Delay Local

I dont think anyone is seriously suggesting implementing Local in WHs, as either delayed or immediate.

HS: instant local
LS: better ceptor pilots
NS: better ceptor pilots
WH: this is the most dangerous space with the highest rewards

It worked fine for the past X years and changing it will create a very different game, because ccp will have to rebalance many other thingsā€¦ Why dont you just look for another game which suits your needs?

I dont think sector mechanics entirely based on nothing but interceptors as you propose, is a particularly good system.

Interceptors arent somekind of universal cure.

We dont need a cure because everythingā€™s fine with the mechanics. If you cant catch your targets, but others have no problem catching them, then the problem is not with the mechanics but your ability to catch them. There are alot of groups who are willing to teach and train anyone and ceptors are not for everyone, we need to find our role in the universe. :slight_smile:

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Thread isnt about interceptors.

Its about delaying Local intel.

Youā€™re wrong. Its about GPS LOL

a) Sure, if you have 30-50m SP.
b) And the other 40? Or do you think all WHs come with infinite glorious content?
And itā€™s still as tedious as f***.
c) Why does 0.0 have vastly higher isk/day rewards with its asset safety and 30+s warning of any gank?

Well if you donā€™t use interceptors then you are going to beg for a delayed local :slight_smile:

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a) 30-50m sp for scanning? Dude whats wrong with you lol
b) i rarely came across wormholes that had 60 sigsā€¦ we were only in c3 and c4 whs
c) sov null takes alot of effort to defend. Maybe we should calculate the time needed to defend it, just like rolling and scanning time in whsā€¦ oh wait, you dont want that :wink:

Delaying Local wouldnt effect interceptors any more/less than any other ship.

Except that little thing called their roleā€¦ delaying/deleting local will make cloaky ships better at catching ratters which is one of the main role of ceptors

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How exactly?

We have discussed it already mate

I must have missed it.
Can you link it or give me a TLDR?

I dont remember discussing inty vs cloaked with you.

Simply without local covops would be OP, even if it is only a 30 seconds delay. Plenty of time to catch a ratter



With Local, you know a ship entered and can check who it is.

Without Local, they wont know its entered system, if its a inty or a cloaked ship, and the inty will still be faster to arrive and point.

You arent making sense.
How exactly would a cloaked ship suddenly become better for that role, from local delay?

Explain it to me, like to a child.

Are you confusing inty with combat recon, which is d-scan immune?

Atm im ratting in a system that rarely has anyone except me and my alt. This is a very calm regionā€¦ If there was no local and i would spot anything on dscan, i would dock up. But i cant even see a cloaked ship on dscan and please dont come with the dscan immunity stuff. Your idea would change most part of the game, which would need to be rebalanced and that would take ALOT of time, until we get a working game againā€¦ Current mechanics worked fine for 10+ years and competent hunters succesfully hunt, the rest stay hungry.

One more thing: you editing your posts 25 times in 10 seconds is killing me.

I think most everyone agrees, that cloaked ships should not be d-scan immune, anyways.
They dont need both untargettability, and d-scan immunity.
Its widely understood, that delaying/removing Local would necessitate that as well.

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I dont care if they are dscan immune or not because itā€™s working now and worked for 10+ years. what i care for is if the game stays playable or goes offline everyday for 4 hours because of bugs/crashes/hotfixes/etc

Much has changed in 10+ years.
Local has changed in that period.
Intys and covops have existed for only a fraction of that.

Sure, I think we all do.

But thats not relevant to delayed Local.