CSM 16 - All You Need to Know

I just asked to learn. It wasnt me make nonsense comments … i wrote answers and questions to understand better…

Please try to help people with descent attitude not trying to insult , language shame those makes you look like weak and lack of confidence not good for you… and for your spirit,
Please .

No I don’t. There are plenty of ways to answer my question without violating the NDA. Tell me, is Brisc’s List a violation of the NDA? I’m asking for what Mike has done and how he felt, not what CCP told him. If I can’t see whether my vote had any value, why should I vote again?

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The list itself, no. He probably has to ask CCP before he crosses something off though.

They achieved being ignored and kept in the dark by ccp about all changes :slight_smile:

Back in the early days of the CSM there actually was an office of Secretary. The person who recorded what was said and done and disseminated it to the players. Thing is? As we got more into the CCP workings more and more of what was said and done by the CSM became under the NDA and the Secretary had less and less to do.

I have written a few summaries and even recorded a vid or two updating people on what is going on. But my blog is what I write and often I tend to manage to give more info in the form of allegory than you may expect. So yes, I do update ‘straight’ now and then as does @Brisc_Rubal but I will also do my own blog and enjoy it.


I only cross stuff off once it’s been actually put into the game. At that point, it’s public knowledge.

Where can I find that stuff? On your blog?

I’m in Florida, each of my many votes are only 2b and come with your choice of dimpled or hanging chads.

I met Mike when I was brand new, his “role” is, at least from my perspective, that of a teacher. He is the one person I can say that truly helps new player retention. He is in Rookie Chat all the time, gives stuff to people who often need it and then tells them how to use it. There are others that do things like this too, but Mike’s been doing it long enough to be a sort of institution unto himself.
This guy isn’t your normal politician, he’s actually involved in getting people going in Eve. He’s not just involved, he’s friggin good at it.

And yah, he’s also super nice.


At least I found the videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYN7Zdsg6wOWmOQ4FKKyhOg
Whatever is hidden in the blog posts is too stretched out for me to bother.

The legend speaks.

I think the last few years and in fact, the previous year has proven the CSM doesn’t work, it’s just a publicity stunt these days. When CCP makes game-changing developments against the advice of the CSM it just shows how little they actually take that feedback into consideration. In bygone years CCP would bring something to the table, CSM would debate it and provide feedback/address concerns and CCP would reiterate it to address those issues…well try to anyway. Anymore it is more like this:

CCP: So here are the changes we are bringing next quarter guys
CSM: Yeahhhh we aren’t so sure on some of these, can we go over a few things?
CCP: Sure, but we aren’t likely to change it, sorry it’s locked in and deploying.

What a shame…

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I do always enjoy the schroedingers CSM criticisms.

When a change is implemented that any single CSM member approves of, it is CCP pandering to null blocs by giving them everything they want.

When the CSM do not approve of a change, it is CCP do not listen to the CSM, and they are a waste of time.

I’ve seen both criticisms levelled at the CSM since the announcement of the new CSM runs.

If there is one thing that is not happening in this game in any shape or form its representing the little guy.

I appreciate that you believe that CSM is making a difference. I appreciate that you believe that it somehow benefits the entire community to have a popularity contest of eve community leaders sitting around a table.

I remain unconvinced that a group with predisposed ulterier motives could truly rise to the occasion. If I were to run for CSM it would be to disband it.

if by little, you mean the filthy single player people who won’t interact with others, then yes they probably have no representation, or maybe a sliver… but when you have Mike, and Brisc, two of the best that i’ve known, they do represent the big and the little guys in the game.

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It really is election time.

And you wouldn’t be allowed to run on that platform.

CCP wants the CSM, even if you conspiracy theorists don’t.


In a world of fake news, only the conspiracy theorists have a chance of discovering the truth.

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If the CSM is the Dark Side as everyone seems to believe, then they have already won a long time ago.

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Any port in a storm. Better to have a vote and contribute than to have no window
to get our voice out. I haven’t seen any other game development show this
much consideration to the players.