Komi wakes early in the morning. Whatever morning meant out here in space.
Her small living quarters at the Guristas freeport were lit by the sun that now crawled slowly and shy through a single small porthole that was the only gap in the confined walls made out of metal and hard plastic.
Both her bodyguards, loyal freedom fighters, were sleeping at the two armchairs, that surrounded a round table where a game of “Colonize!” was started but never finished.
She should have been mad, but over the past few days she had been demanding a lot from her men.
Getting into trouble was one of her best talents, and her crew had already suffered a lot, because of her actions. If anyone deserved a break, it was them.
Komi got up, careful to not wake her sleeping guards and made her way catlike to her desk, while organizing and tying her hair up.
A small pile of holoreels and datasheets, probably all commenting on her CSM campaign, waited on the unfirm table. She grabbed a random holo, put on her headphones and activated it.
Her chest dropped as she exhaled slowly to relief herself. Going through all this messages was exhausting, and it was just the start of her political career.
At first she thought the holo was broken, it stuttered and spotted, but the quality improved after a couple of seconds.
Komi watched the whole thing [[ >> CSM 15 | Vote for Komi!]] quietly.
The holo got thrown into the next recycle bin. A hand supported her forehead, on which now small wrinkles disrupted her perfect skin. She wanted to punch the table, release some of her aggression, but the two snoring guards forced her to fall quiet.
Receiving personal threats was one thing, she could pretty much ignore it.
This message on the other hand was not a simple threat to herself, but a threat to her whole kind that offered some additional advice with the vainness only an Amarrian could radiate.
On top of that, the creator of this holo was an powerful capslueer. How much of his threats he could make reality? She had absolutely no idea…
Pondering for over one hour, she finally recorded a small video and send it to Mr @Jurius_Doctor :
On playing the Video, it would reveal Komi standing on a planet. The video background was edited and showed a beautiful beach with azur water and white sand, covering up the fact that it was taken in some loomy Guristas quarters. There was nothing that could indicate that the video wasn’t taken on the beautiful shores of Kalyai. The sun on her face, the wind in her hair, even the attenuation of her voice in the fresh breeze was perfectly simulated by the editing program.
Komi, wearing a sky blue shirt, turnes to the camera and indicates a slight bow. She smiles slightly.
“Greetings, Mr Doctor
I am very thankful for your honest advice. May the best one win! I’m glad your campaign focuses on the economic development of the cluster as well. With all respect for your work, let me give you some advice in return.”
The young woman continues while slowly walking to the shore:
“The decisions of the Stellar Management resort to the general population as well. And while you and some other capsuleers consider yourself not as humans anymore, I wanted to remind you, that your thoughts and your motives are very similar to those of us humans. Instead of looking for borders between us, you might to look at the things we have in common.”
Komi faces the camera again.
“We have feelings, passion, motives and a consciousness as well. This is what defines us as humans, not the color of our skin nor our physical body or our immortality or lack of it. You might be powerful, but you cannot exonerate yourself from having feelings, passion and motives as well.
We are like those beautiful trees…”
She points at some vegetation in the distance. In reality only a dirty spot on the hard plastic wall.
“… we stand tall and reach for the sun, but if our base is chopped off, we fall and will never recover. To me -no offense- you seem to be a broken tree.
The moment we stop caring for each others feelings… is that the moment we become inhuman? How could a beautiful forest exist if all trees were chopped?
What do you think?”
She stops and her tone becomes darker.
“To adress your last part. I’m not interested in staying quiet and just observe our civilisations falling into pieces. I don’t want to become a martyr, and if we all just act in our best manners, there is not need to use force. Additionally I wanted to inform you what I’m not interested to turn into one of your pawns or slaves! I don’t need your protection, the Republic is my protector, because unlike you it cares about us small people. And my brothers would never turn against me. I would rather die then give up my freedom! For all Matari are free people!”
Komi raises her fist in her best iconic Ushra’Khan impression and the Video ends.