Honestly that’s not too surprising, the fits I used that had “acceptable” success rates in L5s were at least that expensive.
On a side note, LOL at his first pod. He’s flying a deadspace shield Cerberus…and using high grade Assklapians
If at first you don’t succeed…
There are some pretty spectacular killmails. I counted a dozen Gilas worth over 1.4-billion ISK on the first page alone…
The whales throwing isk into the grinder is pretty amusing, I’ll give em that.
So any bets on this? Buff or nerf?
Balancing changes have been made to the Triglavian Leshak fleet found in Abyssal Deadspace.
" Buff or nerf ?" does not matter as much, IMHO, as the simple fact, that after weeks of testing stuff on Singularity CCP have to tweak Abyss space few hours after the launch. Not because of programming mistake, but because of wrong balance. Haste is no good here, we need some stable environment … If it is buff - almost no one will farm Abyss on regular basis and those few, who will, will get rewarded for the risk with high prices on Abyss wares. If it is nerf - everyone will go there and prices will drop.
Ow i see it! Small band aid changes nothing great.leshak tracking went from 10 to 7 dmg spool up for all trigs is now halves maximum damage is 50% higher damage modifier was reduced from 10 to 6 on vedmaks(gee i wonder who mentioned doing this like 10 days ago) dmg on all other trigs went down by 20%
Means if you dont kill them fast enough they’ll vaporise your face but now you got more time to kill them.
Goons must’ve complained that they were losing too many ships… I’m only half-joking.
What bugs me is this kind of changes were obvious to do before going on tq from our feedback .Neuting was still mentioned as an issue maybe they’ll change it tomorrow after more people welp inside;P
Yes, but when did anyone really listen to our feedback.
The players experiences and suggestions were pretty clear and unambiguous, someone somewhere must believe that players whelping pointlessly, somehow encourages them? It certainly encourages those on reddit who are NEVER going to spend a single isk on anything to do with PVE. They are quite happy with the carnage, so long as it is others Being fed into the meat grinder, Maybe they should balance for their customers instead?
I was looking forward to this, but now i’ll Wait for the rebalance to be done, hopefully I wasn’t predicting the future, and I can eventually do fun and engaging content, not like another repeat of resource wars, but they Failed big time to make a good first impression with this (as predicted would be the case).
@CCP_Rise @CCP_Fozzie the leshak spawn damage spool up per cycle was never an issue it was the combined volley damage of all the leshaks with their higher tracking +optimal and the ability for certain spawn variations to alpha your capacitor,your band aid won’t do much the 50km opressive neuts are still there with their high cap drain amount the optimal turret range is still there keeping some really good ships out of the loop right now because of it
You reduced the tracking but some spawns have snare tesseras or tangling leshaks or tangling and starving leshaks or spotlighter tesseras your changes wont do much to help as far as balance.
the vedmak damage modifier change is somewhat questionable from my point of view as the spawn wasn’t opressive from my perspective at all their combined dps was a good race against time to pick right primaries but losing 40% dmg screams knee jerk reaction here.
Bottom line cut the leshaks optimal even by 10km-13km bring it down to 50 thats the distance we spawn from them(allow us to chose to kite or brawl it’s our choice dont force us into brawl everytime) cut their neut range to 35km thats optimal plus falloff cut the amount to 400 or so per starving leshak
I don’t think it needs to be that extreme, it is perfectly within the realm of possibility to tone that particular NPC down a smidgen while still keeping it a tight engagement. I can’t do 4’s, but even in 3’s they are ass hats.
Long term PVE player here, flirting with bittervet syndrome and currently going through waves of (dis)engagement with with the game. I have a love-hate relationship with Eve that’s hard to describe. I’ll really enjoy it for a few weeks, and then I’ll have a day where I think about logging in and choose not to because “I have enough tedium in my life right now, I don’t need it from my games too.”
I got excited when I saw the patch announcement in my inbox. New PVE! Run sites anywhere! It kinda sounded like the Easter event (that I actually enjoyed and made some new contacts while running sites), but after reading up on it I’m left with one overarching thought:
“■■■■ that.”
- New areas of space? Yes, please. I like space.
- New and pretty graphics? Oh, God YES.
- Randomization of the encounter? Sure. The main problem (and source of tedium) with the current PvE is lack of variety.
- Possibility that the space will be Randomly Impossible to beat? Ummm… Sounds like someone doesn’t understand simple game theory. Loss due to lack of skill is one thing. Loss due to a computer ■■■■■■■ you over is not fun. Games that are not fun, will not be played. Simple.
- A hard time limit to beat the encounter, no matter what the RNG has decided to throw at you? Seems excessive. Additional complexity to add unnecessary stress. If skill and equipment is up to the task, a PvE encounter should be winnable. See simple game theory above.
- Instanced space? This is generally counter to the whole concept of Eve. I can’t think of a single place I’ve ever gone in TQ that someone couldn’t go with me. Locked gate? Get the key, follow me in warp, scan me down and ■■■■■■■ slowboat all the way to me. There’s always a way. Getting a fleet to run missions/incursions/mining/whatevs isn’t always the most efficient, but it is fun. Refer to game theory above. Having a space that is designed to be solo-only is weird. And not in a quirky-but-it-works kind of way.
- Suspect flag for running higher level sites? Why? I’m not even kidding. Who ever thought that this would encourage adoption? Seriously. STOP LISTENING TO THE PVP’ers WHEN YOU TRY TO DESIGN PVE. PVP’ers want PVP. The last time I heard a number, something like 80% of the playerbase NEVER engages in PVP. Start ■■■■■■■ designing content without worrying about creating more opportunities for PVP. I guarantee that the PVP’ers will figure out a way to stick their dicks into the ‘carebears’ faces. That side of Eve will figure itself out.
- Total ship AND POD loss if you don’t manage to finish ‘on time?’ ■■■■ that. That’s the deal breaker, right there. Nope. It’s one thing screwing up and losing a ship. It’s one thing getting ganked and losing a ship and pod. It’s something else entirely to lose a (probably very expensive) ship and pod to A TIMER. ■■■■ that.
Anyone who says different doesn’t understand the mindset of a PVE’er
Maybe it is you that doesn’t understand.
PVP players exist. Making these sites totally immune to it on the high end would be an example of having your cake and eating too. As it is however it is having your cake and sharing a very small portion of it.
I understand perfectly. Read what I wrote - making instanced space that cannot be reached by other players is a problem. PVE’ers understand and accept that there is nowhere in Eve that is ‘safe.’ It’s baked into the game concept. Instanced space breaks that, and the band-aids slapped on the side of this feature don’t fix it, they merely add unnecessary complexity.
Take away the timer. Make it so a rift opens and people can follow you in. Suddenly you’re in line with the rest of the Eve concept. You wouldn’t even have to rebalance the randomness.
The game can’t differentiate between friend or foe allowing more players inside would mean farming it would be easy anyone could bring their alts in logies or other support
Correct. Putting it in-line with literally everything else in Eve, ever.
But the devs wanted to 1v1 our sorry asses with the rats this idea of yours is quite dishonorable