CSM 15 | Vote for Komi!

Komi Valentine, what is your official position on the sun glare issue?


@Xeux thank you for this brilliant question! I think camera drones should come with an additional adaptive filter for this issue. There are some rumors that wearing sunglasses helps, but that will not work of course.

It’s a really huge security risk that some pilots have a blind spot. Pirates could eventually use it to attack the ship. Or ships could crash into asteroids or stations. And installing a filter on the drones would cost what? 10-40 isk? Manufacturers should be forced to deliver camera drones with an optional filter option. :slight_smile:

@Jurius_Doctor That is an interesting move. You really think you or some of your hatchmen can catch me? Try your luck and waste your time. It was just a matter of time until my cover gets lifted and I’m well prepared. You are making a mistake by underestimating me…

@Archer_en_Tilavine What exactly do you want to hear from me? I’m sorry you feel this way. I as a CSM would of course act like a interface between the public and the Stellar Management.
My agenda is one side, and it should show the people that I’m a good pick, but in the end it comes down to the simple function of being an interface. The only difference between the candidates is where they come from, who they interact with and how good they are at talking and listening. I think it’s clear by now that I interact with a lot of interesting people who’s requests I could listen too. My whole “game” as you call it is interaction with other people.
And since I’m mainly a producer of drones If I’m not exploring, I have all time in the world to listen to request.

I don’t know this candidate. The first capsuleer who provided support here is a friend, so I will take that recommendation into account, but I don’t have enough information to be sure. I’m fine with having some people on the CSM who don’t share my interests, I think that the CSM should have a decent amount of variety, but I’d like to know a bit more about the candidates than just what information I have available here.

It has been my perspective that one of the biggest problems with the cluster is how little influence proper warlords can have. I would prefer to see smaller groups of unsavory and violent capsuleers to be more able to destabilize and contend with large, entrenched corporations and alliances.

Again, while I have a fairly different vision to this candidate, I am not opposed to seeing different (even opposing) visions on the Council depending on the candidate. I just don’t know enough abut this one.

Amarr victor!



I am a Sarum Family loyalist, Amarrian, and decorated captain from countless battles throughout nearly all regions of known and some unknown space. I have no personal qualm with you, your campaign, your ideals, or your interests. Not because I disagree or agree, but because they are irrelevant.

However, I am going to put my two ISK in here because while I am all those things, I am not a henchman (I assume that’s what you meant by hatchman). And I would appreciate you remembering that if you wish to continue on with this pointless feud with my friend Jurius Doctor.

Thank you,
Captain Deckhard Aura
Former Alliance Exec of Wild.Hunt


I’ve decided to continue my campaign despite the bounty that has been complicating my life for the last days. To clarify this and double down, I’ll send a trusted representative to Matterall’s popular “Talking in Stations” show on Wednesday or Thursday. (no confirmation yet). So make sure to watch it :slight_smile:
I think it is the right move to reach a bigger audience and to bring my goals across!
Never give up and always stand for your dreams!

o7 Komi

Mr Aura,

I am sure you are a respectable and honorable captain. I generalized the people that would probably be sent after me and did not mean to attack any companions of Mr Doctor directly . My sincere apologies, but please consider I am not the one who started this feud.
Maybe you should ask your friend why he is so eager to get rid of me. I think the bounty on my head could have been used to your favour or the favour of your people instead and not for Mr Doctor’s personal vendetta against my insignificant self…

Friend @Komi_Valentine , you are putting much too much importance on a bounty. Do not let it affect you, really a bounty means very little now.

The bounty system has been very broken for some time now. It is no longer the case that if someone pods you they get all the bounty. Now (for some time now) you only get 20% of the value of the destroyed ship that is taken out of that person’s bounty. So it is highly unlikely someone is going to be hunting you for 20% of whatever ship they might catch you flying. Really a bounty is at most just a little bonus for someone who pops you and not a reason for you to be afraid.

I speak from some experience on the matter…at one time I flew around in all areas of space doing whatever I felt like with a 2 bil+ bounty. If a dummy like me can do that, surely you will have no problem.

JD there is just gently messing with you a little by putting that bounty on you. Actually it’s a bit amusing. No need for you to worry.

What?! No. Do it yourself. Nobody wants to hear what anybody but you has to say about your thoughts on things.
Does an appearance on that show mean you must go somewhere particular ingame? Even if so, take a shuttle/corvette/fast frigate = no problem.

