technically you are not allowed to share conversations from GM’s on the forums… against the rules.
@CCP_Falcon why didnt you be constructive and post what that GM response 2 posts up was here for us to read?
You know that could help us?
When hundreds or thousands of people have same issue, tickets should not need to be submitted.
Your COMMUNITY team should get ahead of it and inform us of those workaround steps
why do not they allow me? I’m talking straight what I think. I do not assdriver ! as many here.
do you finally understand! i no know english ! I am suffering with Google translator! you are specialists and programmers! but I do not know how to make a screenshot… I do not know how or where to stop by to get this ticket! I called all the internet services of Georgia and scolded them all! for which I was almost caught in jail! I do not know how to use the Internet! now you understand me???
this is serious. this is not a lie! ha ha…
I go in eve support but I can not understand anything. I was struggling to answer and email Senior GM but nothing came out. here’s another GM Sultan (EVE Online)
1 Sep, 0:21 UTC
Hi, GM Sultan is here,
Unfortunately, We received an empty letter from you. Please try to send it to us again.
Yours faithfully,
GM Sultan
CCP Player Experience | EVE Online | EVE Valkyrie
Aug 30, 15:07 UTC
Thursday, August 30, 2018, 18:13 +04: 00 from Senior GM Stinger (EVE Online Customer Support) What should I do now???
do not take off your panties! You’ll catch a cold!
You can make screenshot using the “Print Screen”-button on your keyboard. If you have Windows 10 then it should copy the entire screen into the clipboard and you can paste it into a paint tool or a web browser. The game itself has got a print screen function. It’s mapped to * on the keypad. You can also check under the settings in the ESC-menu, under Shortcuts and General where it say Print Screen, to which key it has been mapped. Some graphics utilities such as Nvidia Experience also allow you to take screen shots.
To create a ticket do you need to go to You can select English, German or Russian as your language at the top.
an empty file is downloaded ! than and how to open an empty file?
you did not understand correctly. I can not run eve launcher. you sent a picture of the game… but I can not get into the game. Nevertheless thank you…
Check this out and see if you can get it translated.
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