We can make a couple of observations of new system vs old based on a couple of reasonable assumptions.
(Situation 1) You get 40 recruits, they all upgrade to Omega with PLEX and spend zero money.
Old system: Recruiter gets 40mths Omega time.
New system: Recruiter gets nothing.
Epic start, not a nerf in sight.
(Situation 2) You get 20 recruits that upgrade Omega with PLEX, 20 upgrade to Omega with $$$, no other store purchases.
Old system:
20mths Omega applied to their account
10k PLEX (30bil).
New system:
1mth Omega applied to their account
7k PLEX (21bil)
Enforcer+Pacifier BPO+skins (worth I think far, far less than the 9bil needed to be equivalent)
HUGE reduction in value here, approx 30% of the value of isk-equivalent items, not to mention the 19mths of Omega time completely missing.
(Situation 3) You recruit 40 dudes, they all upgrade to Omega with $$. No other store purchases.
Old scheme: 20k PLEX (60bil)
New Scheme: 12k PLEX (36bil) + 1mth Omega time + Enforcer/Marshall/Pacifier (about 7bil atm) + Skins for insanely unpopular ships and apparel
New scheme total here is probably not going to even total 46bil. 20%+ drop in value, roughly.
Man I came looking for a nerf, but I can’t for the life of me find any!
(Situation 4 - AKA You Are A Badass Recruiter)
You recruited 300 doods that went to Omega with cold hard $$$. In addition, all of them, every single one, spends additional cash in the shop, netting you, that badass recruiter, every single bonus possible under the new scheme for those 300 dudes (extra purchases don’t mean anything under old scheme).
Old Scheme: 150k PLEX (450b)
No let’s be serious.
New Scheme: 77k PLEX (231b) + 1mth Omega time + Pacifier/Enforcer/Marshal (7b), 600 Accelerators (approx 12bil, high estimate), 300 Extractors (90b)
Total - approx 340b. 25% less than if your recruits had’ve just gone Omega for 1 mth on old scheme.
To reiterate - on new scheme, even if recruits spend $ on extra stuff (not a requirement on old scheme) you still get much less than the old scheme.
To summarise: Nerfs = Not Present.