Dev blog: Abyssal Deadspace - What Lies Beyond The Filament

That is the the best approach I heard so far!

@Ember_Fireheart Um, sure - except:

• Triglavians (all types) deal thermal and explosive
• Rogue Drone battleships deal thermal and kinetic
• Drifters and Sleepers (all types) deal EM/thermal turret and kinetic/explosive missile

The only ships that vary in damage are the frigate/battlecruiser Rogue drones which can be EM, thermal, kinetic or explosive.

So if you go all-in with one damage type you’re going to die 100% of the time. If you get a Triglavian, Rogue Drone, Drifter or Sleeper spawn - you’re hooped. The chances of not getting any Triglavian, Rogue Drone, Drifter or Sleeper battleships on a F5 filament is actually less than zero.

You can kite the kinetic/explosive damage from Drifters and Sleepers and try to get under the guns of Rogue Drones, but ultimately you’re going to get hit. Especially so if you get webbed or painted (which happens frequently).

You can get lots without any Triglavians thou, rouge drones have bad tracking so you can speed tank them, since your speed tanking naturally missiles will do less damage than turret’s so you can narrow it down to em/therm, em therm is naturally stronger on armor so you will need to use a fast t1 armor fit :] so mwd omen will be good :] but still a lot of luck needed.

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Yes, well - EM/thermal isn’t a single damage type either, is it now? And the small Sleepers will still be able to hit your kinetic/explosive holes quite well even if you’re able to speed-tank the larger battleship damage.

All it takes is a web, scram or painter to go from Hero ship to Zero ship in no-time flat. Not to mention the neuts. And the Omen will be alpha-neuted off the field with only 2 medium slots.

Meh tanking only 2 still gives a massive advantage compared to tanking omni I guess 1 is impossible without t2 resi.

You should test your theory on SiSi while you still can.

No time T_T work work

Sweet! I just managed to survive the dreaded Triglavian spawn. Neuts, webs, painters and remote reps. I was able to kill everything but the last 2 Striking Leshak battleships as the clock ran out. I know what I need to tweak now so this could be the ticket…

@Ember_Fireheart Yeah, that “1-resistance” strategy won’t work, unfortunately. I just got a drone spawn with Blast (EM), Spark (Ex and Ember (Th) variants.

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Wasn’t there a kind of armor module whose damage resistance adapted to incoming damage? (I think it was armor, IIRC).

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Reactive armor hardener - but it requires cap.

After careful consideration I’m endorsing Dark’s take on these Abyssal pockets. I doubt even Officer fit hulls could successfully run F5 filaments, but even so you then have to consider the risk vs. reward. Maybe a Deadspace fit with mutated modules, but any decent mutated modules will be too valuable to risk.

The only players I can see running F5 filaments are those with very deep pockets who can do so in the safety of a locked-down null-sec system. The rest of us “ space poors” will just have to content ourselves with F1-F3 filaments.

Oh, and you know what sucks even more than the RNG aspect of the high-level filaments? Getting SFA from the Triglavian hub in a room after you survive insurmountable odds.


And while I’m on a rant, who ever heard of a “dungeon” that has exactly 3 rooms and a fixed 20-minute timer? It really would’ve been neat to venture forth and actually explore a maze-like dungeon without the imposing timer in the background.

And they really should’ve implemented a “GTFO” option for F1-F3 filaments where you could bail on the Abyssal pocket depending on time left, ie:

F1 filament: 5 minutes or more to bail
F2 filament: 10 minutes or more to bail
F3 filament: 15 minutes or more left to bail

The caveat with being able to escape is jettisoning all your cargo (no exceptions).

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I’m not yet sure of it, for several reasons.

First, you can’t throw all types of Tier5 sites into the same baskets. Some will be way more difficult than others, even though all of them will be a pain in the ass.

Second, we’ll see more and more people making practical experiences. A lot of losses to start with. Soon people will figure out how to farm the lower tiers and after that people will push higher.

We’ll see, very soon :slight_smile:

I’m getting really annoyed with getting the 5-6 webbing/neuting Trivlavian battleship spawn in F3s. That spawn is harder than a vast majority of level 4 and even some level 5 spawns and I KEEP GETTING IT. Almost killed my F5 setups several times.

EDIT: Also, killing this spawn and getting 2 pockets of empty loot + 16 Iso-10 in the final room is just insulting.

Double edit:

Blockquote First, you can’t throw all types of Tier5 sites into the same baskets. Some will be way more difficult than others, even though all of them will be a pain in the ass.

But that doesn’t matter, because you have to prepare for the worst possible spawn or you will die. It may be on your first filament, it may be on your 10th, but if you get the cancer spawn and aren’t prepared for it (is the 10 Leshak spawn even beatable at this point?) you lose your ship and pod. These things are going to have to be insane loot pinatas for that to be a net positive with the cost of ships/implants to consistently run these.

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These suck. The filament drop rates got nerfed so you’re not even guaranteed a replacement filament when you run an Abyssal pocket. And the loot drops we observed on SiSi? All I got was crap on TQ with the release. Half the Triglavian containers are completely empty. This was my net haul (not including the -200m ISK spent on the first F2 filament) for 3-pocket Abyssal run (F2/F2/F3):

• 110x Triglavian Survey Database
• 45x Zero-Point Condensate
• 9x Crystalline Isogen-10
• 1x Decayed Stasis Webifier Mutaplasmid

That’s ■■■■■■■ it. And I’m supposed to also risk hundreds of millions on my fit and implants on top of that? Pretty sure I’m heavy into the red on this ‘expedition’. Oh, I forgot the two drugs I consumed for another -20m ISK.

Into The Abyss: Rated “F” for Fail.


what are the survey databases going for?

should be npc buy orders

0.01 ISK from player buy orders. I couldn’t find NPC buy orders for anything I looted.
And from the long (and rapidly expanding) list of issues with this patch - this expansion is going to be a doozy.

No filaments in Gurista data sites and players are finding filaments in relic sites. Welcome to the Gong Show.

I’ve spent 2 ucking hours searching data sites without a single drop…


Maybe try switching to relic sites, lol.

Finally found 2 filaments in one data can in lowsec.