Hello spacefriends! We’re happy to be able to announce that big improvements to the daily gifts system are coming to TQ on April 5th, and you can try them out now on Singularity right now!
We’ve made big changes to the rewards you can get each day, alongside a new refreshed UI and a system that gives you a better idea of what to expect in the coming days.
Let’s start with the part that I know everyone will be asking about, the content of the daily gifts. We have completely overhauled the rewards: replacing the time limited skins with new permanent ones, creating a new set of boosters designed from the ground up to work as daily gifts, moving the skillpoints into the daily rewards directly, and completely removing the blueprint copies from the old system.
All of the temporary skins have been removed from the rewards, and instead we have hundreds of permanent skins. The new system is launching with 260 new permanent skins (mostly using the new Halcyon Dawn and Carmine Horizon patterns) as well as 148 returning event skins with patterns like Strikeflight Red, Frontier Safeguarder, Zakura Hansei, Purity of the Throne, and more.
The new daily gifts system will keep track of which skins the characters on your account already have, and will avoid giving you duplicates until you have all the skins available (which shouldn’t happen for a very long time if at all since there are so many new skins and we have the ability to add more over time).
Like most login reward skins, these permanent skins will auto-apply to your character when redeemed from the redeeming queue.
The new Halcyon Dawn and Carmine Horizon patterns can be viewed on SISI right now, but for anyone curious there’s also some screenshots at the end of this post.
The boosters included in the old daily rewards can be very useful, but they suffer a bit from being copies of pre-existing boosters instead of having been designed for daily gifts from the start. They have skill requirements, they often have drawbacks, they are only useful for a narrow set of gameplay styles and ship fits, and they have fairly short durations which isn’t a great fit for being applied from the redeeming queue.
We have endeavored to solve all these problems with the new Halcyon boosters designed for the new version of the daily rewards. These boosters provide small bonuses to a large variety of attributes, meaning that they will be useful in a wide variety of gameplay styles and on a wide variety of ships. They also avoid any skill requirements and drawbacks, and they have a base duration of 2 hours (increased further by the Biology skill) so that you can redeem them at your convenience and benefit from their bonuses all through a play session.
There are four lines of Halcyon boosters providing bonuses to different attributes, and each line has five different strength tiers. Alpha players will be able to receive tiers one through four in their daily gifts, and Omega players will receive tiers two through five.
The new daily reward boosters will all auto-inject when redeemed and they will only last 7 days in the redeeming queue so their power and versatility will be balanced by the inability to hoard them.
I’ll place the stats for these new boosters in the second post in this thread for everyone to peruse.
In the new daily rewards system we have changed the way that free bonus skillpoints are distributed. Instead of the old system’s separate SP track that fills up at the bottom of the window (which user tests have shown to be unnecessarily complicated for newer players), you’ll now get skillpoints every couple of days as part of the standard rewards.
The total amount of SP that each account receives over time from the new version of the system is the same as the old system (average of 150k every 30 login days for Omegas and 50k for Alphas), but you’ll get smaller chunks of SP every few days instead of getting the bigger chunks once a month.
To transition from the old system to the new one, we’ll be running a script that gives out the SP from the partially filled SP bars of all accounts that have logged in at least once in the last year (rounding up a bit here and there).
For people looking to get their abyss fix, low tier filaments will continue to be available in the new system. The filament days will come about half as often as the old system however, to make room for the new boosters and skins.
To go with the new rewards we have also given a major facelift to the Daily Rewards UI. You can check out how the new system looks on SISI now, or take a look at the screenshot above.
We’re continuing to tweak a few elements related to the icons but the version on SISI today is very close to what will release on TQ next week.
One major change with the new UI is that you will now be able to see what type of rewards you have coming up in the next 4 days, with different icons and labels for each reward grouping instead of the crate icons used by the old system.
The new UI will of course be available both in the Classic UI and the Photon UI styles, depending on which you have active for your game client.
We hope that you enjoy the new system, and we plan to keep making tweaks to it after release so if you have any feedback please pass it along. If you have any questions about the new system feel free to post them here and we’ll do our best to answer them.