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Thank you for your statement Ms Xu,

You are right, it is very unlikely someone will catch me while being on board of my ship. However, as a baseliner it is a common thing for me to visit stations and interact with the “normal” population and this is a whole different story.
I had to fleet from Venal, where I took shelter at the time, because a group of bounty hunters tried to abduct me at a station. It was really close. I understand, that for most capsuleers, who are never leaving their ships, this isn’t that much of a problem but for me it is. Just imagine what a 1 billion bounty means for some dock workers that get payed maybe 1000 ISK a year if they are lucky… I’m really terryfied.
And I have to be very suspicious of every baseliner or capsuleer I meet. There are some regions I cannot visit until I have found a way to deal with it.

Do not worry, My representative is 100% capable of representing me and my views, while I myself am needed in an other region. Maybe I’ll even make an appearance via video stream if I can manage it. :wink:
You could say the person I will send is an extension of myself. :wink:

Knowledgeable/experienced EVE players would probably know this, of course. ABCs of EVE.

Bounties are less scary than belt rats. Surely you aren’t scared of belt rats, right?

I spoke too soon.

Fight your own ■■■■■■■ battles Komi. If you can’t represent yourself how the ■■■■ do you expect to represent EVE players? Oh wait, you can’t represent other players because you don’t have a platform, it’s just vanity.

If you win, EVE players as a whole lose.

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I am pretty sure the “trusted representative” is just the real person behind the character.
I don’t endorse this campaign or anything, but I find the way that discussion unfolded adorably funny.

bless your hearts


This was unnecessarily rude.


I’m used to this ruthless behavior by some capsuleers. His view of reality seems messed up a little, since he thinks reality is just a game.
Maybe his mind was damaged in the event of a failed transmission?
Don’t worry, I am fine :slight_smile:

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This is an Empyrean-only space, darling!

There is no law that prohibits me from running for this post. The fact that in the last decades only capsuleers held this position does not say anything!
It may say that capsuleers eliminated all mortal “opponents” in the past, and the law prevent baseliners from voting, not from applying :wink:

It’s obvious why so little have tried it before and I was warned many times by my family and friends.

We really have to stop with that ■■■■.

Yes, the CSM position is no CCP position, but STILL the CSM still has the ear of CCP, and this can make sure that some of the things the community want can happen.

This is why I like the candidacy of Stitch Kaneland, the guy by himself got a visible change that we can see right now in the game, just by himself and good arguments and the help of the CSM.

So please, stop shooting down the wants of people, they can change things, and the CSM is the perfect place to do it.


not really.

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Alright then. I admit that Komi’s sometimes-in-chartacter-sometimes not CSM campaign throws me off track. Probably I’m simply not clever enough to mix the IRL position of a CSM interacting with a real game company on behalf of real players with the lore of the game universe we enjoy.

I myself enjoy a little lighter RP as an Amarr loyalist - in game - and as such have been exposed to folks who are so into RP it’s amazing/a bit odd really/a bit impressive really. However, CSM isn’t a roleplaying position.

Thanks, sugar!
and bless your heart in the most American South sense possible as well! :sparkling_heart: :100:

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My representative did an Interview with Matterall. He will get punished, because he didn’t bring one of my main points across, because he was a little nervous, but maybe this helps you finding a little bit more sympathy for me^_^

32:20 >_>

Edit: And yes, I even was so nervous, that I messed up my age. I’m 28 and not 20. <_<
Maybe tomorrow I’ll listen to it and add all the answers to the important questions I didn’t get and some more important stuff I wanted to say. x)

Oh well, I haven’t listened to it yet, but if my representative has said some stupid things, he will scrub the deck for weeks to come. It was his first time in public, but that is no excuse.

@Archer_en_Tilavine + @Jerry_Falcone There is no way I withdraw my campaign. I see this threat as a statement that I can turn the universe for the better and your actions wont stop me!

@Xeux Currently for the moment, I prefer to stay inside my ship and avoid stations… especially the docking are can be really dangerous and I could easily be trapped there.

[ OOC takes the scrubber v_v ]

works for me

I don’t understand all this trouble… The election is a democratic process and If I get elected, I might be right. If I don’t, it is because I’m not the right person for the job. There is no need for a bounty.

If you don’t like elections, you should try to place a bounty on the Gallente Federation. It is my right to apply and you can’t take that from me. With your actions, you try to invalidate the foundations of the CSM . Who is vain now?