And 90% of the ones that are running them are losing multi-billion ISK ships left and right…
if only they tested on Sisi before hand xD
Yeah, there were like 5 of us vocal on the SiSi forums that were actually testing these, if a ton of the main server is going in to these things blind, ohhh the bloodbath will be amazing.
Oh well, I guess moon goo prices will go up to rebuild all those T2 ships they are losing…
Probably at first…most krabs will probably just decide they aren’t worth the time and it’ll be Resource Wars 2.0.
Most people will use the trusty gila thou, so those guristas ded runners will be happy.
Filament Farm 2.0 is what they should have named this update…
Lol, I think that’s what most people are doing, farming 1-2s and putting filaments on market to try to cash out. They’re already dropping in value fast, though.
thats good thou filaments cant stay at 70mil each t1 should be 500k
Yeah, T1s will likely be sub-5 mil by the end of the week
Will be 5mil tomorrow if we spill the beans on where to farm them in masses xD
Lol probably. I mean some are already down to like 50M on their own, and the after work rush probably hasn’t hit yet.
I wonder how many AT ship reimburstent requests this one will yield.
Funnily enough I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people that will try them in there.
One dc and bye bye At ship
Most expensive loss I’ve seen so far by a single player is 7 billion…
Most expensive loss so far is by @Dark_Engraver with 500 hours. xD I think all in all iv only spent about 40 hours testing.
That, my man, requires a linky link
Make that roughly 9 billion ISK lost in 2 Abyssal runs…
2.8 Billion ISK in ships
6.0 Billion ISK in pods
Ah, that makes sence now. Chinokk is native american for Chuck Norris.