Dev blog: Triglavian Technology - Ships & Weapons

So … basically conventional ship doctrines parallel to old style Titan / Carrier tag teaming but now with accessible ship classes. Owk.

Indeed. Dark, allow no harm to be done to that banana…it is a gift from the Gods bestowed upon us – the unworthy, the unclean – only out of their generosity and love.

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immediate activation of the new dungeon after the invulnerability of the previous one, does not save from pirates. way to catch found :-(((

You talk a lot of crap my good sir the trig bs spawn as well as the vedmak rush were updated yesterday.

If you weren’t too busy spamming misinformation and actually tested something you’d know.

Also this defeatist attitude serves no one and as a matter of fact faction and deadspace fits push the boundary of what we’ve been able to test with t2 fits by a lot we’re talking 1k dps hacs with better tank and rep power by alot compared to t2.

By the changes to various npcs we can easily tell the balance team put tons of work in this


See I did test that. But you werent there. I know a screenshot would have been helpful but this is what we’ve got. So sorry to disappoint you. But tell me what is one lone zealot supposed to do against 10, yes I counted, 10 Leshak battleships?

P,s Speed 1.25 :ok_hand:

Why is the mysterious technology immediately available to CAPSULARS ?
Why is this technology initially is not interested in the four main faction ? As it was with the technology of the “Sleeper”:

As without the help of four main factions, the capsuleers were able to decipher the drawings of ships and guns ? Technology T3 provides us with four main fractions. Technology T3 is available to us through the study of four main factions.

Why are these ships immediately available as capsule technology ?

All ships, weapons, and modules available to Capsuliers is the Export option. Is a mere mortal so easy to give an unknown technology immortal? They are tired of living ?

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There will be database items dropped in the sites which I asume the empires will buy and we’ll see what else shows up.

Great, why do not they do their own development then, as it was with T3?
Where is the Federation’s prototype?

Where is the prototype of the Empire?

Where is the prototype of the Republic?

Where is the prototype of the State?

Why does T3 technology relate to Fraction, and Triglavian does not.

All T3 ships are Sleepers’ technology, but at the same time it was adapted to the faction fractions and modified for Capsules.


they need time for research.

Why only capsuleers go in trig ? Because you most likely die. Capsuleers don’t mind.

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Why must you want all this immersion but I got an answer

The sleepers were basicly dead there were no ships to salvage for our own use on the other hand the triglavians are alive and kicking they are producing ships for actual pilots not sleeping their existence awaY
So we get to steal the finished products from them

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True, but here the technology is available immediately, and without changes. How did it happen to copy the unknown ship? Why then did not copy the Drifters?

Capsule technology is not easy to implement in any ship. Read the scientific article Capsule and clone.

Read the devblogs I’m pretty sure it says somewhere their pilots are capsuleers too
Drifters are reanimated corpses tho

Sleepers are not dead! They are sleeping. But already awakened = Drifters.

I want as in the good old days DIVERSITY!
Different kind of ships for each Faction.
But most importantly, it’s not in any case not to give these ships capsules. As enemies YES! But not under the player’s control.

And by chance, their Capsule technology is similar to ours.
Wow, what an amazing coincidence.

Yes, even Zombies, I do not care who these Drifters are, for me they are a tool for rewriting history from 2015.
Then it turns out that the old awesome words of Marcus: The sleepers are awakened! (Empyrean age) Also changed on Zombies stand up? CCP when you have time?

Anyone have hands on the blueprints from sisi already?
Link some pls. I’d like to see what it takes to build these ships/modules.

Dont need to get a hold of the bpc to know this, the ships are in the sisi database and so you can view their info on sisi and look at the industry tab. It is quite easy to get on sisi these days, why not try it yourself. I am sure someone with the time can come and post some screenshots for you though.

Oh didn’t notice that this is so easy now. Thought that i need another copy of client like it was before.

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Wait, the Eidolon™ was watered down??

Can players fly the Eidolon or have access to it?

Not that I know of.