It doesn’t punish smarter players. All it does is create a level playing field. That’s not punishment.
Really? It basically removes one of aspects they could use to their benefit.
Does it really? I mean, in the long run, it’s not a big deal - which is part of the reason why it’s confusing to newbros. In the short term, I guess it could be a benefit, but it’s not penalizing somebody because they didn’t get to start the race in front of everybody else. Starting everybody in the same place makes sense.
Sorry, i didn’t get it. What you mean by “starting in the same place”? Everybody starts at the same place. Attribute system is one of elements of the race if you want.
Implants will still exist. the training implants are not the expensive ones, and it makes low grade sets far more likely to be used if all attributes are removed and no training implants exist. Because it means you aren’t hurting your training using low grades.
Training boosters also just aren’t needed. It adds a grind for every month you have to make to keep your sp going at full speed.
You mean it removes sitting waiting while you train one map before changing to the second map and finally being able to fly your ships. For a true new player even if smart you are punished. The people best able to take advantage of attributes and remaps are the veterans. Who are not the people who need rewarding with more sp.
I liked the idea of unlimited remaps, which would still provide the training implants and nice shiny kills. But instead of limiting the first 5 slots to implants allow them to be customizable to hardwiring or implants… and just the first 5 only being able to be unplugged without being destroyed.
I guess i never really got an explanation about using the LP as far as implants goes… I just buy em as i lose em.
This! I’m glad someone still does this. (I used to)
How about free remaps for the 1st yr for omega accts?
The biggest issue with Attributes is the stupid min maxing that everyone tries to do with them…
LEAVE the damn attributes alone and just change the neural remaps to unlimited and useable when ever you want for like 10k isk or something like that (a contract always costs 10k ISK to make)
Like sheesh, there you go a simple fix for the matter and low key ISK sink. damn you people like to argue over simple crap, JFC…phfft children.
15 years later, people want the same game they had in 2003… people are never happy.
i don’t think attributs are an issue for new bro but the time neccesary for skilling something it is, how can you encourage someone to play when they are useless until they wait 1 week ?
just add “daily quest” for “active” new player that give some SP, changing attribut will impact (probably in negative way) the others player, skill will be faster or slower ? and if skill is faster then you just give more reason to skill farm, if slower, no one love waiting 20d for a skill to finish…
the real problem with new bro it’s the ISK generation for new bro, with only 16m SP i make in one day much than they gain in a month (Fw farm 600m~ 3/h when at lv4 1m LP)
and a new bro (just talk with them) want to play with big ship, big ship they can’t afford and lose, when they pvp (i am in a french pvp “school” with some fresh new) they are only usefull in a T1 tackle a molus or a griffin, and they will stick with that for more than a month before being able to get in a Retribution/jackdaw/stiletto, T2 caracal/ferox…
the vast majority of player don’t love this type of gameplay they just want to do damage soo? they uninstall, a game where you’r still considered like a “newbie” after 6 active month? the ■■■■ CCP and you ask why this game don’t attract new player ? loollz
- can we have COSMOS missions included in agency similar to epic arcs?
- was there a discussion about abyss drop rebalance?
Like, you know Battleships? So next idea would be to remove skills to allow new players to instantly jump into big ships?
Yea, don’t forget that to fly something player needs to buy it first. So next step would be giving stuff for free! We don’t want players to just sit and wait for something do we?
lol ^^
Uh… You seem to be totally off the point here.
The thing is that new players especially need to train skills on multiple maps, so to actually use remaps they have to sit for a couple of months on a mem/int remap then change to the per/will remap and then actually have both supports, hull and guns trained finally. And that still doesn’t allow them to explore anything outside those maps efficiently. Which means the system is one that honestly benefits vets.
If attributes did not exist, they could jump between all of those training options just fine without penalty.
Battleships have nothing to do with that point at all. In any way shape or form.
Then what ships in particular you have in mind? Ships which need months of support skills?
Or are you talking about those who does not undock at all before having “all lvl5” for the ship and fit they want to use? In this case it has nothing with new players.
Start a new character, now imagine you want to explore industry, mining, and cruisers in the first couple of months. Now look at all the different maps you would need to be able to explore them if this was your only character and you wanted to be able to do stuff along the way rather than just shove stuff in your training queue and wait a few months.
Again this is nothing to do with ‘All V’s’ or anything like that. Stop being obtuse and actually have a think.
Funny thing is that you can explore all the things you have mentioned in the first weeks without any remaps. Lvl 1 of skill takes minutes to hours for basically every skill. And some skills are included in starting pack.
Some examples from my alt i used for SP extraction (basically never trained for anything outside of few long skills):
- Miner 1 takes Mining lvl1 - already given.
- mining ice needs Mining 4: 1d 4h needed.
- to build Vexor one needs Industry lvl1, already included. If i’m not mistakes most of T1 stuff can be build using this level of skill.
- Augoror takes 2 days 4 hours (no skills present)
- Focused Medium Beam Laser 1 takes 13 hours ( i have gunnery)
- tank/propulsion/support modules - i think will take a week in total
I’m not gonna iterate over all items in the game and dig for info.
So again: what exactly takes months of training for new player before even starting?
When you train one map before you train the other. In order to not get screwed by attributes. Seriously. Go back to my first post you replied with the garbage about Battleships to.
If you don’t train the supports the ship skills are pointless. If you don’t train the ship skills the supports are pointless. Attributes lock the new player into not making progress for months because of that. Because either they use up all their remaps in two weeks or they don’t train other skills.
Veterans on the other hand just let their alt train for a few months and don’t care.
I did that. Someone explained this to me in my starter corp and we came to the conclusion that the ship train would require more time because I wanted to shoot things primarily and not mine primarily. So the guy told me what to remap into, what to train first and which other skills from my exploratory secondary professions to mix in. I progressed really well with this approach and could do a lot of different things in a relatively short amount of time.
Same goes for a person who wants to primarily mine: You remap for that, train that and mix in other things to spice your “boring” mining day up every now an then.
I do not at all see the problem that you seem to see. Or other people who are only after instant gratification and do not know the virtues of patience any more. These people, however, can very well just leave EVE because no one needs these whiners. Pushing these whiners are reason to remove attributes or remaps is just childish and pandering to stupidity.
I would suggest that you take that to heart as well … and also shove this advice up someone’s throat who comes at you and cries about how s/he cannot progress fast enough.