Daily junk

I made no decisions for you. It’s entirely up to you. I was just pointing out that EVE, unlike other MMO’s don’t depend as heavily on raw SP as others, especially when a player achieves the level of SP you currently have. Sure more is nice but since getting the free junk adds stress to your life I’d hate for you to be stressed.

Um no it isn’t. If it was cancel culture you wouldn’t be here anymore. Nobody has cancelled you. At best MAYBE you could call the thread trying to gaslight you (trying to convince you of something different than what you are telling everyone you want).

Oh to be young again. Would that mean I get my hair back too?

Honestly I’ve never used any of them. I’m not much into cosmetics in games. I know not very millennial of me. I just drag the SP/other stuff I want to my main and collect the rest on an alt (used to be a cyno alt) and let the stuff expire.

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This is why we can’t talk about our junk.


There’s a trash button, but you need to login.

63 posts later, OH MY GOD I’M TOO LATE!!!

Never too late to jump on the junkwagon.

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You hear that CCP, Nigel has spoken. We can no longer have daily rewards as it’s an annoyance for Nigel having to redeem items.

Daft question, why must the sheet be clear and notifications gone? It honestly doesn’t bother some people.

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No one is forcing you to have multiple characters. If you only had one character, like me, it wouldn’t be “insane”.

Forgive me for proposing this, but if you don’t like this junk such as useless bpc’s etc you can always send them to people who do want them. I for myself choose to set a can in my home station where i put them all to create one of my many collections ,“Archive of log in BPC’s” feel free to donate the ones you deem unworthy of your possesions.

On the other hand i belive if enought people are angry about those therer might be some change/update

Fun fact, the login rewards aren’t aimed at more experienced players, thats what the SP reward is for, the normal daily login rewards are aimed at newer players, and those items are far more useful to them

Nope. They are more toxic than helpful by giving useless blueprints. When any newbie decide to use them, they only gonna lose those hard earned isk.

I’m still amazed that you need to wait week or so to get destroyer from new account login rewards. When you get your first destroyer from career agents. In most cases in first few hours.

Ahh right, because ISK is everything, i keep forgetting that after nearly 17 years, it would never be the sense of pride a player has for flying a ship they themselves produced or anything like that at all

Its this kind of narrow thinking that leads you to incorrectly believe the rewards serve no purpose

Might want to look at it from multiple angles :slight_smile:

Reminds me of that guy who is trying to build palpatine keepstar solo… Just because there are masochist out there it doesn’t mean that they perspective is viable argument to balance game around it.

I’m not even gonna talk about removing player agency and interactions with other players.

What does that have to do with anything?

I think you missed the point entirely

Actually you’re right, most of things from those BPC’s is cheaper for the neewbies to buy than to produce themeselves not counting for that , that some of the minerals or ores containign them will be only in low/nul space and they will most likely go there not sure that they’ll met their deaths there.

The point of log in rewards isn’t to entice players who already, and continuously, play the whole time. Those are already enticed.

The rewards are for players who kinda stopped, were too busy with other things or had pretty much given up. Because a REAL newbie doesn’t complete adv. Military on day one, instead they’re frustrated with the UI and horrible NPE and gave the game perhaps just an hour or two before hovering over the uninstall button.

And for THOSE people a “hey, here’s a cool ship if you log in” a few days later, when they had time to settle down and perhaps watch a guide or two, might just be the thing they needed to give EVE the benefit of the doubt and try it again.

They’re not rewards for people who already play, they’re reward for people who are thinking of NOT playing.


Kinda feel like posting this timestamp here. Explain well what is reason behind login rewards. It’s way more shallow than all of you try to make it.

And another one that explains well why there won’t be anything valuable in veteran daily rewards.

Also, worth pointing out that new player daily rewards and ‘veteran’ daily rewards are two different things. I see many people mixing them up here.

I wouldn’t call the second group ‘veteran’ login rewards - they are Alpha and Omega daily rewards available to all players of the respective sub level, regardless of account age. Calling them ‘veteran’ implies there is a minimum time before you start receiving them, which is not true.

They are distinct from other login reward campaigns, yes, be it new-player rewards or event rewards, but the motivation behind collecting any kind of these rewards is still FOMO - which has always been and will always be a crappy mechanic that is a poor incentive to actually play the game.

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People who are narcissistic and greedy rarely care for well explained reasoning as to why they can’t have things. It’s not in their interest to listen.

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it’s how CCP names them. Not me.

People don’t want things. They just are annoyed by useless and invasive junk that only takes time and want it to be removed, rather than actually get something.

I clearly missed that - source, please? Google is coming up empty: the launch notice called them Evergreen Daily Login Rewards, the game calls them Alpha/Omega Daily Rewards. (For those not familiar with marketing speak, ‘evergreen’ refers to a persistent, ongoing offer with no planned end date. It’s always there, like evergreen trees always have green foliage instead of seasonal color change/die off).

CCP Rattati in interview above is probably good starting source. But don’t dive to much into it. It’s probably just to distinguish NPE daily rewards and ones that everyone lese gets.