Devblog: New Launcher Changes Coming!

For the tiny ammount of time you actually spent on the launcher, these changes seem to have created a bit of a fuss. :open_mouth:

CCP, I donā€™t care about the launcher, aslong as it does what I want it to do (let me login, save my credentials).

The Launcher did just that before so this change is completely pointless to me. Why (of all things) was this important to push? :frowning:


It does seem to be a bit pointless, I preferred the old Launcher and where has the UTC Clock goneā€¦

I prefer them to get the 64bit client workingā€¦

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A couple of points:

  • Why did you decide to spread out the accounts vertically so much more than before? the size of my launcher is now almost 1400 pixels. At least offer a ā€œcompact modeā€
  • Where are the different types of layouts that were available before? Maybe theyā€™re hiding somewhere but I canā€™t find them.
  • Changing the profile on the fly is now cumbersome since the new options take up all the launcher real estate and I have to click more times and move the mouse around to change the profile. Why?
    -What happened to the slider buttons where I could create a group on the fly and just say ā€œlaunch accountsā€? I have to create groups now for every different scenario and save it? Why?
    -If youā€™re going to make me create groups so I can launch accounts, at least then give me the option to select which profile i want associated with each account group. If I want to launch 3 accounts in high res but also 10 accounts in low-res, I should not have to go into every single one and change the profileā€¦
    -Finally, and this might be my OCD talking, but why doesnā€™t the launcher snap to any window/edge of the screen like other windows?

This is a form over function update, not happy.

Canā€™t it just update straight away, like a good girl? Thatā€™s the sole reason to have a separate launcher running over DT.

Well for this Linux user its not working. I was online late last night. This morning the launcher gives me an error. I wondered about this new launcher breaking also and posted this question in the in-game Linux channel a few days ago. I guess this can be expected since the game is not supported on any distro.

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The group function would be much more useful when you could also select pilots from the accounts added (and launch straight into the game).

Then you could have a cyno group that launches your cyno alt alongside your main capital pilot or a mining group that launches all mining alts.

Same here, launcher is now broken. Getting a ā€œKey not able to authenticateā€ error.

If only 1/4 of the launcher is dedicated toā€¦ you know, launching the game, it leaves you wonderā€¦

The code verifier, associated with your login, could not be found. Please try again later.

Using 2 computers, one of them has Manjaro, other has ā€¦ Manjaro, can run EVE on one computer and not on the other due to auth error.


And is there a dedicated thread for us poor Linux troopers? :slight_smile:

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This is like the first time in a year that Iā€™m logging into these forums.

Holy ā– ā– ā– ā–  what a hot pile of steaming garbage this new launcher is. What intern did you force to design this shitty UI???

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Why did you make it bigger? It takes up too much room on the screen.
Give us the option to remove all the crap and make it smaller.

Clock is back in beta (6.0.23)

The launcher can be resized, down to 900x580 (unchanged from previous versions) if you prefer it so.

The code verifier, associated with your login request, could not be found. Please try logging in again.

For win/mac:
If clicking add account and going through the login process a second time results in the same error, please try restarting your launcher and run through it once more. Also make sure youā€™re running the latest application (1456374 or greater).


If your launcher application is not prompting you with updates, or fails to update, you may get the latest version here: Download the free EVE Online client (launcher) for Windows or Mac

For linux usersā€¦
Since we donā€™t have official support for Linux, the launcher backend may not yet have been updated on release. Switching to beta, and receiving the launcher app update there, should solve the issue for the time being.

Wow, so much wasted screen space and youā€™ve made it so the accounts are even more spread out so they canā€™t be all on screen at once. But please, tell me more about skin and plex sales.

There was a normal game launcher. But you, as always, are all too ****. It would be better lags fixed!!

The devs have been pretty responsive to feedback as you can see reading this thread. It might be helpful if you could give specific examples of what you donā€™t like and suggestions on how to improve it.


Remove ads!

Oh wow. The stupid ad scroll right next to the accounts section. Would be a shame if someone misclicked on one of these ads, right?

This is devious. Utterly devious. And bovine waste.

Look at how little space actual user and using stuff takes. Not even 25% for the accounts. And logged in characters (You still have not fixed that typo, it still says players, which is a lie) squished out of sight into the a far away corner. So not user stuff is not even in one place/one section any longer. Who teaches this kind of bovine waste UI design? That school and teacher should be sued into jail.

And just look at this terrible In Session UI, just a gray Stop button. At least the old launcher told you with a faint green line that you were running EVE, the first iteration of the launcher even with a bright green background on the account. CCP sure knows how to go back 10 steps when they do 1 forward. :facepalm:

And another thing: Now I need to do 2 clicks instead of one to remember my accounts. (No, I do not want to turn on Remember Always in the settings). That was better in the previous launcher as well. What are you even doing?

And yet another thing. Not only can I not make the launcher small enough to hide the ad section. If I made it small enough that only the ad scroll and 1 news ad are visible, I potentially even miss news as CCP has a bad habit to post several news on one day. That was better in the old launcher as well.

The only redeeming feature so far: That stupid friendship is best ship crap is gone. Finally.

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can login my main, but canā€™t login my alt. What do? (when entering login with password and hiting enter - nothing happening, when main account login like normal.)

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It would be really cool if the launch group would be able to automatically login the individual character on each account assigned to a specific group.
Eve is still the only app I launch that does not re-open the client on the monitor I closed it on, would be nice if there was a way to set that.

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