[December] UPDATED: Jump Fuel and Jump Fatigue Cap changes

they are actually doing this I cant believe it

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I remember talk of citadel vulnerable state changes at EVE Vegas. The citadel changes would require constant fueling of at least one service at all structures. This proposed citadel change would significantly increase my corp’s demand for fuel.

Please keep the proposed citadel changes in mind when considering changes to fuel costs and demands.

  1. ( +56% fuel use by Black Ops Battleships ) Why to stop BO’s this way nobody will use them

  2. “+100% fuel use by other ship-based jump drives” AGain stop using CAPS’’’’’’ Why Fozzie dont want us to have fun.

  3. “Reduction of the maximum jump fatigue cap by 20%” good, but +100% fuel usage
 ICe fields dont last long and mine out really fast so the prices of fuel will go thru the roof with everything in EVE

  4. “New: +20% increase in jump freighter fuel bay volumes” BUT yea 20% increase but 100% fuel usage so jump less

I could never understand why you like to limit people having fun. YOU are the biggest problem in Eve
 You should be fired before the game dies.


This entire thing is first and foremost a buff to mining, just as the Lifeblood Expansion before. Entities that can mine in relative safety and hold an ever increasing fleet of Rorquals are the ones that profit the most from it. More specifically, any outfit that holds Sov Null and already does a ton of mining, moon-mining and isn’t too many mid-jumps away from Trade Hubs or ® maybe even has its own Trade Hubs - they get a buff.

In short: this is another CCP present for Goonswarm Federation. Not only due to the fact that GSF will be the largest profiteer of the change, but also because it increases the economic pressure in unequal ways, smaller groups and Sov holders many mids away from Trade Hubs, as well as smaller Cap PVP groups and some Industrialists will feel the pain, while for GSF this just means more opportunities to make more Rorqual alts for more profit.

After making moon income less attainable for smaller groups while claiming the opposite as a goal, CCP delivers another blow to emergent gameplay. For a sandbox this is a lot of god-like intervention into EVE economics recently. I don’t like it.

While @CCP_Fozzie, you name the goal of this change, you don’t let us in on any reasons for these goals. Don’t you think that there are enough people who provide counter-arguments, to at least go into specifics why CCP thinks this needs to be done?

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They dont care if you dont play for 4-5 days becuase you’re stil gonna plex your account

he should be let go along with his crew, because all they do is just fawk up eve online altogether

so ill sit back and wait for this bullchit repeated cycle of nerf’s once again

So is there any going back on these decisions? Or are these threads not really for feedback? This is a bad one. Is it just going to get rolled out whether anyone likes it or not?

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ccp fozzie u are killer. last 3 years eve online ıs dead day by day . ı thıng u must prey to god for not come new GOOD scı fi mmo. after 12 years waitin maybe fıx this. but now ı have not any hope


In all honesty, why not make isotopes 1/100th of their current size, or make fuel bays 100x larger?

You’ve got fatigay to limit force projection. Forcing people to bring fuel trucks with them on move ops is pointless busywork that only the large groups can do comfortably.

“I ran out of fuel” is easy to avoid, but there’s no fun to be had in avoiding it.

In the case of anyone with even half a brain, they’ve got a mobile depot and a cloak in their jump capable ship, so that if they DO run out of fuel, they can just refit and cloak until a fuel truck can get to them.

At the end of the day, the more options you have for getting ships into a fight, the happier you’ll be with the results of that fight. Not having to look at your fuel bay after every jump is a good start.

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People are still using scrubs references?

This is an excellent Idea! I support changing racial ICE to a single Ice that provides fuel / heavy water / stront / ozone and pixy dust to reduce fatigue and boost jump range back to pre phoebe levels. JK, about the pixy dusts but a single Ice type is something I would support. Faction NPC is enough of a variety between regions and moon resource distribution.

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Like I have said in the past, Phoebe changes to jump capable ships was a mistake, evidence in the absolute plummeting of subscriptions afterwards. My supporting points:

  1. The SOV changes alone from Dominion SOV to FOZZIE SOV, achieved the intended goal of CCP to end the BLUE Donut. (Large coalitions can no longer easily hold multiple regions of space)

  2. The redistribution of Moon resources has ended the time of passive income on large scales and increased the work load on SOV holding alliances

  3. The fact that you are having to make these role backs is just proof that it was a bad idea to begin with.

  4. Everything in SOV warfare is a blob, so make it as easy as possible to have those fights happen! (Ok, not really a point, but opponents usually use this as an anti-capital force projection argument
blah blah blah) I think capital projection should be encouraged.

