That’s not really true. Null has people working together against external pressures towards a common goal, even if the goal is a banal as “not losing our home” and the external pressures are “ccp making game changes that impact my ability to have fun in the game, or put my home in jeopardy”. Hi sec simply doesn’t have that cohesion.
My alliance gives a list of people it would like me to vote for, and by default it’s goals align to mine. Unless something is very wrong. I may disagree with a few of the suggestions it makes but no one is going to punish me if I deviate from the suggested rosta.
The problem with HiSec is.
- it doesn’t have a figurehead to rally its votes
- it is made up of many separate groups and has no cohesion
- Many of the people who stand for HiSec are “radicals” who look for changes that annoy null, low and wh residents. That results in debate. The HiSec radicals then usually resort to name calling and that doesn’t help things.
Nothing you have said actually gain says the point that “people outside of the large coalitions don’t have the wealth, power and infrastructure to manipulate the vote the way null coalitions do.”
You see, you blocvote to maintain those things. One hand claps the other.
Sunrise, sunset.
Circle of Knife.
Hakuna Retarda.
ok so the game principle is that: if you cannot defend your sov/your assets, you deserve to loose them
If null sec alliances succeded in gaining power/wealth etc, why should an external intervention prevent them from having more CSM members? they worked for that, they have numerous people working together, they put energy, isks, diplomacy and personal time in campaign for that.
Once again, nothing prevents hi-sec/low sec/small null alliances players to try to federate other players to get more votes.
They cannot? because they don’t have wealth/power? then they don’t deserve to get as many csm members as null sec blocks
“get your feet on the floor and defend it”
You’re right - thats why the entire CSM popularity contest is a giant pile of crap.
Pretty much
Ok, here’s one: Is the CSM supposed to represent players or characters to CCP?
Freedom is an illusion no matter where it is implied to be.
I noticed that.
Ok, so how come my Alts voted for one person while I was voting for someone else?
You get multiple votes to vote however you want. Every CSM member represents all the paying players. That’s the electorate, so that’s who they represent.
Yeah Im just saying, Im one player but I got X number of votes.
Some of my alts made some really wierd choices too.
I understand - essentially the votes are weighted to provide those with the most skin in the game more voting power. Not an uncommon thing.
You get a high sec guy and a PvE guy and that’s still not good enough.
Rabble rabble rabble!!
It doesn’t matter where a representative comes from if they are fundamentally honest and willing to both listen to and then act as an advocate for the ideas and concerns of the people they represent and the overall health of the system. While there is no doubt a varying amount of innate bias in everyone, I wouldn’t expect that a woman representative couldn’t advocate for a male, a person of one race advocate for another, or even a person of one political party champion a cause from another party if the issue in hand is well thought out, structurly sound, and offers a valid solution to a problem. Naive, I know, but I have known plenty of people who have reached far beyond their own point of view to assist and aid others. Good representatives ( and people in general) are able to step out of their own shoes and try to see any issue from another person’s perspective. They may eventually reject or modify the differing opinion, but they are honest enough to give it a fair shake.
…or are many people claiming that NONE of the 10 people elected to the CSM are honest, willing to listen, or have the overall health of the game in mind?