Please release a mass reduction mod at the same time as this patch to support Hic’s in wormholes
Heyho, will the Griffin Navy issue get a rework too? because with the ECM changes it will get pretty worthless since you have to sit in the enemies face to apply ECM. So first it now would be one of the only EWAR faction frigates that cant be used solo (like them every ECM Hull) and second you cant even utilize kiting while jamming the enemy which shortenes the lifetime of this ship by about 500%.
A lot of Caldari and especially the faction caldari ships are weaker then their counterparts. I hope you guys have some good ideas for more caldari reworks
Restrict to being only able to fit to HICs, just like bubbles. Problem solved. May not make much sense from a lore perspective, but super easy from a game dev perspective.
Raptor still is a bad weapons platform, all it could do was tank and i used it for traveling and getting through smartbomb camps.
WHile I understand it considering the claw or malediction. the other combat ceptors are just weak
The balance pass on ECM is malformed. ECM needs a complete rework.
The only thing this pass does is make solo pvp ECM use impossible and remove it as a defensive option. It does not fix the problem of ecm being overpowered. In a roam/fleet scenario you’re still going to have to primary the ECM or have pilots out of the fight until someone gets around to fixing it. Logi or single fleet mates are not going to be taking out any ECM far off in the distance.
I have ideas, and anyone interested can keep reading.
ECM is a specialized module that should require as much focus from the user as the benefit it gives. It is indeed a completely unique thing. ECM conused ships being caldari only is merely fluff as anyone can skill into it. In terms of lore this can easily be the reason why caldari navy can go toe to toe with the other races.
- ECM must be a high slot module, use launcher/turret hardpoints, have 5 second cycles (if missed then 5 second window, if success 5 second jam), and then have it consume charges or otherwise eat cap like ancillary reppers do. Reload comes into play here.
- ECM must be restricted in number according to hull such that an ecm frigate should reliably jam another frigate, and several frigates reliably jam a battleship. Vice versa an ECM battleship should reliably jam another battleship or several smaller vessels (1 per module perhaps). Until charges start runing out and a wild reload appears. Unbonused ships may still use ECM but at no such reliability. Presto, a capital ecm ship has become a thing to want.
- ECM charges should be flavored: Have ECM charges according to sensor types and a counter ECM charge to help out firendlies (or whomever). The effectiveness of a ships ECM would directly translate into its effective counter ECM. 1 bonus stat does all.
- ECM should not break lock, but disable all high slots of both the target ship AND the user except ECM modules. This means no cyno, no dps, no reps, no nothing. Also it should disable the drones of both target and user. Not abandon them but have them do nothing while orbiting the target or return to orbit the user. ECM can now no longer break tackle and thus has no defensive value beyond delaying the inevitable or have to turn off ecm to be able to pew pew the tackle away.
- The target of the jam can always have a scripted sensor booster to help himself counter the jam (bonused if ECM ship) or the aforementioned assistance from friendly ECM ship. This self help won’t be a good option for dps’ers but standard on logis and ECM ships.
There are surely blindspots here, but the premise seems workable to me. I’d love feedback.
Why should ECM not be an effective means for non-combat ships to break an attacker’s tackle and run away? EC drones on miners, ECM in a high slot on a hauler, as examples.
Now if I jam an artillery hurricane as a flimsy blackbird I can expect to have several K’s of alpha in retaliation down my alley, nice change.
Moving ecm to highslots is acceptable only if they give them bigger drone bays to compensate
Exactly, by fitting ECM on an indy I already am penalised for cap, cpu and less tank. Even then I only get a chance to break lock. This is nonsensical.
Nobody said that, that they are only used for roaming gangs, but for sure they are used to disrupt ratting today. Take this away, and nullsec becomes safer, fact, or did I overlook any anti-bot/AFK change to compensate?
You can spin it like you want, the change favors safe ratting/mining space, and this goes in the opposite direction of what EvE needs. If you are not happy with sov mechanics, lobby for a change there.
I have some questions at CCP:
ECM Changes
Will ECM Burst Modules be removed now? In the intended way they are completely useless. They were always a good way to escape in dangerous situations.
HIC Changes
CCP do you hate the people in the wormhole? Do you want to annoy many paying customers in that area? You actually were supposed to take care of the HICs as soon as there is a solution for the Wormholers. Now you change something without a solution and let the people down. So please drop this change.
to be honest i think all the changes ive currently read should be dropped. they are awefull and make some ships completely useless for the cases they were ment for.
I have been.
I just don’t buy the idea that this change will make ratting somehow safer. It’s already about as safe as it can be.
Because nothing else in the entire game breaks tackle while doing other stuff, and should not.
One can always do other things that break tackle. A script for the tackle to do mess up the tackle of your target? Give it a huge ass reload/load to prevent mid fight shenanigans like swapping from tackle to countertackle when the tables turn. Throw out the warp core stabilizers entirely from the game. Now you can break the tackle of others according to strength of your tackle vs theirs (scrambler/disruptor), and according to how much you can fit. Keep the drawbacks of wcs on the countertackle script to have it mean a sacrifice, and prevent people fitting both tackle and counter. If it takes forever to load the script nobody has the time to go in empty and select when they land.
Also has flaws most likely, but workable.
October Balance Pass… Huh… I think we can call it October CSM Pass! instead As thats what it looks like
This change makes no sense at all So ecm can jam someone But he (or she) can at the same time not be jammed by the person that are jamming you Eeeeeh are you sure you have given this as much thought as you say ? (what about for example ECM on ORE / indy ships…)
Interdiction nullification
Eeeeeh2 So your taking ALL the best TAXI ceptor`s and removing the nullification from them What on g*ds green earth are you thinking with ?
500mn Hictors
To be honest this does not affect me at all It’s obvious this is not the intended use of HIC`s But ppl use this for other things then zooming around @ 8-9k ms bubbling stuff so…
Triglavians & The Damavik
The loot increases is fine as the price needs to come down more But i doubt moving a low to a mid Equal more use
To me it looks like someone living in null has been complaining A LOT and i have a sneaking suspicion its the CSM
(kinda funny that Falcon might have killed the Falcon)
Balance passes are different from completely redesigning how a system functions.
The malediction is not a combat ceptor, will not be affected.
Imagine how it went:
CSM “A”: On the HIC problem, how about we completely remove the mass modification on this module?
CCP : This would do, yes. However, at the fanfest we promissed WH weirdos we would not do this without addressing the wormhole rolling process.
CSM “B”: Anyone knows why they don’t just use Megathrons to roll their holes like a normal person?
CSM “C”: Anyone here ever lived in a WH before?
CCP: Ok, we’ll implement this change, Wormholes will find a way to fix this by themselves. Wormholers are much like hermaphrodite dinosaurs, they will always find a way.
Everyone: Bwahahahhaaha
CCP: Moving on to FAX balance.
CSM “B”: Faxes aren’t op.
CCP: Wormholers says they are, don’t they?
Everyone: Bwahahahaa
CCP: My sides… Ok, we can think of some minor change later. Moving on to Triglavian ships…
Well then the new clawfleets will be maledictions i guess xD