Stop the madness of iterative Phoebe roll-backs and just blame it on CCP Greyscale and give us back the days of a supply run from Branch to Jita, NOT taking 16 hours on a Saturday.


Capital projection is absolutely important. But being able to travel across the universe, or even across a region rapidly will kill any and every major fight in sov null. It will basically force everyone into small mobile crap so that when the bigger of the two groups gets their caps into place, you can bug out.

The strategic importance of placing capitals is absolutely a net improvement to the game. But hindering them from a strategic deployment (which this change does do) is detrimental.

Blaming CCP for a market driven by players.

Nice way of thinking!

Believing that a “market”, that has been designed and refined by teams of people focused on providing entertainment, is “driven by players” is a nice way of thinking.

It’s all made up. It’s not player driven. There are players doing things that drive some things, some times, but on the whole the entire edifice is constructed for player entertainment.

CCP will no doubt have a special internal team for corporate customers. This team will flatter and cajole the large customers with entertaining changes to the game. Another team will be responsible for the rank and file players. They also flatter and cajole players with entertaining changes to the game.

This myth that things are done “because it is a pure sandbox” and that changes are made to “keep things balanced” is very hard to enjoy.

The game is supposed to be a huge space universe where folks do as they please in ways that amuse them. Mostly, that turns out to be shooting at rocks and professing a belief in a god given economy.

Are we not entertained?


It would take me too long to read up all the comments so I might be repeating others point of views but that is the point of this forum and this looks to me like another BIG Fozz misconception and skewed “balance”.

As if there wasn’t enough friction as it is

As if Citadels, ECs and Refinery didn’t use Fuel??? Duh!

what is that suppose to mean?
Followed by:

Oxymoron anyone? Duh again.

There we have it, it was all to favour the same fat wallet, heavy hitters as usual. I’m sure one of your favorite notorious Alliance/ Coalition comes to mind.


Well, there were many reasons why I “took an extended break” from EVE, and the nerfs to capitals were absolutly amongh them. The very month i got my first carrier, it was nerfed to oblivion, making any kind of logistics in a small 0.0 corp problematic.
Its either “join a supermega coalision” or empire - so, I hauled to empire, got bored and my accounts just kind of expired.
Seeing that Fozzie still hates capitals, i dont see myself comming back soon. Such a shame, I was tempted for a winter of EVE, now it will be something else, again

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Just jumping on the “this is a dumb idea” train here. You keep talking about stimulating the ice market because we are getting rid of the POS like you haven’t created Citadels, Engineering Complexes, Refineries, and reactions that ALL require fuel, especially with the coming states for structures.

Honestly it feels like you are trying to drive people to ONLY have time for ice mining to keep their structures up and moon mining to gain isk/build T2 ships. At this point smaller entities will have serious trouble keeping up. Not to mention significantly increasing the cost of any JF service that smaller entities may run for nullsec resupply. It already costs my members around 140-160 million isk in isotopes and 2-3 hours (to avoid massive jump fatigue issues PER RUN to get to Jita and back to Tenerifis. We are a small group, we aren’t rolling in ISK by any means, and that JF service is vital.

I don’t understand why we don’t just switch to generic fuel blocks at this point. I still get racial ice for capitals, it makes sense, but citadels can use any type of fuel block, so why not just make fuel blocks generic? It’s ridiculous that reactions use fuel blocks since you are using fuel blocks for fuel to have the reactor running. Why are there race-specific reactions?

I don’t understand any of the logic being used, and it seems there is a LOT of people that think these are bad changes, but CCP doesn’t seem to listen anymore. After 8 years of constant playing, seems CCP cares less and less what the community says. Which is sad. For a time they turned around and listened, then it went back downhill. Changes that are hated by the community aren’t stopped, there’s changes in areas that don’t need changes, no changes in areas that need changes (for the love of god PI), and a lack of meaningful communication.

Please CCP get straight on this, and at least make it look like you care. And stop doing ridiculous changes like this.


Is the fuel consumption of jump portal generator or covert jump portal generators going to change? Not specifically mentioned in original post.

If this is the direction caps are going, this is exactly the kind of thing that will make this newbro not even bother training into them, why spend half a year, and several billion isk just to have to worry about how much it cost me to use the thing? not to mention logistics cost to get things that are unavailable in the area?

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