer change, but even if I were to act like a ■■■■■■■ dog and “fetch” some statistics, I can’t release them anyway.
You’re wrong, and the problem is you highsec PvErs not liking what CCP does for you.
You got me, I can’t sleep at night thinking of all the money CCP has stopped giving me over all the things I didn’t like after their condescended to do them for my own good (without ever asking me). I am a terrible customer and should be ashamed.
You’re simply impossible to please, you constantly move the goalposts, and nothing is ever good enough. You’re basically the archetypal ex-wife.