There is a way to effectively catch people, use t2 warp speed rigs on a sabre, if your worried about ceptors with interdiction nullification then that will be removed some time soonish i’m guessing.
I am for the delay as for the lockdown
I dont see how a gate lock should follow from a delay in Local intel.
Ships already have a 30s cloak on entry, which exceeds the proposed delay in Local intel.
I dont understand why you think gates should lock someone for using them, just for having used them.
I don’t understand why you want local delay , if you want no local go to wormhole.
If Local is removed from Player NS, will you move to WH?
Because NS and WH are the same thing…
So, have instant local in high sec, delayed local in low sec and no local in null sec. I’m fine with that.
Might as well also have all Jumpgates just be system exit points only. All ships entering a system should spawn at some random location within that system and not be confined to spawn near the Jumpgate.
Neither does she, she is just trolling in some weird tit for tat way.
Now can you merge the bumping threads too?
if you delay local in Null , I will win Eve…
I dont see how that follows.
You have to be at the gate to jump, and you arrive at the gate, after jump.
The random location thereafter in the periphery of the gate upon arrival, is to prevent ships accidentally de-cloaking each other.
Note: The above is not on topic. This is about Local intel, not where a ship arrives post gate transit.
ISD just need to close this nonsense already .
Or you can just leave this thread, instead of derailing it.
It’s 60 seconds
Has been like that since before I started playing…
You should play more and complain less imo
The reality though is if you make it so that talking in local makes you a target (because all of a sudden you show up when you were not visible before)… people who might talk in local normally today would never do so.
Pretty much like wormholes.
It’s like saying… “Yes, you can fire on that frigate with your 2b isk T2 BS ship in high sec… concord will just destroy your ship.”… and then claiming that the concord system doesn’t prevent blingy ships from blowing up T1 frigates in HS.
Yeah… technically it doesn’t… but in reality it does for 99.9999999999% of the players.
The local topic is hotter than ever these days…
Instead of removing local entirely, how about delaying showing up a player that jumps in until he or she decloaks?
This will give hunters and edge and will lead to more interesting engagements. It will stir up fleet engagements too.
I can’t believe no one has thought of that before!
After the last days events and loss of local it is clear that CCP must now delay local through out K Space, permanently. The only people who were negatively effected by a delayed local were bots. Entire regions have been cleansed, keep up gods work CCP.
Sure if you also don’t get to clone because you failed to register on the network. Or we could actually remove local and move everyone to the already delayed constellation chat, which then ceases to give perfect intel, while still giving some intel. And solve the entire problem, not just a tiny portion of the problem in a way which only benefits WH players.
Highsec isn’t meant to be safe. A safe highsec is not anything that CCP has expressed. Undocking is meant to be dangerous no matter that security the system is. I agree with you, but would extend to just completely removing or delaying local throughout the entire game.
(thanks to Teckos Pech for collecting links on cloak changes topics in one post) 10 years ago somewhere in the older old forum Edited by: Major Stallion on 27/03/2007 12:49:23 I do feel that its a bit stupid that you can cloak at will and sit in a system all day without being found or without risk of engaging the enemy. There needs to be something implemented to allow for the finding of cloakers with scan probes. One way to level out the advantages gained by cloaking should be to require f…
I think CCP mention something opposite when talking about new citadels structure: removing or delaying local for non nullsec dwellers. Something about using owned space.
You will just get even more multiboxing and even more bots. Because doing gate duty and nothing else for hours is such a great activity, individual players will do that voluntarily all the time on all up to 5 gates in some systems. Sounds like a very great thing … to make bots an even bigger thing in EVE and overwhelm the already understaffed security team. As long as null sec does not become like w-space, delayed local is no option. It also has not created more player interaction because there…
As someone who currently spends most of their time mining/missioning in high sec, I fully support the idea of a wormhole-style local system. At minimum if local won’t go away, I would like to see a delay in it updating, say 5 minutes for high sec, 10 for low, and whatever for null. Or even an increasing delay as sec status decreases, much like concord response now.
Remove the local feature? Good bye players! No really… If you remove the safety net of being able to see if someone enters system while you are ratting in your costly ship, no one will do it and people will quit playing. I and many others are not playing right now due to this. I am a new player and I don’t have much skills to do the pvp so I am ratting to make isk and skill up but I can’t do that right now cause it’s far too dangerous. If I wanted that feature, I would be in a wormhole corp mak…
Ummm… NO
This is just a weak compromise on REMOVE LOCAL.
I got a better idea than removing local from every where. Let’s go back to the old days of if you logged out in space you didn’t disappear. You had to hope your ship still remained. Let’s take it even a step further and remove docking rights from those in high sec with bad corporate standings to the corporation owning the station, or bad faction standing. Both ideas will create an immense amount of content for pvp’ers. This way merc groups couldn’t play station games, and care bears would be relegated to half the map.
Same rules apply to low sec as well.
I got a better idea than removing local from every where
Unless I missed something special in this thread the “Remove Local” idea is usually targeted to NS.