CSM 15 | Vote for Komi!

Someone who cannot tell the difference between RL and RP, much less doesn’t understand RP is not for the whole forum, much less thinks they are righteous in attempting to extort CCP for hacking their game, much less thinks they are righteous in not destroying an NPC. We will stop someone like you from making this game or community worse.


@Komi_Valentine isn’t the entire point of CSM to be as professional as possible? Why are you (in my opinion) treating it like something that doesn’t carry much weight?

Like for me, no offense it would be like the president of the United States being a roleplayer, like no ones going to take you seriously.

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The whole bounty thread is a bit ridiculous and more likely to improve my opinion of Komi. There are more than ten other people who I’d rather see on the CSM, but you’re not doing yourself any favors with that thread.


You claim to have never taken any lives. Can you comment on why this popular GalNet capsuleer violence aggregator reports your security status as negative, indicating you’ve engaged in illegal combat before?


I, for one, hope that you withstand the forces arrayed against you and do a brillant campaign.

The RP Community also needs someone representing them and I think you have the right inclination to do so.

@Komi_Valentine you should embrace the mortal aspect in my opinion, I always thought that EVE needed more avenues for permadeath, there is an avenue of content there especially with the existence of cloning technology.


I have done some mistakes in the past. Once I used a single warrior drone to do a penetration test on a Raitaru, which turned out to be a mistake that I regret to this day, and once I used my ECM to try helping an other ship in need… whether that was a crime is a matter of negotiation. Thanks for pointing this out, I nearly forgot about it.

Thank you for your kind words. I can use that right now ^_^’

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Could you please use your own thread for this? Of course I will not dock up. You really think I’ll imprison myself? My ship is the safest place for me right now.

Meh, I think there are better candidates out there, but I don’t think you have a very good chance of getting elected. So, I wasn’t concerned about you taking a seat from one of my preferred candidates. However, I find this whole baseliner/bounty thing wildly entertaining. So, I made my own pledge to the bounty pool. I hope that you don’t find all of this too upsetting. Personally, I have several characters that I am not okay with losing, but you did chose to RP as a baseliner. And I believe that you do not get exemption status from Eve’s Golden Rule just because you are a roleplayer. So, hopefully, you made peace with the fact that you might lose your character when you decided to play as a mortal.

Anyway, I am certainly entertained by all this, but I hope that this creates some content for would be bounty hunters and that you have some fun with this as well.


Also, how do you plan to handle this thing if you do get elected?

Do you plan on keeping Komi docked while on the CSM?
Do you plan on delaying biomassing if you get podded while on the CSM?
Will you withdraw from the CSM if podded?
Will you biomass, and then try to convince CCP to transfer your seat to another character under your control?

I mean, it would be pretty crappy if players voted for you and then lost their representation because you RP’ed your way out of a CSM seat. Lol.


Oh well, I don’t plan to die anytime in the near future :wink:

In the case that it happens regardless a successor would have to be appointed or elected. I can understand the fear of my voters, but I’ll make sure their vote will not be lost!
If I get elected, I will not withdraw under any circumstances, be it empty threats or something else like this ridiculous bounty on my head right now.

didn’t really answer the questions. and you expect us to take you seriously?? What qualifications do you have to be a CSM? They are up for debate

To help to unleash some misunderstandings:

  • I’ve graduated from Republic University with a honorable degree in Computer Science [ I’m an App developer and a hobby gamedev in real life and I have played eve since 2011 ]
  • In a short amount of time I created the Minmatar Development Assistance Association [ I can be very productive, because I have a part time job, that pays all my bills and can invest the time needed for the CSM stuff ]
  • I’m open to new Ideas and people [ atm, I have a small “platform”, but It can grow ^-^ ]
  • Roleplay is primary :3
  • I’m incorruptable, because I don’t care about ISK or power but only meaningful interaction. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • I have the motivation to fight for a better life. [ I am willing to spend my free time on improving eve for free :> ]
  • I love the universe, even if it is full of people who enjoy killing me rn [ my main focus is not about gameplay mechanics, but the world of eve. ]
  • I am resilient, like every Minmatar should be ^_*

If you think my graduation from Republic University is up for debate, no it is not!
Or the existance of my Corporation … or the MDAA … it is not!
You can literally come to Frarn and see it. Or watch the Molden Heath market.

My Campaign was attacked from the beginning by multiple people. I don’t want to reveal too much about me, because I like my privacy. And compared to other CSM members, there are attempts to blow my ship up and end my life. The accusations of me taking the CSM not seriously… really? You think I would risk my life and invest all the work if I wouldn’t take it seriously!!!

The only thing I regret is, that people placed a bounty on me instead of trying to negotiate first. Just imagine how many M2 Salvage Drones we could have build with all the ISK… :confused:


She has already given her opinion on sun glare - a piece of gameplay mechanics that our current CSM incumbents are completely ignoring. I am going to vote for her. She is the opposite of everything I hate about the CSM. That has to be worth something.


Yes, I totally agree, but the world is also very important. I think some other CSMs like DutchGunner really care about this aspect too, but I just wanted to make it my main focus to stand out.

I mean technically I have an opinion on many things, but the experience matters too. I mean I’m quite good at some stuff, and I’m capable of critical thinking and analysing the systems to their core features probably, but for example stuff that affects large alliances, I will let the professionals handle it, because thats really outside of my experience. And this is the point, where I see my role in leading maybe a discussion about the best ways this (whatever) could fit into the universe.
[ my example in the show was the citadels (how the hell would the empires allow upwell to take over 99% of the station building market?), but there are other things as well like Ship Skins missing for different tribes or groups, problematic missions, filaments, tethering, forcefields, and much more. You cannot simply say: “Okey, let’s have this reinforcement time that would be a good mechanic”, because it needs an explaination, what it is, why a mobile depot can withstand a large fleet for example, and it suddenly isn’t only about the mechanics only :slight_smile: ]

Sorry for TLDR :3

Funny, and this coming from somebody who thinks a good Campaign Video is them sticking their ass into the camera.

Yeah, I think I’ll rescind my vote for you.

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I’m sorry you feel that way.

The funny thing is that Xenuria and Komi are running for the same spot: “Let’s see what CCP does with this person!”

welp…alrighty then…

There was a lot of nuance and (ok, very) oblique reference in that video - it was great! @Xenuria - maybe you should make an additional video? Maybe I am a bit of a weirdo or some such as I seem to be solidly in the minority re: funny vid

Komi - You could make a video for your campaign, eh?

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Komi Valentine - New Eden’s Most Wanted.

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