Dev blog: Abyssal Deadspace - What Lies Beyond The Filament

Quite a lot of folk seem keen to at least try the new content, at present they sadly can not, and wont be able to for some time.

The initial cost is/will be to high for just basic entry level stuff. And the required quantities are not going to be forthcoming anytime soon either.

I am talking about calm only. Not higher. The risk of ship + capsule loss is not balanced to that effect. Are we really expected to go through all this plinky plonk just for the privilege to do the most basic abyss sites?

Com’on open the front door, let us in. We can’t loose ships if we can’t run em.


I think they are trying to regulate the price, site difficulty should be the only regulator not this damn scarcity of filaments :confused:


This is like having to que for that bar, you know the one. With rubbish music anyway. That might, just might, have one hot chick inside… maybe…


And then you finally get inside, and find out ITS A TRAP!!!


yep, you have 20 mins to try and charm her or the bouncer knocks you out.



Then you find out the hot chick is the bouncers sister xD and you get knocked out anyways.


Although one hates to say I told you so, I did say they had only one chance to make a good first impression, when I saw the state of it on sisi. Pity they ignored that advice.


Pretty much, everyone was “OH ITS TEST SERVER” and yet we got the turd that was on Sisi. This “expansion” is a bust so far; also annoyed at the PI UI changes, the camera is terrible, the UI takes up way more space, and they didn’t actually add any functionality to already existing colony maintenence. They moved buttons are without actually adding functionality, reee.

@Alderson_Point a friend of mine resubbed for this. She was pretty excited. Stayed on for 6 hours trying to find a filament. Found one. Then used a Deadspace fit Deimos to complete it.

Was not impressed and asked me to email her when CCP decided to make them fun.


A big part of the problem is, outside of the LOLULOSE spawns, these things aren’t that interesting. Most of the spawns are boring and faceroll, they’re mostly pretty similar to what we already have. The ones that aren’t faceroll are usually just the “impossible” spawns (IE 10 trig BS). Very few spawn combos are actually “exciting” and “close” while still being reasonably doable.

The backgrounds are pretty, but all filaments of one type look pretty much the same, so it won’t take long at all before they’re just as boring as the backdrops we’re all used to. Also in some of them there’s that cluster**** of low res clouds all overlapping each other, similar to some mission/anom pockets, that just make them look bad.

At one point during the Sisi phase it was at a very good challenging point before the npc’s got buffed to rediculas levels 10BS so on. Although before that sweet spot it was too ez so meh hard balance I guess.


I think that’s a core design problem; designing a 20 minute tight timer with so many layers of RNG (in the spawns, plus the towers/clouds, plus all of the different ships you could potentially bring) that’s actually balanced seems almost impossible. CCP isn’t exactly good at balance anyway, soooo it doesn’t look good.


Wonder if the people balancing it have tested it them selves thou xD Or if they just taking the word of others.

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Well, in early iterations (when they were easy/before the mass battleship spawns) I remember one of the CCP guys (Falcon maybe?) saying Level 4-5s were kicking their testers’ asses. That’s when they were easy…I haven’t heard anything since then but if that’s the case, I’m guessing no.

O_o you mean when we used to just kite them all day long around the aoe towers xD ? that was like 1/20th the difficulty they are now.

Yeah, I know. I believe the quote was before they were even available for us to test, so it was the super early iterations lol. CCP’s internal testing has always been…very questionable when it comes to their gameplay skills. They were going on about how impossible Burners were before they came out…and people were farming them for 200+M an hour within like 3 days to the point they had to repeatedly buff them.

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On the plus side, with the sheer, nigh uncountable hordes of us currently running them, CCP must be getting lashings of quatity feedback data stuff.:+1:t4:



LOL. Sadly I don’t think many people are even running them right now, because the filaments are ridiculously low drop rate.


the drop rate isnt low, its that the drop’s are only in certain locations instead of everywhere like it should be. I found nothing for 3 hours then figured out where they are then found 5 in 10min.

Yeah, but its still low even in the places they drop. I live in Sansha null and have gotten like 2 T1 filaments in countless data/relic sites. A lot of the ones that ARE dropping are ending up on the market to try to cash out on release-day isk.

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