@Xuxe_Xu Komi linked this video a few posts above:
I think this sums up well Komi’s mindset and priorities in regards to CSM.
@Xuxe_Xu Komi linked this video a few posts above:
I think this sums up well Komi’s mindset and priorities in regards to CSM.
Yes, I will sell my voters for 12.000 ISK in Hek and Rens!
This video is not related to my CSM campaign in any way. Salvage Drones are just very cute!
whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart.
Two points:
1- That’s not a campaign video.
2- That’s not a campaign video.
Now, I realise that technically might be one point, but it was such an important one I’d thought I’d mention it twice.
@Xeux don’t be mad at me, pal…I would be quite sad. Although we obviously have differing views on ingame politic, your choice of a cromulant amount of ‘X’ for your character name still impresses me and marks you out as as a sentient being of refinement.
@Komi_Valentine - That advert video for your drone-making business is why I’m sure you could make a video for your campaign. I particularly liked the Duct tape removal tool. So can we look forward to a CSM campaign video from you?
The triple facepalm was actually meant for Komi’s drone video, not your implication that I am not taking the CSM elections seriously. I only need one slot to vote for Mike Azariah - the others are all empty. James 315 isn’t running this year.
@Xeux - Ah, ok I see, my mistake. Also, I don’t think you are not taking CSM stuff seriously. We simply have differing opinions on some things, other things no.
Pardon me, @Xuxe_Xu, I didn’t realize you were serious
Well, this is where we differ. No offence intended but I won’t vote for somebody who makes a Campaign Video basically telling everybody to kiss their ass.
@Komi_Valentine - That advert video for your drone-making business is why I’m sure you could make a video for your campaign. I particularly liked the Duct tape removal tool. So can we look forward to a CSM campaign video from you?
Well, I’m not sure If I can make a good video in time… the Drone vid took me 1 day and I’m very busy right now… I have an awesome Idea for a video, but that would take me 1-2 months probably … maybe I could create a very short clip… hm… do you think a 1 minute video would be enough?
You probably should go for it - you are second only to Brisc in terms of visibility on the campaign forum right now.
I didn’t realize you were serious
Komi - yes, you should absolutely do that!
Now, I realise that technically might be one point, but it was such an important one I’d thought I’d mention it twice.
Kryton? That sounds like a Red Dwarf reference.
@Mike_Azariah - Sir, you are not a smeeeg heeeed.
I hope this is not taken in the wrong way, but as a very long-term roleplayer and lore nut, I feel that:
The CSM dearly needs a representative who loves and understands EVE lore, preferably also EVE RP.
It does not need one who:
goes IC into explicitly OOC places instead of keeping the distinction between character and player (basically same difference as between playing harsh in game but sharing a pint and warstories with your opposition at Fanfest)
selects peaceful baseliners as their characters, instead of the core EVE experience of capsuleers, making them fringe even among the already fringe enough demography of lore-motivated players(*)
does not understand from first-hand experience the interplay between PvP and RP (yes, there’s room in EVE for PvErs, but IMO there is no room on the CSM for people who have zero understanding about pvp basics and politics involved in wardecs or sovereignty, preferably both).
(*) I say lore-motivated, not RPers, because I believe the former to be a vastly greater group of people than what’s usually understood by the latter. A lot of people like lore and are interested in taking part of storyline events etc, who are not into portraying characters. Perception of it as “lame” prevents people from saying they’re into lore, let alone RP, but I’m pretty sure a lot of us are here in the first place because we love stories and games about interstellar empires and exploding spaceships. My guesstimate is it is big enough a demography that would warrant representation in CSM tables, but it cuts across all areas of the game.
That rep would have to be able to understand pretty much all of the game at least cursorily, nullsec mechanics, wardecs & CONCORD, industry & markets, factional warfare, etc to be able to ask “how do you think this fits the existing lore on how this works”, or even better yet say “this sounds like an excellent mechanic change and I think you can make it fit existing lore on tech if you…”
Now, if some other CSM candidate feels they could be the lore-loving rep on the esteemed Council (lol) feel free to ping me in your thread.
I definitely agree with Elsebeth on this.
I have been Roleplay motivated PvPing for 16 years now. And I really miss the days when I felt that the lore of EVE was for everyone rather than a few dedicated Roleplayers.
At the end it comes down to trust.
I can’t even trust you to roleplay a capsuleer in a game about capsuleers.
I don’t want you anywhere near the CSM or even within three counties of anyone on the CSM who might ever have an opportunity to speak to anyone who actually works at CCP and has anything to do with the lore direction of the game, lest somehow one of your vapid ideas somehow indirectly insinuates its way into said CCPer’s subconscious in a way that might make any iteration of it actually come to be a part of the game itself.
CCP has never run an advertisement featuring Rorquals supporting a peaceful mining fleet in a belt. They have shown mining/industry activities in their ads, but every single advert comes back to blowing ■■■■ up. Those ads are what brought us all here. That is what we all wanted. Some found they were bad at it, some found they were great at it, some found they were great at spreadsheets online, some found they enjoyed multiboxing 30 mining alts, but whatever we do, most of us found a place in the sandbox.
But not you. You had to join the very small demographic of special snowflakes who insists that their verifiable-by-in-game-means-to-be-a-capsuleer really magically isn’t a capsuleer. Is this even your main? This toon that’s existed since December 2019? Is having a bugged “show info” window ingame and then attention-whoring about it literally your only point of distinction? You have no other claim to fame whatsoever?
Others have pointed out that you clearly have no understanding of the game, nor any actual plan or agenda to carry out should enough people accidentally vote for the less-than-six-months player. FOH.
Now, if some other CSM candidate feels they could be the lore-loving rep on the esteemed Council (lol) feel free to ping me in your thread.
I think the person you might take a look at is DutchGunner.
I really think Dutch would make an excellent CSM member, so if you feel I don’t deserve a seat in the CSM, I would appeal at you to vote for Dutch!
What is your position on defending the “baseliners” ((NPC’s)) by murdering the capsuleers who slaughter them in such great numbers and destroy our environment ((evil PvE scum))? They are immortal anyway, so it’s no harm but can safe many innocent lives.
I don’t think violence will solve this conflict. And we need capsuleers to fight threats like the triglavians, but since they don’t need us anymore, there is a massive imbalance in our relationship.
We have to find a way to repair our relationship again, before it is too late. Right now we are not powerless, but with every year that goes by without change, more people will die in cruel wars or on exploited planets… we need some regulations.
Destroying or sabotaging cloning facilities is not the right way to go.
or like a wise man once said: “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”