Here’s hoping local dies
Yea I guess your right, but at least its making it harder for bot’s to still function, a step in the right direction and at the same time makes null sec a little harder compared to what it is now which is needed tbh.
Its far harder for bots to react to D-scan, than Local.
D-scan also wont show cloaked ships or other d-scan immune ship classes.
Dude …
Local is what lets them know you’re there, and incidentally, those tools you mentioned, half if not most work of off local chat info. Without it, they have to scan you down or keep repositioning on a tight angle D-scan. If they’re not cloaked you see them coming on your scan, if they are cloaked, they STILL get decloaked when approaching jump gates and a bunch of other things. Being probed down is a godsend as a PVEr cause I see the probes tightening on me and can GTFO.
In a few years that I spent in LS / NS I think I had a cloaky sneak up on me literally 3 times or so, and even then, they did not menage to get me cause I don’t hang around where the gate lands me and they are uncloaked when they land. the times I got popped was when I was doing open PVE stuff or explo and had rats to deal with, especially ones that scram or web or neut. I have never actually lost a ship inside any sort of complex to PvP, be it mission or anom. Always outside.
I was actually surprised that I got no warp ins while ratting last night.
I had several ships go through on d-scan that I assume were red… but while I’d normally get a warp in or two with a couple of hours of VNI ratting… I got nothing.
I can only think that they didn’t spot me and without local didn’t know I was even there.
I spend a great deal of time in WH. I think removing local from low sec would have the effect of increasing its traffic considerably.
Remove the local feature? Good bye players! No really… If you remove the safety net of being able to see if someone enters system while you are ratting in your costly ship, no one will do it and people will quit playing.
I and many others are not playing right now due to this. I am a new player and I don’t have much skills to do the pvp so I am ratting to make isk and skill up but I can’t do that right now cause it’s far too dangerous. If I wanted that feature, I would be in a wormhole corp making the real dank isk.
Please stop coming up with ideas that only benefit the “bad guy” and keep in mind there are new players trying to get a foot in the door still.
That also could be why I was ignored. The hunters were trying to use the opportunity to hunt blingy ships rather than a VNI. But I didn’t think taking a 1-2b isk ship out without a functioning local was smart… so I stuck with a 100m VNI.
You adapted.
Why do you think LS is better without local?
Kind of agree with you on this, people in low sec still operate 100% with others in local so removing it from low-sec will make little to no difference, where as in null its completely different as everyone docks up if there is an enemy in local boring as hell.
Plenty of people will continue to do it. Just failures like yourself that have no business being anywhere near nullsec will stop.
Far from making people avoid low sec I believe removing local would increase traffic as it would make ganking that much more difficult. People would have to become proficient in scanning if they wanted those easy kills. Getting the carebears out of HS and into LS is the first step to introducing them to null. All of a sudden eve becomes a venn diagram instead of two populations that never meet.
Failures like myself? No need for insults. Also, how am I failing? I have been playing for only a few months and doing very well. If I use local as a tool for safety that makes me a failure. Why don’t you be more specific on what you mean and this time try not to be insulting.
EDIT: On second thought, save it. I’m not much for being in forums anyway. Too many know it alls that forget they were new once too. o7
Fence them in with celery? Impale them with asparagus?
Yes. It’s not really an adaption that hunters will like when everyone does it. Killing a 1.5 billion isk Rattlesnake is much more what they’re looking for than a 100m isk VNI.
Those blingy targets will probably be much less common.
Use a period or two in your freaking long-winded-undecipherable-out-of-breathe plea.
I agree. The price increases would be astronomical!
Key is balance and a playable game. If you make 0.0 that much of a harsh environment, a lot of people will just go back to empire and wardeck the ■■■■ out of everyone. No point in living in 0.0 if you can’t turn a profit…
I fail to see what bearing losing local has on a group of people that sit on the gate sensor boosting and blatting anything that comes through…
And it’s online again.