He didn’t say “Podding” he said “poding”
Given the context, he most likely meant to say “podding” not “poding”
Wrong, smart T5 runners will not risk a 6 bil investment in ship/pod when at T3 most Faction and T2 PvP fit ships can ruin your day.
Mine was a response to Shadowlance suggesting only similair tiers.
so then you will need that bling gila or sac.
That’s just how my phone spelled it. That said, I wasn’t aware there were two separate terms related to Eve with different meanings at work here, which is why I decided to leave it as is.
Again, does anyone have information about what happens in a stalemate situation? Does DPS ramp up and if so how? And how does this relate to the 30 minute timer?
So as i read we still have open questions for the “pvp-room”
Whom meet (allways MAX 2 ships) ?
Same level ships (they have completed the PvE rooms at same level) ?
Have they completed the PvE rooms in the SAME Weather ? (so you are just a litte prepared for you opponent resistance profile if/when you encounter him)
Both die after stalemate (no winner in the gladiator fight) ?
Is there an Exit-gate which can be taken “whom-take-it-first” if you dont want to fight (OR gate closed until 1/2 ships destoyed) ?
To answer your questions, always max two ships, not same level, could be from 3,4, or 5. Not same weather, could come from any weather system. No exit gate can be taken until after someone dies.
The only question left is the stalemate dynamics.
(from testing on sisi)
Interesting the proving conduits have disappeared from sisi since downtime, seems that perhaps they realised how broken the current dual system was…
sorry for the miss spell was very tired when I put fourth my idea.
I was only saying that being able to pod in this case should have a time delay to be fair other wise a player can and more then likely will find them self’s up against a tag team.
I know a lot of you will not like my request but a delay of 30 seconds is not much to ask for.
I did not say podding free just that a slight delay of 30 seconds before lock on can be had.
other wise there is a good chance of a player being tagged teamed.
When your ship is kill, your pod is gone anyway, as you won’t be able to take the exist gate. Only one can leave the Abyss alive.
@Bazti_Rieken do you have to pod the opponent to be able to leave, or is this optional?
Not sure to be honest @Tipa_Riot. But the devblog states “Loot and exit may only be accessed by one player.”
so I doubt the opponents pod could go anywhere even if you could leave without killing it…
Looks like the proving conduits have been removed since last night? Any feedback on this?
confused… sometimes missing from fierce?
I believe they were not supposed to be present 100%.
According to CCP on reddit, the PVP gates will disappear if there aren’t enough players concurrently running abyss sites. I guess it’s intended to stop crabs from sneaking into these sites during quiet hours. But it amounts to discrimination against AU timezone players.
that’s great information, thank you where should I be reading this sort of thing on reddit?
define “crabs” in your statement.