Current Event Conscious Interruption ship/fit tips

Has anyone come across the combat site named Operation : Drifter Interruption yet?

Its a probed down site.

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I just probed one down. I will check it out and post screen shots of it.

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Inclue a screenshot of your pod too! :skull_and_crossbones:


That’s why I went in a Pod to begin with…




The site despawned about 30 seconds ago. So maybe a total of ten minutes to take out the Strike Battleship.

Upon warping to the site there was only the Strike Battleship plus frigate escort and one Cruiser. Within two minutes the rest of the fleet emerged from the wormhole.

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So you didn’t take them on? :hatching_chick:

Why would I take on Drifter ships, especially a BS knowing the damage they cause in my Astero?

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No, the cruiser is running at insane speeds an hard for them to him. We webbed it in a daredevil and it just melts after that.

However, there are some issues.

  1. Some how it shuts off the Microwarp drive
  2. If you are in a fast cruiser it will match or outpace (3500kms)
  3. Three it webs you some how and does not show a web of anykind
  4. The Frig did get a web at one point
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FIt to farm the Sleeper frigates. They spawn infinately and drop way more loot than the Drfiter cruiser. Plus doing anything to hinder the boss just makes it easier for others to kill it - and it takes forever to lock wreckage, so theft is common (or rather, it would be if it dropped anything halfway decent).

The event goals are stupid insane to achieve, as it means shooting about 250 Sleeper Frigates and 20-25 Drifter cruisers to max out the daily challenges. And the rewards aren’t that exciting (except for perhaps the Genolution implant drop at the end).

While I made out like a bandit so far (needed a fleet), in terms of enjoyment it’s definitely :-1:t2::-1:t2: on this event.


the npc bounty “challenge” works with regular npcs too. You can easily get max points from a single lvl 4 mission. Even a few lvl 3 missions should do it

and yeah … not touching these event sites with a ten foot pole


whats damage delt and what best damage to deal…

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Kinetic and thermal dealt. I’ve been using all types (seems to be omni damage). More i mportant than damage type is actually hitting it, though.


jevlins hams will do?

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Not unless the Drifter cruiser is held in place.

how fast its flyin?

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1800m/s and it’s fit with a scam and ECM which it uses against drones.

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javlins can get to about 9k ms with 1 t1 rig
wont it hit?

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You need to read up on missile damage application against small, fast moving targets with medium size weapons.

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so whats the best whepon type to use?

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Bring a fleet. Unless you can deal about 2000 DPS anything you do to web (etc.) the Drifter boss just helps everyone else kill it faster. I’ve seen players using Ishtars and Gilas with some success, but only in conjunction with 2-3 of them attacking the Drifter boss at the same time (whoever deals the most damage gets the wreck).

Right now I’m watching a Deimos try to break the shield tank on the Drifter cruiser (he’s managed to get to 18% with help from my drones). A Gila just showed up so we’ll see how they both fare shortly… (Drifter shields are back up to 92% without my help). They’ve both given up trying to break the Drifter’s shield tank and are now focusing on racking up Sleeper drone kills.

We now have two Gilas and a Demois trying to kill the Drifter (no luck yet)… Well, that was a short-lived effort. They’ve all deployed MTUs and are focusing on Sleepers.

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