Devblog: CCPlease - When Memes Become Reality

Its already very long in development also, and its not how you can see the end. Cyberpunk is a lot simpler also,

There really is not a thing more complex than Star Citizen around when it comes to games being developed. Thats the way Roberts always have done things. With Wing Commander he pushed the boundariers, and he pushes them now too. Where it will end, he himself said it will not end, its a constant struggle and unending project.

At the current pace, by the time it’s released, the great-grandchildren of its original backers will have died of old age, but The Chris Roberts Foundation will be keeping his brain alive in a jar on the strength of ‘pay another $2000 and we’ll make more concept art!’

There isnt such thing as Star Citizen being released, its already available, and they adding stuff, thats how EVE was, when you could get expansions instead of some events people hate on now more then ever.

No, it’s currently in ‘alpha 3.0’. That’s not really ‘available’, that’s ‘well, this is all still in initial development, expect it to be full of bugs’.

I mean, defend it all you want. If you’re into Star Citizen, that’s your jam and you should enjoy it. But there’s people who paid thousands of dollars to be part of this at the announcement, and more than 5 years after it was supposed to be finished, all they really have for their thousands is a neat screensaver, a substandard PS2 clone, and a bad arena flight sim.

Alpha till the day we die. :sunglasses:

I dont think the name of it is actually so important. Whats important is if they fix the issues, and for now it looks like they are… wait for it… working on it hehe

The name of it is absolutely important. They’re supposed to be professionals, and ‘alpha’, ‘beta’, and ‘release’ have meanings that establish expectations of performance and solidity. By labeling everything ‘alpha’, CIG is basically telling everyone ‘yeah, we could scrap all this and start over whenever. None of your stuff is really permanent yet, and you shouldn’t count on anything being the way it is right now in six months. So don’t get used to it, and don’t get invested… except financially!’

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You have some twisted thoughts. :thinking:

The thing is Alpha was from beginning for years anyway, for lack of better word. EVE feels like having that alpha fel too sometimes, in events and elsewhere, while being “released” so I dont have issues with CIG calling it what it actually is.

That article was in my launcher, and I’ve never seen anyone write so much without actually saying anything. Quality of life this, quality of life that, but the article never once says what the crap they’re even talking about. What do they mean by quality of life? Are they gonna send me grocery money every month?

What memes are they even talking about?

I understood extremely little in the article but what little I COULD make out was something about dead players and launcher improvements.

QoL usually involve things like client and server tweaks to run better and the such.

You guys should add a “here is what we want to do next” and let the community vote on what should be prioritized. Bonus points if you create a section to allow people to submit ideas which can then be voted on by the community.


That’s nice

Thats even something what could replace the CSM that people voted on removing or changing last year.


as you already call it CCPlease, would there be any way to have like a “Direct Feedback” site? Like I really like the way you do it and make it transparent, however, there are some topics that probably need to be addressed and I’d really like to see another survey like last year where QOL and gameplay changes were asked about what is more important and so on (imo that would become a pretty interesting discussion though but yeah, personally I think there are things that need to be addressed including AFK Cloaky Camping, Capital Balance (though tbh I don’t have suggestions how to balance that) and some other stuff that would all be less important though than the first two in my opinion)

You mean like this?

As for ‘let the community vote for development priorities’… holy carp, no. Design by committee never works.

Yes, I have ‘twisted’ thoughts about adhering to terminology that’s been standardized across the industry for 40 years. Which… though I know it’s hard to believe, is still longer than the time SC’s been in development.

No, I was particularly amezed at this:

Its like CCP would do games. Like WoD. Or DUST 514 that has to became NOVA (or not).

Everything about that period was better including passive moon mining. As can easily be seen from online character graphs. If Alphas and alts were accounted for the actual number playing eve today is probably around that of 2006. Players voted with their wallets.


Seriously, no, everything was not better. Everything was lazier. Making money for sitting on your rear because you happen to own the right moons was ridiculous. Tech being a massive bottleneck that exacerbated that even further was just as ridiculous: if something’s that much of a limiter, someone would develop a way around the bottleneck (which players, unable to actually develop new technologies, obviously couldn’t do). You want to payoff, you go out and you put in the time and effort for it. That’s hardly a revolutionary concept, even in EVE.

Don’t forget, it was passive moon money and technetium cartel that led directly into the ‘Blue Donut’ era of 2013-2015. Stratification among the playerbase and ‘easy money’ on the part of the already-advantaged causes stagnation. Now we have to actually work for our ISK. Boo-hoo.

As for ‘players voted with their wallets’… have you noticed even Blizzard is doing layoffs? As the playerbase gets older, it has other demands on its time. That’s a huge part of why casual gaming holds up better than games that focus on the ‘make it take DAYS of solid play’ model, and why mobile gaming has taken off so much while the PC game market has not kept up the growth it had even 10 years ago.

You want to roll EVE back to 2012 to get those players back, roll everything else back to 2012, too, or it won’t accomplish anything.

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Because even CCP knows the Agency is dogshit compared to the Journal.


We do care about the 64-bit client more than you think, I guess. It’s 2019. New content is everywhere. As many have said before, we don’t need new content, (Not saying that new content is bad) we need to perfect the content that we already have. Do you really want to tell me that you’ve tried all of the activities you can do in EVE? This alt of yours is in game not even for one year. I’ll presume this is your only alt. You can by no chance try every activity in eve fully to see how it fares with that little time.

We do want bang bang boom boom. It’s isk sink. We need isk sinks. There needs to be a balance in the universe.

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Can has 64bit Linux native or Wine wrapper “not officially supported”, pls?