Devblog: Preparing For The Future – Retirement Of Captain’s Quarters & Twitch Integration

Here’s a forum post about ‘The Door’ in the Captains Quarters.

It’s a good read.



EVE Online: “The Door Is Real”

Another good one posted on Jul 8, 2011



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And of course can’t forget this one




Another CCP lack of vision thing, they are getting rid of unnecessary asymetrical ships and POS, the want to reduce the diversity of in game play. What other unwanted benefits are we going to necessary when we only have Citadels?


This is the single most beautiful thing about the Captains Closet that I have ever seen.


What growth are you referring to? Surely not the PCU, because after Incarna that plateaued, then declined, as you can see in post #63 of this thread.


I’m so sad


I agree, if they really worked on the in station side which by damn I was happy to hear about then there would be more than 3% usage, lame metric given it was a broom closet, even IRL I barely use my broom closet. If I had one!

Dreams ruined! Plus I wanted that game in the other shot so bad.


One thing the “incarna almost killed EVE” crowd always overlook is the fact that CCP wasted years of development and money in world of darkness and the unfortunately now ended dust514.

If CCP put all that money and time into EVE imagine what the game could have been.

A far more interesting and complete sci fi sim than Star Citizen could ever be I’d wager.


That’s some exceedingly wishful thinking.

When it comes to the future of EVE nowadays. Anything other than the status quo is wishful thinking.


What about spacebarbies with sun glasses? Whoops guess we don’t count what you like, my bad.

Good job on changing CCP’s course, now we are paying extra for all kinds of things we use to get with the basic subscription.

You can now buy a ship barbie skin, buy citadels that are more costly to operate and much weaker on defense then the POS they replace.

You can even pay to give the fleet boosts that use to be part of recruiting players to your corp/alliance for free. Yeah you did a real bang up job of organizing CCP to change for the benefit of players. You should be proud.


On this point your protest (which as demonstrated above was not for the reasons you falsely claim) failed miserably.

The majority of EVE players have always chosen to play in high sec, and they still do, and CCP is till trying anything they can come up with to force them into low and null sec. You like so many tag alongs think an organized minority is somehow more important than the majority. It is simply a case of empty barrels making the most noise.

So explain how CCP is changed into working for the EVE players when they still do not develop for the majority of EVE players and what that indisputable fact does to your claim of victory. CCP got so desperate to “grab people” we now have play for free, again I must say you really did a hell of a job.


We organized because CCP basically put EVE into maintenance mode for 1 months in order to make space Barbie BS that was also just an alpha test for a vampire game.

This is the difference between FiS players and WiS player, 18 months is all it took to get us off the sidelines. CCP hasn’t made a move on WiS in almost 4to 5 times as long and the worst you people can muster is snakry responses to this thread and a few 7 year old embedded videos.

It’s honestly crazy to me to encounter grown adult human beings that would rather cry than fight. I know people like this in real life ,one co-worker comes to mind, he can spend the time making a ‘spicy meme’ against things he doesn’t like, and he can tear your ear off about the injustice of it all, and in the SAME BREATH tell you about how he thinks voting is useless and how he’s not a part of any kind of group that advocates for changes and/or talks to real people…

Why be an impotent complainer? Why not save those pennies, get a ticket to fanfest or EVE Vegas or something and get a nice “EVE NEEDS AVATARS” t-shirt thing going with other players, that likeminded CCP employees can point to when their company solicits ideas for the future?

When all is said and done, I’m happy at CCP’s abandonment of this crap, but I remain perplexed at WiS types. The only half assed attempt at organizing came in the forum of a post by DeMichael Crimson on the old forum point people in the direction of this thread, and as you can see the response has been…underwhelming. It’s not at all unlike the null sec vs high sec arguments seen on the forums over the years. High sec players LOVE to tell us about how they are some kind of majority. But we in null get all the love, BECAUSE WE ORGANIZE and COPERATE and tell CCP what we want while high sec is the land of uncooperative loners.

Look to your own behavior first, fix that, and get what you want. People like me will still oppose you because we want what we want just like you, but at least you’ll be able to say you are trying.

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See, I just posted about this above, and before I could finish typing this guy reinforces my point.

I said “real eve players”, this has nothing to do with population numbers. Real eve players ask for what they want and if they don’t get it they quit and do something else for a while, letting CCP SEE THEM not paying or participating, the…whatever you call high sec and wis types… write strongly worded hate latters on forums while continuing to feed CCP’s coffers with cash.

A lot of things organized null sec people asked for turned out to be wrong (like ‘farms and fields’) but at least they asked for them. What, exactly, are you doing to see what you want to see in game? Does it not occur to you that the energy needed to type your BS response to me could have been better used in either organizing like minded players (of which both WiS and high sec types claim is ‘a lot of people’) or somehow talking directly to CCP (typing on a forum is the worst way to talk to CCP btw)?

Stop being your own worst enemy.

When you say “We organized” do you really mean you joined the herd and tagged along? I do not remember hearing your name or getting an invitation to join your crusade from YOU at all.

Surely you were not a member of the leadership. Why do you feel the need to claim the laurels?

You look nice in your barbie BS sun glasses, is that what you fought for?

You can keep saying the royal “we” if it makes you feel powerful because the rest of us know YOU didn’t have an individual impact at all.

Just another deluded herd member who can not stand on their own feet.

Do you ever undock alone? Do you ever traverse great distances of low sec or null sec in a cloaky hauler, interceptor, or shuttle alone?

I do and I bet you never go anyplace without the safety of the herd.

EVE is a game where individuals can make a difference, unless they are just part of a herd mob.


Well this thread was a bummer to read. It’s a feature I didn’t know was there, though it appears I didn’t miss anything.

Part of the draw for a persistent multiplayer game, especially one with a well-developed backstory, is the idea that your character is a participant in their world. It looks like this move is going to diminish that sense of character. Now it’s going to be very minor extension of the player’s ego. A small portrait next to a name on a forum.

They are right that online wargames are successful, but they can be played with less time and money invested than this one. If your richly-appointed world is going to decline in importance, what will differentiate your game from more accessible alternatives?


Eve is already this though.

Quite frankly: nothing. Just as now we see that being “pure spaceships” doesn’t help with the concurrent user numbers.


Yep double Bingo.

Why even have clothes if you have nowhere show them off and not a place to interact.

What a waste of a really cool idea and a epic failure.

I don’t care your middle where is out of date - if people used it you would migrate.
