Dev blog: Balance Update With EVE Online: Lifeblood

Maybe we could introduce large HAWs, either as actual turrets or as utility modules with close to turret fitting costs? This could solve the battleship vs frigate problem.

I thought that already sort of existed. Iā€™m amarr so I havenā€™t gone caldari or gallente in several years but likeā€¦ The dual pulse/beams are for smaller than Bs aka shooting downward towards cruisers or drugs, mega is for Bs, tachyon is for bashing/shooting up in class. (although sadly no tachyon pulses) except if you fit dual pulses you still have crap tracking on top of crap damage and range at Bs level.

Iā€™m not that familiar or donā€™t really remember how the missiles work anymore. Last missle ship I had was a Drake in 2009 lol.

The dual/quad weapons arenā€™t actually like that. They track very slightly better but nothing like medium weapons at all.

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Yeah cause theyā€™re junk lol.

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I wish the Punisher was turned into a drone boat with unbonused highslots (something like a poor-manā€™s Astero), since Amarr are having a drone boat in all ship classes except a frigate.

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The funny thing about what you said is that it makes way too much sense. Just imagine if all ā€œdualā€ turrets would have the range and tracking of itā€™s smaller equivalent, except with double damage. They would be awesome!
Should we make a separate thread about this in the player ideas section?


But they shouldnā€™t have the same tracking. Itā€™s not just two turrets on the same base, itā€™s a single turret moving two of the smaller barrels. Twice the weight, mounted on either side of the center-line.


theyre still dumb
compare the 250mm rail to the dual 250mm rail
why does the dual 250mm even exist
and why shouldnt a bs have a bonus for the superior smaller variant
i know its just game balance but in logical terms there is no reason for bses to not have bonuses for downsized weapons or at least have large weapons which arent inferior to their smaller counterparts in every way

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This can be solved, they are on a roll of redesigning stuff. Most of them looks kinda dumb anyways. Or we simply let this pass, wouldnā€™t be the first thing that makes no sen- waitā€¦
Beams and railguns have dual versions, but Minmatar have dual autocannons instead of artilleries - are they doing the exact opposite of what the others do with their turrets too?

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Well, yeah, but if we approach it from that perspective, thereā€™s absolutely no reason for ships (including hulls smaller than battleships) to not carry secondary defensive weapons, the equivalent of modern AA or Phalanx-style systems, specifically for dealing with drones/fighters and incoming missiles.

Sure, most of the (current) info paints frigates as just the pod, but larger ships have crews. At the very least, Cruiser+ should be bristling with defensive armament that can be operated independent of the capsuleerā€™s focus by those crews.


yeah exactly in terms of sci-fi fantasy its always seemed odd to me that bses only use large guns rather than an array of various sized weapons and armaments
anyway thats not really my point and im digressing
the point is the 250mm is superior to the dual 250mm in every way
so why do bses use a dual 250mm instead of just a single 250mm
its just an inconsistency in the balance
and its left over from the medium turret pass a few years ago which buffed the 250mm above the dual 250mm
if you remember the medium rails really really sucked back then
but i use the 250mm example because it clearly highlights how bad the weapon system balance is

Maybe the weapon tiericide will handle this too (it probably wonā€™t, but we can hope).

Based on what we have right now, small turrets stay the same, we could have one dual medium turret that is actually 2 small, one large dual turret thatā€™s actually 2 medium, and one large quad turret thatā€™s actually 4 small, for both short and long range.
The base damage would be the same, you would trade a lot of range for much better projection.

Do we need this variety in turrets though? Would it be good?

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the ā€œless tankyā€ cruisers go with a single repper, maybe 2 reps, or an 800mm plate for armor, the ā€œmore tankyā€ ones such as the vexor, maller, and some others can do a 1600mm plate, and most can if you are willing to upgrade PG rigs or mods or gimp the guns. With 125 total PG loss (100 base plus 25 from skills) you lose the fitting room of a medium gun, a little more than the small ones (dual 150mm rails or heavy electron blasters) and less than the large (250mm rails or heavy neutrons), or the fitting room for the prop mod or plate, even if compact. The easy solution is either drop to a 800mm or add a router rig instead of a trimark if you buffer fit, im simply saying that the nerf is heavy if it makes that big of a difference.

I didnā€™t post an example, but essentially the nerf, by the notes, is more upset and aimed at the triple rep variants that have come up since Asklepians came along. Those fits are fairly weak in most settings and have no room for DPS mods and little use outside of solo/small gang play. But within that realm is where the vexor continues to do well, against smaller sized ships or small gangs in general.

All I mean is that this change seems to hurt all aspects of Vexor use, not simply the one they are trying to push out of bounds, and think a less heavy drop in PG or a mix of other solutions might help the problem stated in the notes and minutes of the discussion.


keep the utility or rocket!!!

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You canā€™t see the advantage of a LR active shield bonused missile ship with super speed?

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There are a million simple ways to remedy this that would not mess up the game play. For instance, only post kills to the killboards where the players are within certain skill levels of each other, Make a rating system that determines how tough a pilot you are by comparing your skill points to those of the people you kill. Make characters that get killed under 5 million skillpoints get their ships and themselves teleported off the field of battle and into a holding area.

Killboards are not mainteined by CCP. Its value is inherent to players NOT the game. There are rating systems taking into account kill difficulty. i.e. points in zkill, or risk-ratio in eveovermind. Last one is just a big NO. And completely detrimental to the game imho.

Implants are also a huge problem for this game. You can get these fancy slave sets that boost a non attribute facet of the game beyond what there is any non-implant counter for, then you can get an implant that increases that boost by 50%. The force multiplying factor these give older characters are akin to handing out invulnerability talismans, unless you are fighting someone that is equally implanted up. The bonuses from implants would be much better if they never got above a 3% boost in any stat, even with multipliers.

HG Slave set @ 2b isk gives you 24,75% extra armor HP. In no way game breaking.
At 6m isk, standard exile gives you 20% extra armor rep power (that actually affects capitals).

The other issue I see is the lack of balance between attackers and the victims. As an example, the super fast T2 frigates that everyone uses to tackle with now used to have a counter in the rapid light missile and the T3 Destroyers. We all know what CCP did to both of those. I mean, how dare a new player get into a T3 destroyer quickly and start kicking ass! Now with implants a Malediction pilot is virtually immune from them. For that matter they are immune to virtually everything but faction webs. How many people do you know that go ratting with a faction web? How many new players even know what a faction anything is?
Even high skilled drone pilots are having a hard time taking out T2 frigates.

Ok, I struggle to get your point. You say T2 frigs > T3D ? I think you are the only one. Also, those poor RLML, so underpowered!
BTW, faction webs are cheaper than your T3D.

Based on you kb, Iā€™d say you lack the experience to make some of this assessments.

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You realise ccp make more money from players plexing their accounts than subbing right?

You run a business?

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According to the CSM minutes, more players subscribe than PLEX accounts. But that doesnā€™t necessarily mean PLEX sales beyond those used for game time donā€™t tip the scales the other way on the overall numbers.

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I mean per player.

I realy hope that turret placement gets looked at with the rifter, with the 4th high gone, the turrets can no longer be placed symmetrically.